Tony Romo, Wed night and Premature Emasculation

T-RO;4704106 said:
Check out the data:

In our 2007 data, when Peyton Manning is under pressure, his adjusted completion percentage drops from 86% to 46% and when Tom Brady is under pressure, his adjusted completion percentage drops from 71% to 39%.

What would you expect?

When's the last time you saw a QB sail one into the stands without pressure being applied.

Says they adjusted for distance but did they adjust for targeted passes?
I've pointed it out many times on the boards and agree with YR on this point. The whole wait till the last millisecond to snap the ball on 90% of our plays is getting annoying. I don't understand it, I don't like it, and I hope to see it changed this year.
Zordon;4704117 said:
I've pointed it out many times on the boards and agree with YR on this point. The whole wait till the last millisecond to snap the ball on 90% of our plays is getting annoying. I don't understand it, I don't like it, and I hope to see it changed this year.

I don't have any problem with it. It forces the defense to commit, and it gives the QB as much time as possible to make reads or adjustments.

I don't understand why fans have such an issue with it. It's not like it hasn't occurred to Jason Garret to switch it up. They obviously feel the timing gives them an advantage, and they're comfortable with the negatives of waiting. This seems to be a topic people get fired up about, as if it's the result of inefficiency or ignorance, but there's just very little chance that that's what's actually going on.
Hoofbite;4704114 said:
What would you expect?

When's the last time you saw a QB sail one into the stands without pressure being applied.

Says they adjusted for distance but did they adjust for targeted passes? many times do quarterbacks deliberately throw the ball into the sidelines? Maybe once or twice a game. It's not really playing substantively into the statistics that I posted.

The reality is that the very best quarterbacks in the game see their completion percentages plummet in half when they are heavily pressured.

Yet somehow the Romo critics around here seem to think that Romo should be immune to the inexorable realities that all QBs face.

( no time. Guess Who.)
Zordon;4704117 said:
I've pointed it out many times on the boards and agree with YR on this point. The whole wait till the last millisecond to snap the ball on 90% of our plays is getting annoying. I don't understand it, I don't like it, and I hope to see it changed this year.

What annoys me is that the two years they sped up the snap counts were 07 and 09, Romo's best years in the league. I understand waiting to the last millisecond on some snaps and I understand what Romo is trying to do, but after a while the defense adjusts and knows he ain't snapping it. And since the offense has sped up the playcalling and been very successful in previous years, to go back to the less succesful way is mind numbing. And yes, part of the blame goes to Garrett for not forcing Romo to speed up the snaps

Yakuza Rich;4704177 said:
What annoys me is that the two years they sped up the snap counts were 07 and 09, Romo's best years in the league. I understand waiting to the last millisecond on some snaps and I understand what Romo is trying to do, but after a while the defense adjusts and knows he ain't snapping it. And since the offense has sped up the playcalling and been very successful in previous years, to go back to the less succesful way is mind numbing. And yes, part of the blame goes to Garrett for not forcing Romo to speed up the snaps

I couldn't agree more. It is ridiculous to wait until the last second to snap the ball. The defense does get a jump on the offensive line and it puts them in a bad position. You have to keep the defenses guessing. Brady, Brees, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers all do this and it gives them an advantage. Gives them that extra split second they need.

I really hope the Cowboys change it up this year to help out the offensive line and Romo.
Yakuza Rich;4703798 said:
... Here's a fact for you.

According to FootballOutsiders, sacks allowed are typically correlated to who the QB is. And typically good pocket passing QB's don't get sacked that often. Running efficiency tends to be a correlation of O-Line play according to

So everybody complains about the O-Line for a statistic that tends to be dictated more by the QB. ...


While I'm in an argumentative mood ... So what!

Even if Football Outsiders is correct, and I have no reason to doubt them, it is a generality. Generalities often fail in specific instances. It may by 'typically correlated', but that also implies 'not always correlated' by definition. The offensive line might have a lower correlation when it comes to sacks, but that does not equal a zero correlation. Given that not one sane person contends that our offensive line was good (or even adequate) at pass protection last season, I would contend that our offensive line had a great influence on the number of sacks we suffered, no matter what 'tends to be dictated' in this particular situation.
Yakuza Rich;4704177 said:
What annoys me is that the two years they sped up the snap counts were 07 and 09, Romo's best years in the league. I understand waiting to the last millisecond on some snaps and I understand what Romo is trying to do, but after a while the defense adjusts and knows he ain't snapping it. And since the offense has sped up the playcalling and been very successful in previous years, to go back to the less succesful way is mind numbing. And yes, part of the blame goes to Garrett for not forcing Romo to speed up the snaps


Last year was Romos best year in the league in case you missed it!
ufcrules1;4704187 said:
I couldn't agree more. It is ridiculous to wait until the last second to snap the ball. The defense does get a jump on the offensive line and it puts them in a bad position. You have to keep the defenses guessing. Brady, Brees, Peyton, Eli, Rodgers all do this and it gives them an advantage. Gives them that extra split second they need.

Considering you're apparently unaware of Peyton and his infamous 35 second pre-snap line audibles, we can put your opinion into the context of someone who really doesn't watch a lot of NFL games. Or at least doesn't watch them with much scrutiny.
aikemirv;4704405 said:
Last year was Romos best year in the league in case you missed it!

