TO: "Jerry, you ran for the woods"

Hostile;2875784 said:
It isn't about liking him or disliking him. I got to talk to him. He's a nice guy. I will never deny that. He's one hell of a football player. i won't deny that either. I never did before he joined the Cowboys and won't now that he is gone. If anything I am consistent.

He's also extremely stupid. He keeps making the same stupid mistakes and it is always someone else's fault. A man can own up to his own mistakes. He can't and to me he is not a man. We need men on this team not self absorbed prima donnas with persecution complexes.

For 2 years the guy was everything I could ask of him as a Dallas Cowboy. Last year he sucked. Flat out sucked. He was a pompous arrogant *** who put himself above the team and I will never respect that in any player. All he had to do was shut his festering gob and he couldn't. Or maybe it's wouldn't.

It doesn't surprise me that so many on the team liked the guy. Not one bit. But I'll tell you this, many of them are relieved he is gone. Quietly so as not to stir up more drama, they are relieved. There is a reason why he will never win a Super Bowl. That reason stares back at him in the mirror every single day and he can't see it. It takes 11 guys on the Offense to succeed, not one guy getting the ball to you so you can be the star wearing the star. He will never be a team first player and that is why he will never wear a Super Bowl ring in his life unless it belongs to someone else and he is trying it on.

His skills are clearly declining and his take care of me attitude was increasing. I am glad he is gone. Oh mama am I glad he is gone.

I agree with alot that you said but one thing i didnt...If you tell me There has never been a "non team player" to win a superbowl you are wrong. In fact it was donovans fault they didnt beat the pats. TO is no where the butt that Manny Ramirez is, he won world series, so TO being TO is not the reason he will never win a superbowl. People said the same thing about Kobe Bryant....but like i said I hope the the boys are better for it. If not our golden child is gonna catch hella heat, he wont have an answer, and I hope it doesnt effect his head, cause as good/talented as romo is, he seems to hang his head when things are bad, and play it off as no big deal a la donovan mcnabb.
thechosen1n2;2875836 said:

I agree with alot that you said but one thing i didnt...If you tell me There has never been a "non team player" to win a superbowl you are wrong. In fact it was donovans fault they didnt beat the pats. TO is no where the butt that Manny Ramirez is, he won world series, so TO being TO is not the reason he will never win a superbowl. People said the same thing about Kobe Bryant....but like i said I hope the the boys are better for it. If not our golden child is gonna catch hella heat, he wont have an answer, and I hope it doesnt effect his head, cause as good/talented as romo is, he seems to hang his head when things are bad, and play it off as no big deal a la donovan mcnabb.

I would say Football is more of a team sport than either baseball or basketball. Again not blaming TO for last season there is enough blame to go around for a lot of players and coaches to claim TO was the reason. TO however can become very disruptive as he will not allow any controversy to die down as he continue to keep distraction going. Say your peace then let it go something TO has yet to ever understand
Doomsday101;2875864 said:
I would say Football is more of a team sport than either baseball or basketball. Again not blaming TO for last season there is enough blame to go around for a lot of players and coaches to claim TO was the reason. TO however can become very disruptive as he will not allow any controversy to die down as he continue to keep distraction going. Say your peace then let it go something TO has yet to ever understand

I agree and disagree. I agree TO needed to shut-up at times or at least express himself clearly, but I disagree that he never learned. But perception is reality, and history follows you. TO tried to ignore problem questions and Werder started gunning for him when he wouldnt give him a story. TO denied any problem between Romo and Witten to the media, somebody else leaked it. TO had a problem with the offense (as well as u me other fans, and other players) and he went to the COACH....THE COACH...the person he should have gone too, and someone leaked that as well. My problem is when people say things that arent true. 1. TO only celebrates when hes the focus...but he was always the first to run and head bump/high five anyone on the team that scored. 2. TO cries even when we win about his numbers. The only game he has ever said something about getting the ball more after winning is the Commander game, and thats because the offense was still not flowing and escaped with a win in a game we could have lost. I just felt like he was made to be the blame, either way....LETS GO WIN A BOWL.
BrAinPaiNt;2875656 said:
I never wanted owens in dallas and I am glad he is gone.

