TMZ: Ezekiel Elliott Allegedly Punched Man In Nose At Bar - Not Arrested

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Did I ever say we would cut him or did I say it wouldn't surprise me that if he WASN'T as good as he is then he could be cut?

Did I ever say he would be cut if he didn't make appearances or did I say he has contractual obligations that could effect his pay?

Team practices do count and players can and do get fined for missing the mandatory practices so it really does matter regardless of what you think.

It's not "people" that care about bar fights, it's his employer, the NFL.
Did I say you said he would be cut? For the rest of your first sentence no expletive buddy so whats your point? Again did I say you said he would be cut? Stop asking questions that I didn't even say myself. I told you to get real using them silly things in regards to current Zeke. Who said they didn't count? I said they count as on field so don't try to break them up as some different stuff from on field gameday. That's what I said. His employer doesn't care they're using that to fleece some people to go along with their thinking or else they'd suspend everybody for swinging on players during the games.
Everybody just angers people when their heros act like idiots. I don't know if he is quilty of anything.

Exactly. When players do dumb things off the field and it can affect the team........... yeah, people are going to not be happy.
I am going to need more than the word of an ex-girlfriend to believe anything about Dak.

You should see what some of my ex's have said about me on social media. I am sure we all have stories, point being is these are hardly unbiased opinions.

Dak can be "fake humble" all he wants. If he keeps playing like he did last year I don't care what his true personality is.
Well one thing is for sure, he doesn't need to go to that club anymore.

Any bouncer worth his salt will tell you, we keep it quiet. Noone needs to know who we threw in the dumpster.
Everybody just angers people when their heros act like idiots. I don't know if he is quilty of anything.
Nah some love wagging their fingers. Grown men shouldn't have players as their "heroes" That is some sad stuff right there. My heroes are my parents but guess everybody isn't as blessed
Dak can be "fake humble" all he wants. If he keeps playing like he did last year I don't care what his true personality is.

A player fakes it all the time, trust me I know.

I've always said, care about what they do on the field, not off it. Cause really you just don't know the guy as a person and you never will.
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