Trashin playoff QB's subpar play does Dak no justice


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Deep down inside I think you love Dak more than anyone on this site.
Deep down I like good players my guy and this cat isn't one currently. His skills on the field are all I care about since dude isn't my family or friend.


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Funny thing about comments like this is that non of the teams left in the playoffs are perfect by a longshot.

This level thing you speak of is craziness!
My comment was made because no team is perfect. Which is why I questioned singling Dak out


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Point is every QB that was left in the playoffs yesterday is better than Dak hands down. Not to mention despite the loses, non of those QB's disappointed, not even Mahomes who we know had he gotten that ball back in overtime, he more than likely makes history against the GOAT.

And bash Goff all you want, when that guy falls behind and he has to make the more difficult accurate throws, that guy is spot on whether he throws for 100 or 400 yards every time. Is dak that consistant....NO!

Brees and Brady? Enough said!

Alot of our fans are being hypocrites when it comes to Dak and these other QB's having average games.

These guys in the playoffs do what they need to do to get the job done while dak folds under these pressures.

Dak is not on any of their levels nor is he playoff or championship material. Stop being jealous because Goff has lead his team to the big dance while Dak has contributed to sending our team home, giving the fans nothing to look forward to.

Accept the fact that the QBs you guys are bashing are still talented enough to amp it up or turn it down and still win.

We wont sniff a NFC title or SB until we find a better passer we can develope like Goff and Mahomes.

Despite coaching I think any of those guys are talented enough to work with the talent we have just fine.
That is some wild logic. There is nothing about yesterday that discredits Daks abilities. If anything the wildly uneven play of nearly every quarterback except Brady, overwhelmingly makes the case that Dak is right in the mix of the top passers currently in the NFL.


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I wish sometimes the coaching staff would give dak more opportunity to control the offense. If the defense is clearly taking away zeke. How about putting the ball in your quarterbacks hands. You know the guy you want to call your future.

I know dak can make mistakes. However he has proven if you get him into rhythm early. He's not only more than capable of running this offense, but he can make plays and help this team win.

Problem is the coaching staff plays scared. Did it for years with romo. Then romo had improvise to lead the team back at the end.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Are you sure about that?

It seems clear that the goal of this website is to generate revenue by attracting advertisers which is accomplished with creating traffic.

The Dak, Romo, Garrett, etc sucks/doesn't suck threads are usually the most heavily trafficked threads on this forum. Often full of personal attacks (see above) and ego flexing posts that have little to do with the topic.

I find it hard to believe that ending OSRNR is in management's best interest.

Not a critiscm, just an observation.

On the advice of legal counsel, I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and respectfully decline to answer your question.



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A silly and flat out stupid thread.

Forget the OPINIONS that Dak is great or terrible, you are asking Fans of a TEAM to turn on one of the players who has done nothing but take a team that was what, 1-14 without the previous QB and produces winning season ever since.

Then to say if we had the "other guys" we would have won, DESPITE THE FACT that our Run Defense was flat out atrocious in the Playoff Loss.

And people who don't believe in Dak consider those that believe in Dak out of touch with reality? Hey pot, say hello to kettle.
Not only that but I find it funny that he said if Mahomes got the ball back he would have made history forgetting the fact Dak didn't get a chance to tie the game because the defense couldn't get a stop. We all know Dak is at his best in clutch time. It's double standards

black label

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Point is every QB that was left in the playoffs yesterday is better than Dak hands down. Not to mention despite the loses, non of those QB's disappointed, not even Mahomes who we know had he gotten that ball back in overtime, he more than likely makes history against the GOAT.

And bash Goff all you want, when that guy falls behind and he has to make the more difficult accurate throws, that guy is spot on whether he throws for 100 or 400 yards every time. Is dak that consistant....NO!

Brees and Brady? Enough said!

Alot of our fans are being hypocrites when it comes to Dak and these other QB's having average games.

These guys in the playoffs do what they need to do to get the job done while dak folds under these pressures.

Dak is not on any of their levels nor is he playoff or championship material. Stop being jealous because Goff has lead his team to the big dance while Dak has contributed to sending our team home, giving the fans nothing to look forward to.

Accept the fact that the QBs you guys are bashing are still talented enough to amp it up or turn it down and still win.

We wont sniff a NFC title or SB until we find a better passer we can develope like Goff and Mahomes.

Despite coaching I think any of those guys are talented enough to work with the talent we have just fine.


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Truth be told, Brees was not sharp yesterday, really hasn't been sharp for a while and Brady's third pick, the one that should have ended the game, was the break of all breaks for the GOAT.
Brady ought to buy # 55 on chiefs a Bentley for taking away that turnover.


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You need something to make up this bs emotional stuff you're kicking. Nothing in my post mention no expletive Zack Martin. Take your made up straw man elsewhere. Show the board where I mention Zach Martin my not reading with logic poster? I mentioned others game planning against him instead of Zeke when they play the Boys and you bring me a quote from Zach Martin.
Let's see what you actually said
Philmonroe said:
I agree with you but being real we just have to get some aren't letting 2016 go. If Dak was the QB for any other team playing like this they'd be crapping on him but since he's their QB they have to defend him.
Why would any logical fan want to let go of Dak's rookie happened it wasn't some emotional disregard of happened. Would Any GM start Dak's contract negotiation by initially letting go of Dak's rookie season?
If other fans hypothetically had Dak's flaws including his strengths (Wins too) they'd be logically trying to understand how to improve his flaws. You assume Dak would have only taken his negatives QB skills to another team..that is an emotional assumption.

Philmonroe said:
That and they think by being the opposite of the vocal critics on the other side they counter balance it but average play is average play no matter how us fans want to put it. Its a reason up until this point they rather stop Zeke than Dak every game. The actual people who play the games think Dak is the weak link.
So back to your original point...I showed a quote where Zach stated Dak is good enough. But you called it "strawman" because you meant "others game planning against him instead of Zeke when they play the boys..."
We no **** Sherlock...rule No.1 in defense is to stop the run!!! On every level in football. If Philmonroe, Qcard or Aikman were QB1 today every defensive game plan would be to stop Zeke...that does not logically mean Dak is "weak link" I said it's a fallacy to believe players on defenses think Dak is weak link because the key run defense first... it's just defense tradition.
No logical fan would throw away Dak's rookie 2016 season buffered by his winning %...
That is an emotional move bruh


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That is some wild logic. There is nothing about yesterday that discredits Daks abilities. If anything the wildly uneven play of nearly every quarterback except Brady, overwhelmingly makes the case that Dak is right in the mix of the top passers currently in the NFL.

No he isnt!


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...Dang guy.....Hate Dak much?
Of course Dak is not the greatest (it's still early yet!...give it a little more time)...and the Divisional game wasn't his doubt...But he wasn't that freaking bad, and had a chance to pull it out IMMHO. I'd say a very undisciplined team( costly penalties,) lack of an effective running game, and above all a terrible Defensive effort, not to mention the play calling helped create a losing atmosphere!... P.S...Dak will be the QB next season too....I figure you won't like that much....but I really don't care!...