If that makes me a be it.

Call me Khan. :laugh2:

Okay. You're Khan:

thechosen1n2;2875836 said:

I agree with alot that you said but one thing i didnt...If you tell me There has never been a "non team player" to win a superbowl you are wrong. In fact it was donovans fault they didnt beat the pats. TO is no where the butt that Manny Ramirez is, he won world series, so TO being TO is not the reason he will never win a superbowl. People said the same thing about Kobe Bryant....but like i said I hope the the boys are better for it. If not our golden child is gonna catch hella heat, he wont have an answer, and I hope it doesnt effect his head, cause as good/talented as romo is, he seems to hang his head when things are bad, and play it off as no big deal a la donovan mcnabb.
The bold stuff has been bad enough, but the bold blue is awful for an entire post. Whatever gimmick you think you need for your post to get noticed I guess. I perfer to get noticed for good sense rather than a gimmick.

The World Series is not congrous with the Super Bowl. A Super bowl is 1 and done not best of 7 and a hot pitching staff can control a World Series more than any hitter.

An NBA Championship is not congrous either because it is best of 7.

So basically you did nothing to debunk my theory that no non-team player will win a Super Bowl.
I think Jerry Jones wanted Terrell Owens here but there was just too many people Jerry trusts telling him it was time to cut times.

The comments about Bills fans welcoming Terrell Owens are intersting because it reminds of many Cowboys fans. For many, it was all the 49ers, Ravens and Eagles fault and Terrell Owens was never to blame.

Unfortunately, this season is going to be about Terrell Owens. If we lose, it was because of Terrell Owens and if we win, it would be because of Terrell Owens.

Maikeru-sama;2876121 said:
The comments about Bills fans welcoming Terrell Owens are intersting because it reminds of many Cowboys fans. For many, it was all the 49ers, Ravens and Eagles fault and Terrell Owens was never to blame.

I was thinking the same exact thing Maikeru. The Eagles fans were probably saying the same thing as well.

The bottom line is that any player with an ounce of class or decency would bow out gracefully (think Troy and Emmitt). But not this jerk; he even throws Jerry Jones under the bus and Jerry paid him a king's ransome that he would've never seen in Philly or from any other team. Then Jerry extended his contract and TO made more money then the underperforming whiner and backstabber was worth. TO is an absolute loser and I'm sorry he ever stepped foot in Dallas and wore the star.

And kudos to Jerry. Say what you want about the man (and I often do), but he's an absolute loyal guy even to an ******* like Owens who isn't fit to wash Jerry's shorts.
Hostile;2876090 said:
The bold stuff has been bad enough, but the bold blue is awful for an entire post. Whatever gimmick you think you need for your post to get noticed I guess. I perfer to get noticed for good sense rather than a gimmick.

The World Series is not congrous with the Super Bowl. A Super bowl is 1 and done not best of 7 and a hot pitching staff can control a World Series more than any hitter.

An NBA Championship is not congrous either because it is best of 7.

So basically you did nothing to debunk my theory that no non-team player will win a Super Bowl.

Nah its no gimmick. Im a cowboy fan on a cowboys board so I post in blue. Im also a lakers fan so on that board I post in purple. I didnt post in blue because i thought I was making a special point.

I do think that it would be easier for a non team player to win 1 game than a series though. And you can try to argue this if you would like, but Keyshawn won a superbowl, and he was viewed as a worse teammate than TO. He was asking to leave before they won, decided to stay after winning and was sat down during the following season by the coach, all after being traded by the jets so they could keep chrebet. Did I do a little to debunk that theory now?

PS..i didnt bold it so it wouldnt bother you.
Dodger12;2876211 said:
I was thinking the same exact thing Maikeru. The Eagles fans were probably saying the same thing as well.

The bottom line is that any player with an ounce of class or decency would bow out gracefully (think Troy and Emmitt). But not this jerk; he even throws Jerry Jones under the bus and Jerry paid him a king's ransome that he would've never seen in Philly or from any other team. Then Jerry extended his contract and TO made more money then the underperforming whiner and backstabber was worth. TO is an absolute loser and I'm sorry he ever stepped foot in Dallas and wore the star.

