Tony Romo is to blame

First off, I am a HUGE Romo fan. I think the guy will eventually win a SB for the team. I think he has his head on straight. I think Jerry was a smart man for eschewing Brady Quinn and instead signing Romo to the big contract.

However, I like to think that I can be objective in difficult situations. Thus, I agree with Balkis, AdamJT13, and Mr. JamesWoods.

AdamJT13 is right on the money with his response to Mr. JamesWoods's analysis. The ref did indeed blow that Intentional Grounding call.

Balkis is right as well. Romo had 2 possessions in the 4th Qtr when the score was 21-17 to either seize the lead or win the game, and Romo could not do it. Superbowl QBs come through in those situations.

For everybody who says that it was a team loss and not all Romo's fault. To you I say you are correct to a certain extent.

QBs get paid top dollar because they have the most control over what happens in a game. They are the decision-makers. Romo has the biggest contract on the team at $67.5 mil. He is the leader. As such he should shoulder most of the blame when the team loses. Whether that is 51%, 70%, or 99% of the blame, it doesn't really matter. There is no other single position on the field who controls the fate of their team more than a QB.

Playing QB isn't for the weak. It's not for people who avoid accountability. That's what every person signs up for when they make the decision to play QB. That's what Romo signed up for when he signed that $67.5 mil contract. It's a risk that people take when they QB. They either win and become the toast of the town or they lose and become the scourge of the town. Successful QBs understand this as I think Romo does.

Everyone else who makes excuses for him needs to understand this, too. Just read the proverbial contract.
iceberg;1901754 said:
a team is to blame.

i hate the singular notions.

I totally agree. We lost as a team. Right now TO is being a better teammate than most of us are being fans. Does it hurt to lose? Yes. It hurts because we had 13 wins, 12 pro bowlers, 3 all-pros, and we still lost in our first playoff game. But we lost as a team. It wasn't just one play or one player, it was multiple plays made by one team. It sucks to lose, and I would give up any of those 13 wins to have a win today, but it isn't going to happen. Let's just pray that we can move on. Get better in the offseason, and win next year.
hmmm. if I remember correctly, I told everyone on this forum that the cowboys were going to lose this game. But, noooooo did anyone listen? I didn't even put my game face on nor did I put on the cowboys jersey like I always did for every game. The fact is our team sucks on offense.. u cant expect our defense to protect all the time when Tony cant come through. I don't care what anyone says but the day tony got that contract signing is the day his heart for the game went out the window. Terrell Owens is a disgrace to this team. That last hail mary play was the fastest I HAVE EVER seen Terrell Owens run for a ball. Why couldnt he run like that on every play. He is too old and needs off this team.

The ONLY member of the cowboys team that has been doing what their supposed to do is Marion Barber. He plays with conviction and heart, plain and simple.

IM glad they lost so now I can put the jerseys away in a box and concentrate on more important issues at hand.

See you all next year!
I'm as hard on QB's as anyone: i've been here for Staubach, White, Aikman and everyone since. But our offensive problems aren't romo's alone; no way, no how IMO. LIne was BAD, especially Gurode today. Receivers dropped way too many balls. The only really bad play I remember Tony making was missing T.O. by the goal line when the ball slipped out of his hand: thumb still jacked up IMO. We would've put up 34 or more EASY on them if he would've had time. We never made the adjustment to max protect either, which totally on Garrett and/or Sparano: just a joke of a performance all the way around.
The whole damn team was sloppy. Hell, I didn't even like the Mexico thing leading up to the game. It didn't sit right. Poor play, lack of execution, penalties. Awful.

2 guys game to play.......Ware and Barber...perhaps Witten.
Romo was running for life that 4th quarter, and sure he missed a pass or two, and should have thrown it away a few times, but that is a TEAM loss. Crayton catches that 3rd down pass and we're talking about a win (proabably)
TroyEmmittAndMichael;1902154 said:
Romo had 2 possessions in the 4th Qtr when the score was 21-17 to either seize the lead or win the game, and Romo could not do it.
Romo can't do everything. There were other players who didn't step up. It's hard to be the hero when the O-line stops blocking and WR's can catch a pass.
Romo, the OL, Crayton, Reeves, coaches, the entire special teams.... the list goes on and on........
Romo is to blame. The Def giving up big pass plays is to blame. J Reeves penalty at the end of the 1st half is to blame. Dropped passes are to blame. Special teams letting the giants start at midfield on almost every possession is to blame.
Dropped passes.

Too many untimely and stupid penalties.

These are the two things that killed us. The Giants had neither; that is why they won.

It's going to be a long eight months from now, but in all honesty, we deserved to lose with the way we played. Something happened down the stretch to us, though. I don't know if I should chock that to coaching or the players.

At least take some small measure of comfort that we would have gotten demolished by the Pats and perhaps GB next week with the way we are playing the pass. Scheme or players I don't know, but teams complete open passes against us way too much.
mr.jameswoods;1901715 said:
Let me just say that I love Romo and I believe in him. He has the type of character that I want to lead my team. That being said, Romo is to blame. It hurts me to say it because I felt for him but we have been protecting him from blame today. The Jessica Simpson issue didn't bother me but he needs to quit trying to emulate Favre and really work on being a little more cerebral this offseason.

