TNA Wrestling moves to Monday Night starting March 8th.

big dog cowboy;3283131 said:
Hogan's act hasn't changed in years. He has zero athleticism which makes it worse. It's almost painful to watch him "perform" or whever you call that. But he can still talk a great game for what thats worth.
I actually met his ex-wife when they owned a house here in Tucson. I did some work on their pool. I had no idea who she was until my boss told me later. I am glad he didn't come out if he was even at home. I might have told him what I think of him and got my face pushed in.

There's a picture of me on the forum with Macho Man Randy Savage. I met Randy at KLPX 96.1 when he was actually promoting a rap album he did. I had done a voice impersonation of him for the radio station and they wanted him to hear it. In that interview he talked about his very real hatred of Hogan. One of the songs on the album was supposedly about him.
Yeagermeister;3283140 said:
Did he ever have any? His most athletic move was an elbow drop...WOW :laugh1:
I got so tired of the Hulk up while someone was pounding on him and amazed that it had no effect, then the finger wave, followed by a block, a landed punch by him and then the leg drop for the 3 count.

Every stinking match.
Hostile;3283147 said:
I got so tired of the Hulk up while someone was pounding on him and amazed that it had no effect, then the finger wave, followed by a block, a landed punch by him and then the leg drop for the 3 count.

Every stinking match.

that pretty sums up every match
Hogan's not working matches in TNA (so far). I'm actually digging him as the authority figure, which is what he's best suited for at 57 anyway.
Hostile;3283147 said:
I got so tired of the Hulk up while someone was pounding on him and amazed that it had no effect, then the finger wave, followed by a block, a landed punch by him and then the leg drop for the 3 count.

Every stinking match.
I get the same feeling watching a John Cena match, although he jobs every now and then.
windward;3284237 said:
Hogan's not working matches in TNA (so far). I'm actually digging him as the authority figure, which is what he's best suited for at 57 anyway.

i agree and i usualy hate hogan. i'm just a little worried how long his ego will allow him to stay out the ring
daschoo;3284301 said:
i agree and i usualy hate hogan. i'm just a little worried how long his ego will allow him to stay out the ring

Both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair return to the ring on March 8th.
speaking of Flair it sounds like his wife whooped him

Ric Flair's fourth wife, Jacqueline Beems, 41, was arrested last night and charged with misdemeanor assault in what was described as "an apparent domestic assault." by Charlotte police.

Police were called to the Flair household about 11 PM last night. Further information was not available at this time. Flair, who is scheduled to return to the ring in the United States at the 3/8 Impact in Orlando, married Beems in November 2009.

He's had a rough few years since officially retiring in 2008, including an incident that left him with a black eye where his daughter was arrested for interfering with the police investigation, his son Reid's arrest for heroin possession and subsequent attempts to get clean, a lawsuit filed against him by Ring of Honor demanding the return of $41,000 in advance payments when Flair didn't fulfill his contractual obligations for the company and issues with regarding a loan that Highspots claims hasn't been repaid. attempted to sell Flair's NWA championship belt to make up the difference, only to learn Flair already had a lien against him on property, including the belt, from another company that had purchased Flair's former gyms. picked up the story of Ric Flair's fourth wife Jacqueline Beems being arrested last night, surmising the victim in the domestic assault was indeed Ric Flair, who declined medical assistance.
Romo 2 Austin;3284539 said:
Both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair return to the ring on March 8th.
Their best match was in 1994, which says a lot imo.
daschoo;3284301 said:
i agree and i usualy hate hogan. i'm just a little worried how long his ego will allow him to stay out the ring
as long as he's going over the likes of Flair, Hall etc and not Styles, Angle, Wolfe, Pope I'd be ok with it.
I hope they do a shock moment, Rob Van Dam returning and facing Flair and have Hulk Hogan fight a bigger name like Kurt Angle or Sting.

Styles vs The Pope for the title to main event it

Honestly that would be their best bet to pull atleast a 1.45

Flair vs RVD
Sting vs Hogan
Styles vs The Pope for the TNA Title with a DQ ending (this is to end the show and to setup a PPV rematch)
and have the undercard stuff aswell to beefup the show.
Romo 2 Austin;3281636 said:
AJ may not be the most charismatic, but that works for him what he says is useful information to the point and his facial expressions are ace.