And kudos to Jerry. Say what you want about the man (and I often do), but he's an absolute loyal guy even to an ******* like Owens who isn't fit to wash Jerry's shorts.

Troy yeah...not 22. Remember this is the guy that said "I was a diamond among trash."

People say things when they are hurt. TO wanted to be a cowboy. He wanted to retire a cowboy. Jerry acknowledged TO did everything he asked. Was TO perfect in, but he wasnt as bad as people made him out to be either. As a matter of fact he wasnt bad in dallas until he supposedly had beef with witten the beloved. They stomp the giants and everything was all love again. They lose to buffalo, and the eagles, and it was scapegoat time, and TO was the prime choice. Like I said, I aint mad hes gone just because hes gone, Im just saying we werent 9 and 7 b/c of TO.
thechosen1n2;2876392 said:
Nah its no gimmick. Im a cowboy fan on a cowboys board so I post in blue. Im also a lakers fan so on that board I post in purple. I didnt post in blue because i thought I was making a special point.

I do think that it would be easier for a non team player to win 1 game than a series though. And you can try to argue this if you would like, but Keyshawn won a superbowl, and he was viewed as a worse teammate than TO. He was asking to leave before they won, decided to stay after winning and was sat down during the following season by the coach, all after being traded by the jets so they could keep chrebet. Did I do a little to debunk that theory now?

PS..i didnt bold it so it wouldnt bother you.
Keyshawn and TO are hardly comparable. Other than the title to a book he hasn't done anything like Owens. The Bucs Defense won that game anyway.
thechosen1n2;2876404 said:
Troy yeah...not 22. Remember this is the guy that said "I was a diamond among trash."

People say things when they are hurt. TO wanted to be a cowboy. He wanted to retire a cowboy. Jerry acknowledged TO did everything he asked. Was TO perfect in, but he wasnt as bad as people made him out to be either. As a matter of fact he wasnt bad in dallas until he supposedly had beef with witten the beloved. They stomp the giants and everything was all love again. They lose to buffalo, and the eagles, and it was scapegoat time, and TO was the prime choice. Like I said, I aint mad hes gone just because hes gone, Im just saying we werent 9 and 7 b/c of TO.

I don't think TO is the only reason we went 9 and 7 and I never said as much. Do I think TO was a big part of the problem? Sure do. TO is a piece of trash who blames everyone else for all his problems; it was Romo, Witten, JG, Stephen Jones, Jerry Jones, Donovan McNabb, Andy Reid, the SF organization, the Baltimore organization, and the list goes on. He talks highly about every QB he's played for but in the end he throws them all under the bus. TO always needs to be the victim and now he's classless on top of it for throwing darts at the one guy who paid an aging receiver the mega millions that he couldn't get from Philly. No one in the Cowboys organization has said a negative word about TO. He's a classless ******* who should keep his mouth shut, especially when it's about the guy who fed and overpaid him his millions for so long.

And you're not going to win a lot of arguments if people on this board have to choose between TO and "Witten the beloved." One's a prima dona and self serving ego maniac who needs the world to revolve around him and the other is a hard nosed pro-bowler and arguably the best all-around TE in the game. I'll take a guy like that each and every time over a guy that's tried to destroy each and every team he's been on for his own egomaniacal and self serving reasons.

zrinkill;2875333 said:
Its Owens fault he is not on the team ..... if he would have just kept his mouth shut and played football none of this would have happened.

He called out Romo ...... he called out Witten ...... he called out the coaching staff ...... and now he is calling out one of the most powerful owners in the league.

I was behind the guy ..... I defended him ...... but he was the problem.

If your sore butt will not allow you to see that ..... I am sorry.
Couldn't agree more!.:bow:
thechosen1n2;2876003 said:

I agree and disagree. I agree TO needed to shut-up at times or at least express himself clearly, but I disagree that he never learned. But perception is reality, and history follows you. TO tried to ignore problem questions and Werder started gunning for him when he wouldnt give him a story. TO denied any problem between Romo and Witten to the media, somebody else leaked it. TO had a problem with the offense (as well as u me other fans, and other players) and he went to the COACH....THE COACH...the person he should have gone too, and someone leaked that as well. My problem is when people say things that arent true. 1. TO only celebrates when hes the focus...but he was always the first to run and head bump/high five anyone on the team that scored. 2. TO cries even when we win about his numbers. The only game he has ever said something about getting the ball more after winning is the Commander game, and thats because the offense was still not flowing and escaped with a win in a game we could have lost. I just felt like he was made to be the blame, either way....LETS GO WIN A BOWL.

