TNA Wrestling moves to Monday Night starting March 8th.

silverbear;3280870 said:
Now we all know that you're clueless when it comes to pro wrestling... there isn't a better bad guy in the business today...

punk and jericho are both better in my opinion, i do like orton though

silverbear;3280872 said:
I concur with everything you just said, especially the part I put in bold font... the only thing that makes TNA watchable for me are the old guys that I used to enjoy so much, the Angles and the Nashes and yes, even Mick Foley... their wrestling skills may be waning, but none of the new breed on TNA can match them on the mic...

i much prefer tna to wwe these days. wwe i find pretty much unwatchable most of the time, with the notable exception of those mentioned above and the miz. smackdown in fairness is much better than raw but impact is the only one i make sure to watch every week.
aj is poor on the mic yes but thats why putting flair with him works. wolfe is excellent on the mic playing the smarmy heel who thinks he's funnier than he is (smirking as he says mr mangled for example) in the ring they are two of the best young wrestlers in the business in my book. i'm absolutely loving the pope at the moment as well, coming from someone who as a general rule never really likes the face wrestlers. his mic work is up there with the best in my opinion and in ring he's entertaining. i wasn't happy how they booked the end to against all odds though as it was just too obvious what the outcome was going to be.
speaking of against all odds actually, look at the title match on that ppv - aj v joe. that was a far better title match than anything i've seen on wwe in the last few months.
The only time I liked Jericho was when he was ragging on Stephanie McMahon. The time he put up her pre and post boob job pics on the jumbo tron had me rolling. :lmao:
Romo 2 Austin;3279991 said:
can't wrestle and can not cut promos.
I'll admit his mic skills are shaky at best but he is one of the best in ring performers in the business right now. he's one of the very few reasons I even watch wrestling once in a while these days
silverbear;3280869 said:
As good a black hat as you're ever gonna find... I can't believe the WWE seems to be trying to turn him into a fan favorite... he just oozes malice, the kind of wrestler you love to hate...
yup, that's why I like him.
silverbear;3280870 said:
Now we all know that you're clueless when it comes to pro wrestling... there isn't a better bad guy in the business today...
:hammer: #1 heel in wrestling by a mile these days.
Yeagermeister;3280927 said:
The only time I liked Jericho was when he was ragging on Stephanie McMahon. The time he put up her pre and post boob job pics on the jumbo tron had me rolling. :lmao:

he's the best in the world at what he does and the only reason you say different is because you're a hypocritical sycophant who expects to be pandered to. :p:
daschoo;3280985 said:
he's the best in the world at what he does and the only reason you say different is because you're a hypocritical sycophant who expects to be pandered to. :p:

And????? lol
zrinkill;3280003 said:

TNA would cream themselves if Orton was available.

Can't wrestle? He puts on a great show ..... none of these guys can really wrestle except for Angle. You really think AJ's high flying moves would work in a real fight? Oh wait you are 16.

A J and that wolf guy would be jobbers in the WWE because they have no presence.

Neither of those two can cut a promo to save their lives unless Angle, Nash, Kennedy, or now Flair are there to hold their hands through it.
Most people on wrestling tuned forums consider Aj Styles the 4th best in ring wrestler following Angle Michaels & Danielson, and the 3rd best promo(of current gen wrestlers, not 80 year olds) Jericho, Punk and then Styles.
Styles is the youngest.
silverbear;3280870 said:
Now we all know that you're clueless when it comes to pro wrestling... there isn't a better bad guy in the business today...

I'm just echoing the opinions of those on forums;

I myself hate Orton his slow in ring style/promo ability bores me half to death, i am the viiiippeeeer. get a new gimmick please.
Hostile;3279970 said:
The USFL once thought it was a good idea to go head to head with the NFL too.
The WWF once went head to head with WCW. They came out all right. Just saying...

Those were much better days back then. Todays crap is barely watchable.
Romo 2 Austin;3280999 said:
Most people on wrestling tuned forums consider Aj Styles the 4th best in ring wrestler following Angle Michaels & Danielson, and the 3rd best promo(of current gen wrestlers, not 80 year olds) Jericho, Punk and then Styles.
Styles is the youngest.

styles is terrible on the mic. he is young so hopefully will improve but he is nowhere near the level of the two you mentioned. being around guys like nash, flair, bischoff, hogan, kurt etc should help him develop but i'm sorry at the moment aj is rotten with the mic.
big dog cowboy;3281007 said:
The WWF once went head to head with WCW. They came out all right. Just saying...

Those were much better days back then. Todays crap is barely watchable.

Actually it was WCW that went head to head with WWF ...... they did good for a few years then got shut down.
Romo 2 Austin;3281018 said:
They are the largest pro wrestling news site

Dave Scherer, who owns that website is an ex ECW junkie who took great offense at Vince buying the rights to it.

He has been slammed time and time again by everyone in the business for being a clueless mark who lets his personal bias against certain wrestlers and organizations into making up false stories.

Jim Ross makes fun of them all the time on his blog.
Romo 2 Austin;3281020 said:
That is young by wrestling standards the prime comes from the ages of 34-40.

Only if you are already a big star.
zrinkill;3281017 said:
He will be 32 in June and has 3 kids.

must admit i thought he was younger than that. still think he's a great talent in ring but on the stick he is shocking. as i said earlier its why i think putting him with flair makes a lot of sense.

zrinkill;3281037 said:
Dave Scherer, who owns that website is an ex ECW junkie who took great offense at Vince buying the rights to it.

He has been slammed time and time again by everyone in the business for being a clueless mark who lets his personal bias against certain wrestlers and organizations into making up false stories.

Jim Ross makes fun of them all the time on his blog.
I don't know who Dave Scherer is but I loved ecw. I went to the ppv Hardcore Heaven in 1999. Last I knew though ECW was gonna go out of Business anyways and Vince helped ECW several times including letting them invade Raw in like 1997.

As far as the bolded part I don't know how much to put into that since wrestling is in as bad of a place as it's been in long time regarding entertainment value.
Rampage;3281086 said:
I don't know who Dave Scherer is but I loved ecw. I went to the ppv Hardcore Heaven in 1999. Last I knew though ECW was gonna go out of Business anyways and Vince helped ECW several times including letting them invade Raw in like 1997.

As far as the bolded part I don't know how much to put into that since wrestling is in as bad of a place as it's been in long time regarding entertainment value.
I think ECW is coming back under a different WWE brand. I don't think all of the wrestlers are free agents and all titles are vacated.

I could be wrong though.

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