Let's break it down

1. The missed pass to TO for a touchdown. He just whiffed on that pass. He was inaccurate. No excuse. We settled for a FG instead of a touchdown. A pro bowl QB needs to make that pass especially since TO was WIDE OPEN over the middle right in front of him.

2. Intentional Grounding call-you are an NFL QB, how do you argue that it wasn't your fault for throwing it out of bounds when you were clearly inside the pocket? Bonehead play..plain and simple And why did he throw it out of bounds in the first place. Why didn't he run for yards. He plenty of open running room and he throws it out of bounds

3. Not throwing it away- there were at least two explicit occassions in the 4quarter in which he didn't throw the ball away and he had every opportunity to do so. Those drives were killed because he tried to do too much instead of throwing it away.

4. Not running when given the opportunity- in the 4th, the Giants were playing back and there was no one to spot him. Instead of taking off and running, he would wait until the pocket collapsed on him. That wasn't the OL's fault. That was Romo's fault. He should have taken off and ran but he sat there while the Giants were all playing deep into coverage

5. Final Drive of the game- he was thinking touchdown instead of trying to get the first down. He should have gotten the first down which would have given the Cowboys a better opportunity to score. Instead he throws to a well covered receiver and his pass wasn't even accurate. Then he throws into triple coverage for the interception. I believe there was 16 seconds left on that last throw. Had he got the first down in that situation, they would have had enough time to spike the ball and go for another quick pass.

This seems to be the most popular reach at fans trying to justify a team loss.
We sucked in the second half in every aspect of the game. Oh and our defense started sucking in the last ninety seconds or so in the first half of the game.

Purely this whole game was on Romo. Might as well throw Jessica in there too.:rolleyes:
Dave_in-NC;1902541 said:
This seems to be the most popular reach at fans trying to justify a team loss.
We sucked in the second half in every aspect of the game. Oh and our defense started sucking in the last ninety seconds or so in the game.

Purely this whole game was on Romo. Might as well throw Jessica in there too.:rolleyes:

she was probably watching it on TV and jinxing us all!
BALKIS;1902056 said:
The bottom line is tony had the football in his hands on the final drive from the 20+ yard line of the Giants with 30+ seconds on the clock and and simply couldn't find a way to win it. Sorry but superstar qb's thrive to be in the situation he was in to close out football games and they simply find a way to do it. This is what separates elite qb's from average ones.

Amen. His descisions under pressure yesterday and during the Philly and last Commander game has raised some serious questions of his ablility to QB us to the pinnical. He also has shown problems in big games during the regular season. I wont come off this till he shows he can produce when it really counts.
BALKIS;1902056 said:
The bottom line is tony had the football in his hands on the final drive from the 20+ yard line of the Giants with 30+ seconds on the clock and and simply couldn't find a way to win it. Sorry but superstar qb's thrive to be in the situation he was in to close out football games and they simply find a way to do it. This is what separates elite qb's from average ones.

And post like this is what seperates real Cowboy fans from folks like you:D
I think none of this loss is on Tony Romo's shoulders. Not one iota. He engineered 2 early drives over 90 yards. Then late in the game he was running for his life because they sent the dogs and we couldn't stop them.
panther1012;1902743 said:
Amen. His descisions under pressure yesterday and during the Philly and last Commander game has raised some serious questions of his ablility to QB us to the pinnical. He also has shown problems in big games during the regular season. I wont come off this till he shows he can produce when it really counts.

again - why would annoying an entire forum be helpful in this situation?

congrats. 2 posts and you went straight to ignore.
iceberg;1902850 said:
again - why would annoying an entire forum be helpful in this situation?

congrats. 2 posts and you went straight to ignore.

BALKIS;1902056 said:
The bottom line is tony had the football in his hands on the final drive from the 20+ yard line of the Giants with 30+ seconds on the clock and and simply couldn't find a way to win it. Sorry but superstar qb's thrive to be in the situation he was in to close out football games and they simply find a way to do it. This is what separates elite qb's from average ones.

Tell me this, Balkis, if Tom Brady's receivers dropped his passes in the clutch, whose fault would it be, Brady's or the receivers? It's a team effort. It's not like Romo was slinging interceptions for 4 quarters. Did he have a perfect game? No, but who did? Romo has done too many things right to be dismissed like some choke artist. If the rest of the team had brought their "A" game, but Tony was sucking up the joint, then I would agree with you. But the way the game went, you're being unreasonable.
Hostile;1902846 said:
I think none of this loss is on Tony Romo's shoulders. Not one iota. He engineered 2 early drives over 90 yards. Then late in the game he was running for his life because they sent the dogs and we couldn't stop them.

I agree with you Hostile. Romo put the ball in Crayton's hands 2 or 3 times and Crayton dropped them.

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