News: TMZ reporting Antonio Brown Accused of Rape by Former trainer


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I don't believe this for one second....she waits years to come out, even after he "assaulted" her she still came into his home alone with him only, he supposedly "jerked off on her back" and still even after this she goes and "works" for him? Yeah right....what person in their right mind would be sexually assaulted multiple times and still show up to work? Nah...don't believe it, at all. Total money grab.

AB might be a total POS but I can't stand this kind of crap.


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you can easily find better copies of the text messages that say Brown's name (they are not emails). I have one on my phone but can't seem to upload it for you so you're on your own
I just changed my moms name to Antonio Brown in my phone, now I have texts from Antonio Brown. I'm suing him for telling me to clean my room from 18 years ago. I gots da proof


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I just changed my moms name to Antonio Brown in my phone, now I have texts from Antonio Brown. I'm suing him for telling me to clean my room from 18 years ago. I gots da proof

Ok dude, this will easily be verified by experts. Will you change your mind then or you playing this shaming the victim game all the way to the bitter end? She also passed a lie detector

And PUSHfold, for some reason victims who know (or love) their abuser often return for more abuse so that is not surprising one bit.


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no stop = go
don't stop = go
If you don't pause long enough between those two words, that is what can be heard. It's all in the delivery. You don't hear it because you don't want to hear it. It hurts your argument which you don't have, btw. We don't know how she said what she says she said or if she really said it at all. It's all hearsay and it will never convict AB in a court of law.

I don't have an opinion of whether she is lying or not or whether he raped her or not. I don't know and haven't offered an opinion on the matter, so I don't know what argument of mine that is hurt.

I did offer an opinion of the phrasing that you were throwing about. The words "no stop" and "don't stop" are not the same and don't mean the same thing no matter the delivery. I don't know what she actually said or what she meant, but I'm not talking about her specific case. I'm just responding to your assertion that the two phrases are the same thing. They are not in my opinion.


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Ok dude, this will easily be verified by experts. Will you change your mind then or you playing this shaming the victim game all the way to the bitter end? She also passed a lie detector

And PUSHfold, for some reason victims who know (or love) their abuser often return for more abuse so that is not surprising one bit.
Who administered the lie detector? I’ll wait until facts are actually facts but this story stinks.


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You know people like you are the reason why I meetoo movement got started. You're too stuck on yourself and too ign to even TRY to understand why a woman doesn't want to speak up about sexual abuse.
No I understand why they don’t but I don’t understand why you continually go back willingly and alone to let it happen multiple times. I don’t understand not going to police and going straight for money.


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One thing is for certain (at least to my eyes and ears,) that over
the last few months Antonio Brown has been the epitome of "Conduct Detrimental" to the NFL. :angry:


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No I understand why they don’t but I don’t understand why you continually go back willingly and alone to let it happen multiple times. I don’t understand not going to police and going straight for money.
That means you don’t understand or are incapable.


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I don't have an opinion of whether she is lying or not or whether he raped her or not. I don't know and haven't offered an opinion on the matter, so I don't know what argument of mine that is hurt.

I did offer an opinion of the phrasing that you were throwing about. The words "no stop" and "don't stop" are not the same and don't mean the same thing no matter the delivery. I don't know what she actually said or what she meant, but I'm not talking about her specific case. I'm just responding to your assertion that the two phrases are the same thing. They are not in my opinion.
:huh:Did you not just read what I wrote? I said you don't have an argument but you want to fight me about whether you do or not despite saying yourself you don't have an opinion.

The opinion you did offer is just that so we can agree to disagree on that.


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:huh:Did you not just read what I wrote? I said you don't have an argument but you want to fight me about whether you do or not despite saying yourself you don't have an opinion.

The opinion you did offer is just that so we can agree to disagree on that.

Obviously I read what you posted. Stating I don't have an argument meant nothing to me. You are wrong. "Don't stop" and "No stop" do not mean the same thing.


Outta bounds
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His accuser



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Obviously I read what you posted. Stating I don't have an argument meant nothing to me. You are wrong. "Don't stop" and "No stop" do not mean the same thing.
So when you don't present an opinion and you admit as much, then I say you don't have an argument, that meant nothing to you? Okay, let's see, how does this feel to you? You saying "Don't stop" and "No stop" do not mean the same thing, meant nothing to me. Is that really a valid rebuttal? If I say it, it does not work and it doesn't work when you say it either.


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You can spoof a text/phone call from the internet. But the telecom company can verify if those texts really came from AB. I'd hope the news outlets already did that before running these stories.
They didn't have to. The complaint was included in a federal lawsuit. Once it's in a lawsuit that is filed, it's a part of the public domain. So anything in the lawsuit is fair game for reporting.
Furthermore, I doubt a private telecom company is going to hand over information to a newspaper or television news station. There would be no way to verify that, and any employee who leaked that to the press would be fired immediately and, likely, brought up on charges.