Trade Up For Vita Vea?


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Well, yeah jive-like& not to say u haven't;'-) & just cause u do it for a living doesn't necessarily mean ur good@it. Ur supposed to be good@it if u do it for a living but that may not be true in the sense that ur good @it.. meteorologist said that it wasn't supposed to snow the other day but yet it did which I assumed it would so like I said that's not the end all be all homie& I didn't take into consideration that u were ok with drafting the player but jus not trading up for him, i respect that& I can't fault u for that stance, I had to go& read what wrote. I initially took it as u didn't like the player. My bad on that part& I could understand ur position, I necessarily wouldn't give up nothing more than a 3 to go up& I certainly am conflicted on that. I jus love the player & the need so much, I think it's a perfect fit for us& would solidify a position group for us for years to come. I also wish not to have all 10 draft picks on our team because we don't have 10 spots open on our team,so I would be happy for us to package up some of our picks& say draft hey idk 4,5, maybe 6 players that actually would get some playing time & could help us... something like DT 1st round, OG 2nd round maybe trade up in the 2nd like the Lawrence year with Washington & get a Issiah Wynn/ Hernandez, then a good LB/Wr in the 3rd& 4th contingent on who's falling & BPA but something to that effect champ . I just want our D-line to be just as strong as our perceived offense kinfok;'-)
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