He went on and on with Ed Werner last year that is not perception that was the reality, each day he went out there to defend his position he just continue to bring attention on himself and the team when the team did not need it. TO just will not shut up and leave things alone that is no ones fault but his own. Say your peace then shut up about it TO has not figured that out.
Dodger12;2876439 said:
I don't think TO is the only reason we went 9 and 7 and I never said as much. Do I think TO was a big part of the problem? Sure do. TO is a piece of trash who blames everyone else for all his problems; it was Romo, Witten, JG, Stephen Jones, Jerry Jones, Donovan McNabb, Andy Reid, the SF organization, the Baltimore organization, and the list goes on. He talks highly about every QB he's played for but in the end he throws them all under the bus. TO always needs to be the victim and now he's classless on top of it for throwing darts at the one guy who paid an aging receiver the mega millions that he couldn't get from Philly. No one in the Cowboys organization has said a negative word about TO. He's a classless ******* who should keep his mouth shut, especially when it's about the guy who fed and overpaid him his millions for so long.

And you're not going to win a lot of arguments if people on this board have to choose between TO and "Witten the beloved." One's a prima dona and self serving ego maniac who needs the world to revolve around him and the other is a hard nosed pro-bowler and arguably the best all-around TE in the game. I'll take a guy like that each and every time over a guy that's tried to destroy each and every team he's been on for his own egomaniacal and self serving reasons.


Not trying to win an argument about Witten. I love witten. I was simply saying Werder knew what he was doing by pitting owens against witten.
Werder couldnt get what he wanted from TO so he went that route. Owens was avoiding controversial questions from werder (what we wanted him to do), werder got frustrated and made his next move, and it worked. We know it worked because when TO was announced it was BOOOOO BOOOOO at a home game on sunday night.
thechosen1n2;2876663 said:
Not trying to win an argument about Witten. I love witten. I was simply saying Werder knew what he was doing by pitting owens against witten.
Werder couldnt get what he wanted from TO so he went that route. Owens was avoiding controversial questions from werder (what we wanted him to do), werder got frustrated and made his next move, and it worked. We know it worked because when TO was announced it was BOOOOO BOOOOO at a home game on sunday night.

TO has been around 14 years he should have a clue. TO could not keep his mouth shut and never has been able to do that. Fortunatly he is gone and no longer a pain in the butt for Dallas.
Doomsday101;2876672 said:
TO has been around 14 years he should have a clue. TO could not keep his mouth shut and never has been able to do that. Fortunatly he is gone and no longer a pain in the butt for Dallas.


This is not some dumb kid who has problems handling the media ..... this is a 35 year old man who still has not learned you cannot win a pissing match with the world.

Now your in Buffalo

Have fun being forced to retire without a ring.
Hostile;2876417 said:
Keyshawn and TO are hardly comparable. Other than the title to a book he hasn't done anything like Owens. The Bucs Defense won that game anyway.
Hostile;2876417 said:
Keyshawn and TO are hardly comparable. Other than the title to a book he hasn't done anything like Owens. The Bucs Defense won that game anyway.


Hardly comparable...c'mon. Jets kept a lesser receiver and got rid of keyshawn because they couldnt get along. John Gruden and Johnson could not get along, he wanted out. They won, Johnson stayed. The next year Gruden suspended him. That HOS, is pretty similar.

And Hostile you are backtracking. You Originally said that no non-team player will win a superbowl. Now the defense won that superbowl, and they did, but #19 was on the team. Boldon, could have easily won one last year, if Wiesenhunt didnt go bob stoops in the first half, and thrown the ball to fitzgerald. You just cant make blanket statements like the one you made.
Terrell is by far the whiniest athlete EVER.

It's never his fault, he's always misunderstood, he was always the one done wrong.

He needs a pacifer. Big baby.

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