I think '09 was his best season.

Still, I should probably rephrase that....I think '09 and '07 were the most successful offensive production and effectiveness in Romo's career. And I think it was helped in part by the offense getting the snaps off quicker and making it more difficult for the defense to get a jump off the snap.

InmanRoshi;4704453 said:
Considering you're apparently unaware of Peyton and his infamous 35 second pre-snap line audibles, we can put your opinion into the context of someone who really doesn't watch a lot of NFL games. Or at least doesn't watch them with much scrutiny.

Peyton changes up how much time he takes to audilbe and snap the ball because the Colts ran a no-huddle offense to allow him more time to make the audibles. But in the end, he would change up when the ball was snapped. He makes a ton of audibles and nobody is debating Romo making a ton of audibles. The pressing issue is that Romo consistently waits until the last millisecond because he's trying to get the defense to jump so he can hopefully see the blitz or the change in coverage.

Nobody has ever said that you can't snap the ball at the last second. But when it happens on almost every snap like it has with Romo in the past 2 years and in 2008, you wind up playing into the defense's hands and make life for the O-Line more difficult. This happened back in 2004 when Joe Gibbs returned to the league as he was not accustomed to the shorter play clock and had difficulty getting the plays he wanted called in at the right time and the Commanders would have to snap the ball at the last second. Gibbs' offense was putrid despite being known as an offensive mastermind and opposing teams told reporters the same make it easy when you snap the ball every time right at 1 or 2 seconds on the play clock.

Is it just me or is this so obvious I'm blinded by it. Isn't the last second snap an offensive philosophy by JG rather than a fault of Romo's.

I mean if Garrett wanted the ball snapped with five seconds on the clock he would have Romo do it, every single time, right?. I hate the last second snap as much as anybody but if you want to blame somebody it has to be the head coach.
I am not going to be a rat that abandons ship no longer.

Romo impressed the hell outta me the last part of last season in some of those games. As well as the Niners game.

He is Dallas's guy, He is my guy. I hope he brings it this season and has a great season.

If he throws back to back to back INTS for TDS? Hell yea, I will be pissed, not as pissed as he will be though..

I am still gonna have his back.
T-RO;4704121 said: many times do quarterbacks deliberately throw the ball into the sidelines? Maybe once or twice a game. It's not really playing substantively into the statistics that I posted.

The reality is that the very best quarterbacks in the game see their completion percentages plummet in half when they are heavily pressured.

Yet somehow the Romo critics around here seem to think that Romo should be immune to the inexorable realities that all QBs face.

( no time. Guess Who.)

Tom Brady's season long completion percentage was almost 69%.

How big do you think the sample size is to have 39% only account for a 2-3% drop? Now of that sample count the throw always.

If they didn't adjust for distance we could figure it out. Guaranteed 1-2 per game is in play.
T-RO;4704105 said:
rcaldw, "What 2.5 to 4 seconds are you talking about?"

The fact that you are asking this question 7 pages into this thread is telling.

CHECK OUT THE FACTS....It's numerically compiled. Computer verified:

The only reason it is "telling" in your view is that you are willfully (or sincerely) missing my point. THE GAME HASN'T BEEN PLAYED YET. Unless I missed it and it was schedule for Tuesday night? The only 2.5 seconds versus 4 seconds for Tony Romo in the opening game of the 2012 football season IS IN YOUR HEAD. It hasn't happened yet. You are providing reasons for 3 interceptions that have never been thrown!!!

I think the knowledgeable fans on this board know the difference between foolish throws and good ones. If a pick isn't Tony's fault then the moaners and groaners on the board will ALWAYS blame him, legitimate or not. But not folks who know the difference. But you are trying to blame all pressure picks on the offensive line!! A QB has the responsibility to PROTECT THE FOOTBALL. If that means throwing it away, then throw it away. If that means taking the sack, then take the sack. What you don't do is launch it into a crowd. If he does that, then I don't care if it was 1.5 seconds you better believe I'm aggravated. And you should be too.
Yakuza Rich;4704177 said:
What annoys me is that the two years they sped up the snap counts were 07 and 09, Romo's best years in the league. I understand waiting to the last millisecond on some snaps and I understand what Romo is trying to do, but after a while the defense adjusts and knows he ain't snapping it. And since the offense has sped up the playcalling and been very successful in previous years, to go back to the less succesful way is mind numbing. And yes, part of the blame goes to Garrett for not forcing Romo to speed up the snaps


Romo's best season was last year.
Postgame confirmation!

Romo continually overcame penalties over and over. He makes plays that nobody else can make.

Romo is elite! This is not the first time he has shown this but you guys will never learn.

If you don't like Romo, go find another team, you don't deserve him!
Have to say this because it's an obbvious question:

I wonder if at least a couple (not all) of the long term detractors are bummed that we won today when Romo played lights out. Or maybe the ugly pick over ruled everything else and they ignored the 3 TDs, 70% passing, 300+ yards and the clutch plays.

Just curious.
DFWJC;4709611 said:
Have to say this because it's an obbvious question:

I wonder if at least a couple (not all) of the long term detractors are bummed that we won today when Romo played lights out. Or maybe the ugly pick over ruled everything else and they ignored the 3 TDs, 70% passing, 300+ yards and the clutch plays.

Just curious.

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