I couldn't disagree more. Most of his facial expressions make him look incredibly stupid.

He's a great wrestler though. I think what he does in the ring is very well done and he's great at that. But they need to give him a mouth piece and not allow him to talk to much. He's just terribly boring when he opens his mouth.

And drop the Flair Wanna-be act right now AJ. Please. You suck at it.

silverbear;3283005 said:
I'm betting that 90 per cent of those regulars use Clearasil... LOL...

I go back a long, long way with 'rassling, back to the Funks and the Von Erichs... back to the Sportatorium in Dallas... back to real blood, and lots of it...

And I'll tell you what, I care less than nothing about "technical wrestling" ability... I like the guys who put on a good SHOW... give me a Rowdy Roddy Piper interview over any of the baby-faced wannabes on TNA... give me the Undertaker telling Kurt Angle "I'm gonna come down there and kick your teeth so far down your throat you'll be able to chew your own *** out for pissin' me off"... give me Rick Steiner's little poem:

You want some??
Come get some
You don't like me??

Give me a Road Warriors "ooooh, what a rush"...

THAT'S entertainment... screw suplexes, gimme a good ol' scripted fight...

Maybe if you'd been around wrestling longer than ten years, you'd understand...

Ahhh the good old days of wrestling. I often feel very sorry for these younger kids who never got to see the great talking and work in the NWA with guys like Flair, Dusty, Funk, Race, Magnum, and so on and so forth.

And I genuinely, as most every other wrestling fan did as well, enjoyed the Monday Night Wars and Attitude Eras that brought us guys like HBK, HHH, Rock, Austin, Foley, etc who were just amazing on the stick.

I catch things here and there now, on both shows, but there isn't anything left that keeps me coming back every week for entire shows anymore.

Though if HHH is about to do the heel turn, and feud with HBK, that I think he is I'll likely tune in every week for that cause those two working against one another like that is gold.

Hostile;3283107 said:
TNA bringing in Hogan assures me of not watching it very much, if at all. I have never cared for him at all. I think he is the most boring wrestler of all time. Every match a carbon copy of each other.

Many folks have said, and complained, about the exact same thing when talking about Ric Flair or Bret Hart and now with John Cena.

Heck even one of the biggest, and I would argue you could still say the biggest, superstars of all time in Stone Cold had a pretty basic, simplistic, type of match style. I mean the guy could wrestle, which I don't think a lot of people realise cause they only know him as Stone Cold and missed his WCW and ECW work where he showed he could actually wrestle very well.

But he was the most popular wrestler in the world while doing nothing more than punching, kicking, Lou Thez Pressing, and giving the Stunner to the world. He litterally had like 4-6 moves a match, tops, during his big run.

Of course all these guys are proof, as are guys like Dusty Rhodes, The Rock, Raven, etc in that the wrestling isn't important in reality to making money or a wrestler getting over and being a huge draw.

The game of professional wrestling, since at least the 80's, is, was, and will continue to be about who is the most entertaining people on the mic.

Now when you can get lucky and hit the jackpot with guys like Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, HBK, HHH who can not only talk great but can, and do, have amazing matches with people then you've got icing on the cake with the matches then.

When I was growing up, and up until the last couple of years, I always had Hogan as my all time favorite. I did so cause he was my favorite when I was a kid and didnt know it was fake and then when I got older and knew it was fake he had that awesome heel run in WCW. He was my favorite for those reasons though over the years he was replaced by others as my favorites at the time.

I'm a big mark for Austin, the Rock, Foley, HHH, Flair, Rhodes, etc. But through and through Hogan remained my all time favorite for whatever reason.

In the last couple of years that changed. My all-time favorite now, and the guy I think is simply the best ever, is HBK.

I've always liked the guy cause he was awesome on the mic and he had good to great matches with people but he's consistently proven, even up to now, that he can have great matches with absolutely everyone.

He even had an hour long Monday Night RAW match with John Cena that was just absolutely the best match John Cena has had, or ever will have, with his current gimmick. Just amazing work.

