Toys From Your Childhood That Today's Kids Would Probably Not Want

Cajuncowboy;4490354 said:
Oh man Gumby!!! I used to get so mad because my Gumby was defective. As hard as I tried, he wouldn't go through a wall.


I went through several Gumby and Pokey's I use to pull them apart and take out the wires that made their arms and legs bend. :)
CowboyMcCoy;4490269 said:
I guess you're not the only one who comes here sometimes hoping to find something "Notherbob".

Sarge, Rowdy, Trickblue, Zaxor, CowboyMcCoy, etc. -

If you guys don't quit saying such nice things about me, you're goimg to make me cry and then I will lose my rep as a cruel dude and a brutally hard man. :eek::
trickblue;4489797 said:
I'm younger than you, but I remember my parents struggling to make ends meet...

Back then if I broke a crayon they gave me in a set, I almost cried because I knew how hard they worked...

I lost my dad last year and I tucked a note in his suit pocket at the funeral telling him how much I appreciated his sacrifice for things they couldn't really afford and I didn't really deserve...

I wish kids today appreciate what they have... they take WAY TOO much for granted... mine as well...

Anyway... good post as usual Bob. You are an absolute GEM on this site with your knowledge and wisdom...

Mahalo nui loa, my friend...

Sometimes you don't realize how hard your parents had to work to give you the life you had as a kid until you grow up a little. That's what it took for me.

I definitely realize that we were on a very limited budget, but I always had what I needed and a good Christmas. I know it was hard as hell. Yet, my parents always insulated me from their financial issues so that I never had to worry.
Dallas;4484144 said:
I didn't mention Legos because I hate legos. My son has been a lego super hero since about the age of 4. I spent farrrr to much $$ on them. I blame myself of course but inside, inside I hope Lego steps on 1000 legos in a row.

We have about 50 lbs of legos in bins at the house. I told him the other day they were going to get donated this summer.

He's cool w/ that.

sanitize them in some bleach water, let them dry, then sell them on ebay....make some of your money back.
Hostile;4482751 said:
Winner for best submission in the thread.

this came in tonight.

my brother are now debating why the late 60s early 70s was the best music of our generation.
Doomsday101;4483879 said:
I recall one year my folks got me a Lionel Train Set, it was cool with the smoke coming out of the smoke stack. My dad put it together the night before Christmas and I think he spent more time playing with it than I did that Christmas. :laugh2:

That is a Dad,s job to make sure it was worth the money.
Anyhow that is what I did with my first pong video game.:D
Hostile;4482751 said:
Winner for best submission in the thread.

sorry for the bump, but my ebay purchase came in the other day.

generic white box, but all pieces are STILL wrapped in the original plastic.

that have a sticker on them telling you not to let babies play with plastic bags. :)
iceberg;4491243 said:
this came in tonight.

my brother are now debating why the late 60s early 70s was the best music of our generation.

Some of the best music period.
Jammer;4482858 said:
I was undefeated in this game until I let a friend borrow it. He figured out the way the play cards worked and after that it wasn't fun any more.

What a great box!
Hostile;4482579 said:
I'll start with one of my favorites.

Now, it's even bigger!!

I mentioned this thread to a friend and he mentioned GI Joe.

That reminded me of these foot tall action figures that were hard plastic. My brother had General Custer.


I had Geronimo.

Hostile;4501430 said:
I mentioned this thread to a friend and he mentioned GI Joe.

That reminded me of these foot tall action figures that were hard plastic. My brother had General Custer.


I had Geronimo.


I had Lone Ranger

SaltwaterServr;4548610 said:

I thought that was the coolest game when I was a kid! I had totally forgotten about it until seeing this picture. My friend had one and I was so jealous. :)
Faerluna;4548802 said:
I thought that was the coolest game when I was a kid! I had totally forgotten about it until seeing this picture. My friend had one and I was so jealous. :)

Hostile;4501430 said:
I mentioned this thread to a friend and he mentioned GI Joe.

That reminded me of these foot tall action figures that were hard plastic. My brother had General Custer.


I had Geronimo.


I missed this the first time you posted it, but my brother had both of these. For some reason these were the only "action" figures I actually enjoyed playing with. I guess the historical aspect made it fun for me.

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