TMZ: Ezekiel Elliott Allegedly Punched Man In Nose At Bar - Not Arrested

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He loves the trashy high-drama stripper types.
I feel like that ship has sailed. Ive gotten the impression the NFL is determined to punish Zeke. With his latest transgression I would be very suprised if he doesn't miss a game or 2. Its not about what I feel he deserves. Its an all out witch hunt and he keeps giving them ammunition.
If he hit someone that's not a witch hunt, that's a deserved suspension, sorry.
What if the guy grabbed his girl's booty???
So what? You let the girl slap him and/or grab her "gently" by the arm and walk away. This isn't high school, he can't go laying people out because they touched his gf or lady friend.

It sucks but that's the way it is. He may be lucky to not get assault charges if he indeed layed this dude out even if he grabbed his friends booty. If that's what happens I would have Hardy on speed dial and my check book open.
What if the guy grabbed his girl's booty???

Its not about what is fair. I think the only thing that will clear him here is self defense but even then he was already under a microscope. I cant see this ending well.
Please guys, hands on a girl doesn't give someone the right to hit another person unless there are potential injuries, especially in a bar with security. I know from personal experience but I didn't get off with the law.

If that is true, he still should have never done it. You grab the girl, walk away and go to security. Plain and simple. If that is the case and the NFL still punishes him it's completely justifiable. Go on and hate but he can't take matters like that into his own hands.

Considering the simple fact he is a hairy chested warrior and applied the proper and timely action required under the given circumstance,(boom-boom,
Out go the lights)
That's an inherent quality I personally admire and see it being exemplified on the playing field,he immediately rolled with his decision,,, instinctually.
(Dude is a baller, NO DOUBT)
Stuff like this makes my blood boil. Makes it even worse that this damage is self-induced.
Everyone needs to stop freaking out over the Giants. Last year was close and coukd have gone either way with Zeke not even dominating like he did against other teams. We've beat them in the past without Zeke and we're perfectly capable of beating them again without Zeke. Their O line and running still sucks and they've done nothing to improve it. Even with the defensive suspensions we shluld be better than last year.
Or to sum it up from the NFL's perspective, your All Pro running back single handedly justified our year long investigation by physically assaulting someone last night.

But yeah, nothing to see here
In a normal person's world, no. it wouldn't be. But it makes sense that the NFL will see this as an opportunity, even if in the end, it turns out to be nothing.
Starting to look like a ray of hope that he didn't do it and the initial reports are bogus. I am concerned that his agent or lawyer hasn't come out and flatly denied he was involved. Who knows what to believe at this point?
Starting to look like a ray of hope that he didn't do it and the initial reports are bogus. I am concerned that his agent or lawyer hasn't come out and flatly denied he was involved. Who knows what to believe at this point?

Probably having a pow wow with everyone he was around last night and making sure that everyone is going to say the same thing.
Wow bringing up Prescott in this thread? That man has been nothing short of a priest since coming into the nfl. Turning down the Kanye concert to watch game tape and study? Lol. Y'all need to relax. Regarding Zeke. @aria Did you really just sit there and try and convince this board that you would walk away if some loser was grabbing all over your woman at a club? What kind of man are You? Lol sorry but in my experience it's always the people with the holier than now attitude who are the first to react poorly. Hence why you project your thoughts on this matter with Zeke
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Just a few words I've heard about Zeke through 2co-workers. They both drive charter buses and have drove the Cowboys players multiple times. Zeke was said to be extremely cocky, rude and pretty disruptive on the buses. Dak on the other hand was said to have shook the drivers hands when getting on and off the bus and was very respectful. One also said Dak was in line at a restaurant and let him get in front of him because he was the driver. Basically Dak was a cool guy and Zeke was a dick was the short version. This was before today's news as well.
Based on what we have seen over the past 15 months or so, this seems to be quite plausible. It builds on the narratives created since they were drafted.
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