TMZ: Ezekiel Elliott Allegedly Punched Man In Nose At Bar - Not Arrested

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Wow bringing up Prescott in this thread? That man has been nothing short of a priest since coming into the nfl. Turning down the Kanye concert to watch game tape and study? Lol. Y'all need to relax. Regarding Zeke. @aria Did you really just sit there and try and convince this board that you would walk away if some loser was grabbing all over your woman at a club? What kind of man are You? Lol sorry but in my experience it's always the people with the holier than now attitude who are the first to react poorly. Hence why you project your thoughts on this matter with Zeke
What kind of man am I? That's the type of question that would have two different results based on 20 years ago and today if you said that to my face.

1) My wife can handle herself and would have a good chance at knocking out some dudes on her own

2) Some guy wouldn't have time to be "grabbing all over my woman" because after the first contact I would grab her and walk away

3) Yes, I would have to walk away or there is a high probability the man would be seriously injured (I'm not exactly small and I have a temper) and I would lose my job. Just because I have a temper doesn't make me stupid all of the time.

Hmmmm...knock a guy out, potentially hospitaliize someone, lose my job and go to jail and face law suits for touching my woman or walking away, keeping my job and sleep in my own bed at night.

I could insult you in the form of a question as you did me but again, using self restraint is the better option here.

Edit: If my job wasn't effected by my conduct or criminal record I would do my best to make sure that dude didn't walk again but like Zeke my cobduct outside of work is still taken seriously by my employer so I have to be more civil, something he has yet to learn
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It's hard for me to sympathize with Zeke. I've never understood the draw people have with going to nightclubs or bars. On the other hand, if someone told me to stop fishing or going for a run, I'd have a tough time with it.
Oh please. For starters, Zeke was the passenger in a car that was rear-ended by another vehicle ... 'causing the Cowboys star to hit his head

The 1st car accident was a fender bender, where no party was to blame as per police.

As far as texting a GF, who cares what and who he texts. It's not like he FLUNKED a drug test. As far as pulling a girls shirt down, I don't agree with it. But it's not like he shot himself in the leg at a night club and spent a year in jail.

As far as your "walked into a marijuana shop". For the record sources said they did NOT see Elliott make any sort of a purchase and it's VERY common for tourists to just browse the weed shops while visiting town which Zeke was doing in Seattle before the game.

It’s hard to give Elliott a complete pass on his shenanigans, but if you look at the big picture, he's a 21yr old kid who hasn't matured as of yet. I wish some fans as yourself would stop throwing the man under the bus. The ONLY thing that you had listed that Zeke may pay a penalty for is his Domestic Violence charge. Everything else is just something you wish he really did and was accused of so you can make up a post like this to get attention from fans who have no knowledge and believe the nonsense you type. "Bad mistake with the No. 4 pick, really"? Stop the hate. If I didn't know any better, I thought an Egals fan posted this.:facepalm:
Well, he's gonna get suspended, which really hurts the season's hopes.

I guess your OK with that. I'm not.
Zeke needs to stay in the house seriously because he's a magnet for trouble!

Yeah, that's what Jim Rhome said today. I don't listen to JR, just heard him on a station break give his opinion. Here's the thing...lots of us hit the bars and clubs in our 20's and a few of us got in a scrape or two but in the end, we don't have millions to lose. This guy could have his own parties at HOME with security. Women everywhere, toys, etc....he simply isn't very bright guys. I said when we drafted him not to get too attached. He'll be here for his rookie deal and probably no more if this keeps up. He's bad news and doesn't want to throttle back for anyone. Doubt it ends well, but as a 35 year fan of this team I'd love to be wrong.
Too much partying and alcohol ages people fast. Really fast. Zeke seems determined to be done by 27.
Well, he's gonna get suspended, which really hurts the season's hopes.

I guess your OK with that. I'm not.
I really don't think he will Erod. They don't have anything on Zeke. If they did, this long awaited saga would be over with. We'll be just fine. The media is always all over Dallas Cowboys players, just the way it is. It's all about the money.
Well, he's gonna get suspended, which really hurts the season's hopes.

I guess your OK with that. I'm not.
I like how he uses "man" and "kid" in the same paragraph when referencing Zeke. That's half the problem with the people who don't see anything wrong with his behavior, they chalk it up to him being a kid but he's not, he's a man playing for one of the most high profile teams in the world and he needs to start acting like it.
I really don't think he will Erod. They don't have anything on Zeke. If they did, this long awaited saga would be over with. We'll be just fine. The media is always all over Dallas Cowboys players, just the way it is. It's all about the money.

I'd say 2 games are definite, then they'll investigate this incident from last night for maybe a longer suspension later.

I have a HUGE problem with the fact that he's out at a club the Sunday night before he heads to New York to discuss the other investigations, not to mention training camp, which starts this week.
So what? You let the girl slap him and/or grab her "gently" by the arm and walk away. This isn't high school, he can't go laying people out because they touched his gf or lady friend.

It sucks but that's the way it is. He may be lucky to not get assault charges if he indeed layed this dude out even if he grabbed his friends booty. If that's what happens I would have Hardy on speed dial and my check book open.
just what I expected
There is no way someone in the 20's can drink every night. Except for, you know, me and every single person I served in the Army with.

You can do it. You'll just look and feel 10 years older by the time you're 30.
I'd say 2 games are definite, then they'll investigate this incident from last night for maybe a longer suspension later.

I have a HUGE problem with the fact that he's out at a club the Sunday night before he heads to New York to discuss the other investigations, not to mention training camp, which starts this week.
How dare he go out the night before he gets on a plane.........the HORROR
I'd say 2 games are definite, then they'll investigate this incident from last night for maybe a longer suspension later.

I have a HUGE problem with the fact that he's out at a club the Sunday night before he heads to New York to discuss the other investigations, not to mention training camp, which starts this week.

There is zero issue with him doing whatever he wants with his offseason time provided its within legal bounds and does not violate team or league rules. You can't expect a guy to just sit at home 24 hours a day.

Where he went wrong is not inviting Deebo to come hang out.
just what I expected
Feelings mutual pal. He could probably shoot someone in broad daylight in front of thousands of people and some of you would still come up with excuses.

A lot of us were criticized for expressing concern about a developing pattern of behavior for fear that something like this would happen. We were told its nothing to worry about, blah blah blah and now after another "incident" there's still nothing to be worried about. I'm sure Jerry feels the same way, maybe you can email him with your snide remarks as well and try to convince all is well, Zeke's just a kid.
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I have always had a problem with anyone over 21 being called a kid. If he still acts like one that is on him and no one should be defending it.
If he is not smart enough to realize just how privileged he is at this time in his life then he never will be.
Crap. I've so had it with stupid off the field stuff. ......... It's a good point though that we should reserve judgment till it's verified.
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