Video: Tony Romo, Be Brave


Junior College Transfer
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Jerry Jones was believing all the hype about our OLine right up until the epic collapse in 2010. Only when Garrett took over and he started delegating to Stephen did this front office get serious about building a real OLine to match the hype.

Once all the pieces of that OLine were in place, Tony could stop running for his life for 1/2 the game and stay in the pocket and pick teams apart. Result? In 2014, the best year he's had yet, 113 QBR, 34 TD's and 9 Int's.
Living in the past again, I see.


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Right in the feels. Romo needs a championship.

The only way he might get it is riding the pine this year. He wont be on the team next year. Maybe he can help another team win one. I would like to see that.


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Tony is a competitor and as such I expect him to compete to take over the starting job. What he shows the coaching staff though out the week will give them an indication of where he is in his recovery and if he is able to play to his pro bowl abilities.


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he deserves to go out better then how its probably going to play out...loved watching Tony play....

Why? Because he's a likable guy? To me, he has already received everything he deserved. He earned the last 10 years but didn't get the job done in the end. If there is a better option at QB, he deserves the bench or to be moved just like every other player.


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Jerry Jones was believing all the hype about our OLine right up until the epic collapse in 2010. Only when Garrett took over and he started delegating to Stephen did this front office get serious about building a real OLine to match the hype.

Once all the pieces of that OLine were in place, Tony could stop running for his life for 1/2 the game and stay in the pocket and pick teams apart. Result? In 2014, the best year he's had yet, 113 QBR, 34 TD's and 9 Int's.
unfortunately. We may have wasted his career bc of it


1st Round Pick
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Incredibly cheesy

lol kinda what I thought as well...

I need a Romo redemption type of video. Everyone including his own fan base is doubting him right now because of the new shiny toy.

Romo did absolutely NOTHING but get hurt to lose his job and some of you act like he is going to hurt this football team if he plays for us.. LOL... The guy is incredibly good and if he isn't then we have our QB of the future but you can't convince me that Tony Romo doesn'tgive us a better chance for a superbowl this year.

I like Dak... But I always ask myself... 2 minutes left in the game and we need to go down the field to win it who am I taking? Tony Romo.

The plays we run with Dak are incredibly hard to stop and defenses have to account for his ability to get out of the pocket but I think what we aren't seeing is the big plays down the field that Tony Romo wont miss.


Junior College Transfer
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Well you're just trolling. You're far too intelligent to think this team would've gone all the way if not for Romo in 2014. You wear a bow tie.
Blimey! Not only do you engage me you call me intelligent!
The thing is, medium-talent lad, is that, based on Romo's record of December futility, the 2014 Cowboys went as far as they did. He is Mr. December of Disappointment and is plauoffs cursed.
Well, as he rides info the sunset he will at least have millions, a hot wife and his personal stats, yes?


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I like Dak... But I always ask myself... 2 minutes left in the game and we need to go down the field to win it who am I taking? Tony Romo.

We've had 10 years of this ability you speak of? Why not ride with the current QB who is HEALTHY and WINNING? I do understand your point but it amazes that people are blind to the energy that Dak + Zeke have added. This is a new team.


1st Round Pick
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We've had 10 years of this ability you speak of? Why not ride with the current QB who is HEALTHY and WINNING? I do understand your point but it amazes that people are blind to the energy that Dak + Zeke have added. This is a new team.

Im not blind to it.

I just know that Tony Romo has been the strength of this team and he's had a lot of weakness around him.

We always have skill players but the nuts and bolts of our team have been awful.

Well we put together a terrific OL and run game in 2014 and he had an absolutely epic year.

Then he gets hurt.. Goes 3-1 during the season in a year we win 4 games total.

Then gets hurt again the following pre-season and now he is viewed as some washed up old player and I just don't agree with that.

You built this thing for Tony Romo and you're not even going to take a look at it with him? You've invested MILLIONS of dollars into this player and you wont even look at him on the team you built for him specifically?


1st Round Pick
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Blimey! Not only do you engage me you call me intelligent!
The thing is, medium-talent lad, is that, based on Romo's record of December futility, the 2014 Cowboys went as far as they did. He is Mr. December of Disappointment and is plauoffs cursed.
Well, as he rides info the sunset he will at least have millions, a hot wife and his personal stats, yes?

Why do you say things you know are ridiculous?

I expect joe fan who might watch a Cowboy game once a year to think that or some national media guy to preach that but I don't know how any true Cowboy fan can blame all of the December and playoff disappointment on Tony Romo.

If he is a disappointment for anything its that he was good enough to keep us from not having a top 5 pick every year in the draft and instead we were competing for the division and playoffs.


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unfortunately. We may have wasted his career bc of it

Exactly! Blaming ROMO when it's *JERRY'S* fault it took him almost a DECADE to give Romo a great OLine & running game to work with is the height of stupidity.


Junior College Transfer
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Why do you say things you know are ridiculous?

I expect joe fan who might watch a Cowboy game once a year to think that or some national media guy to preach that but I don't know how any true Cowboy fan can blame all of the December and playoff disappointment on Tony Romo.

If he is a disappointment for anything its that he was good enough to keep us from not having a top 5 pick every year in the draft and instead we were competing for the division and playoffs.
Shouldn't you be at the Wentz Highlights Show?
This is about Romo, a Cowboy, not Wentz your Egirls man crush.
The fact is, mate, that under Romo, we have zilch to show in his, what, 11 years? I didn't make that up, look it up.
Now, back to your Wentz admiration club in another forum.... ye misguided gob!