But what put him over the top for me as the best I'd ever seen was last year at WrestleMania.

I was there live in Houston that night and the show he and the Undertaker put on was nothing short of classic.

Sorry I got off on such a long tangent there from your original point but these things just kept popping into my mind as I was responding.

Hostile;3283139 said:
That right there is all I needed to tell me this is a little fish in a big pond trying to be important.

That's all they've been for years now. Every year we'll hear from TNA fans how now they're about to boom. Now they're about to compete. And every year it's the same old same old.

They don't have what it takes to go head to head with RAW and have any hope of competing.

Yeagermeister;3283140 said:
Did he ever have any? His most athletic move was an elbow drop...WOW :laugh1:

Nope. But like I said in that long piece up there the wrestling was never really the draw in pro wrestling anyway.

The wrestling isn't honestly what sells the tickets and I would think, by now, that wrestling fans realise that.

Hostile;3283144 said:
I actually met his ex-wife when they owned a house here in Tucson. I did some work on their pool. I had no idea who she was until my boss told me later. I am glad he didn't come out if he was even at home. I might have told him what I think of him and got my face pushed in.

There's a picture of me on the forum with Macho Man Randy Savage. I met Randy at KLPX 96.1 when he was actually promoting a rap album he did. I had done a voice impersonation of him for the radio station and they wanted him to hear it. In that interview he talked about his very real hatred of Hogan. One of the songs on the album was supposedly about him.

Yeah he hates him for supposedly ruining Macho Mans career and causing both his main women to leave him. He blames Hogan, from what I've read, heard, and understand, for both Elizabeth and Gorgeous George (I have no idea what her real name was but that was what they called her in WCW) leaving him.

Which I'll tell you what ruined Macho's career more than anything. Hitting the roids and weights and putting on all that freaking mounds of muscle. What made macho so great in the WWF was that he not only could talk, not only could play heel and face, but then he was also able to put on some really quality matches cause of his athletic ability.

That made him one of those special guys I mentioned before who had the total package. When he bulked way up and changed his ring style to more of a grinding one it really ruined what made him special.

Scott Steiner derailed his career nicely the same way. He could have, and would have, been a much bigger star had he not starting hitting the roids and gotten himself so jacked up. He took away his own athletic ability that made him fun to watch.

Romo 2 Austin;3284917 said:
I hope they do a shock moment, Rob Van Dam returning and facing Flair and have Hulk Hogan fight a bigger name like Kurt Angle or Sting.

Styles vs The Pope for the title to main event it

Honestly that would be their best bet to pull atleast a 1.45

Flair vs RVD
Sting vs Hogan
Styles vs The Pope for the TNA Title with a DQ ending (this is to end the show and to setup a PPV rematch)
and have the undercard stuff aswell to beefup the show.

Ric Flair vs. RVD would be HORRIFIC. I'm sorry but it would. I love Ric Flair. Always have and he's always been one of my favorites but this is not the 35 year old flair we're talking about. This is a 60 year old man that you'd want in the ring trying to take the needed bumps, and cut the needed pace, of a guy like RVD and it would be absolutely terrible.

Sting vs Hogan isn't a draw to me anymore. It was 10+ years ago but now it would just be much like Sting vs. Flair would be. It would be old, tired, and could add nothing to the legacy of the rivalry at this point.

I do think that Styles vs. The Pope will be an entertaining match up. It's very good that TNA had The Pope win that Stud Tournament cause I'm sure everyone pretty much figured it would be Angle or Foley or someone like that. So that was a nice move by TNA.

One of the very few they've made lately that I think is a nice progression for them rather than a step backwards.
I miss Eddie Guerrero.

He is a guy who would have been great in TNA.
zrinkill;3287154 said:
I miss Eddie Guerrero.

He is a guy who would have been great in TNA.

I miss him too cause he was already great in WWE. He was a favorite of mine to watch there.
BraveHeartFan;3287164 said:
I miss him too cause he was already great in WWE. He was a favorite of mine to watch there.

Oh I agree whole heartedly.
ajk23az;3287242 said:
I didn't know people still watched WWE or TNA..

I don't know about WWE, but I'm a pretty big fan of watching "TNA"! :D

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