TNF Thread Vikings vs Rams


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4 went 13 and 3, and would have went 14 and 2 if we took that last game serious. 9 went 12 and 4 and 3 8 and 8 seasons prior

Lets be real. Nobody could stop Zeke his rookie year. They had to bring safeties up to the line all the time. Dak had 2nd and 2 or 3 most of the time. The line was bulldozing people. Dak had 1 person reads all the time and plenty of time to complete those reads. Easy reads. Rollout throws to single coverage routes. Teams had to dedicate their D to stop Zeke.

Dak needs the perfect storm of offense to be anything more than average. That will never be enough. Just look at the last couple years rookies that are starting. Most all of them are better than Dak. It was a nice story, but they are spinning their wheels with Dak.


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The line was bad in 2012. The other years they were mediocre.
The defense was bad in 2012 and really bad in 2013.
The run game has always been average to great, just significantly under utilized when we were pass happy.

Romo fans will use the extremes as if they were the norm. They will cling to losses like 51-48 trying to prove Romo never stood a chance because he could put up 48 points and still lose, as if that was the norm instead of the the outlier.

They will cling to Romo not having a running game, offensive line to defenses as if that was the norm because they can cite an outlier of a year with something like “Romo bad historically bad defenses”.

The team was never perfect. It wasn’t as bad as it is made to believe now in order to sensationalize the odds Romo had to try and singlehandely overcome.

I used to be a huge Romo supporter, and if you are who I believe you are, we used to argue damn near nightly for a couple seasons.

But these Romo lovers of today make me hate the man with their over-exaggerations and over protecting him. I used to argue that he didn’t suck and team did have a chance to win with him as QB. Now it seems the excuses used to prove he didn’t suck and he could lead a team to winning are used to try and prove he was this great QB who was never given a chance to succeed. It’s sickening these guys just can’t accept the fact he was a very good player who just didn’t win and his play also contributed to why the team didn’t win more when the opportunity presented itself. You have to believe Romo was the reason for any success and was never apart of the failure.
This needs to be stickied by the mods.


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Oh, and BTW, if you are who I think you are, you were right and I was wrong in those nightly arguments! Romo lovers have convinced me we really didn’t have a chance to win. :thumbup:
I was on the forums not here. I got banned over there my name was BGeezy. Then changed my name to this. I was never a big romo fan he would be a big reason we would lose games as well as win them. Some people forget all of those.