Twitter: Travis Frederick has struggled


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I wonder what the drop off (if any) in production is between TF and JL at this point.

Obviously TF is the superior player but he is coming back from a 1 year hiatus from his illness.

Might be worth having JL start while TF continues to work himself into gameplaying shape.


Since 1971
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Whatever you want to call it, it's still more proof that he's not played all that well.

Why do some of you get soooooo pissy when people make accurate and fair criticisms of players?

I know this is really hard for some of you guys, but sometimes, yes sometimes, Cowboys players don't play well. Shocking. I know.
Pissy? LOL, you seem to be the one soling yourself over it. Don't forget to wash yer hands after cleaning up.


To The Moon
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If people opined after the Fins game the homers on this site would have said stop complaining we won the game!
I get it, but this is really the first time the so called Twitter-lovers and all their sheep began to bring this up. Travis just missed an entire year. He might struggle first quarter of the season. Heck, it may take till game 8 before he feels 100%. Just a thought.

Not knocking you pointing this out. Just question the timing from those needing to feed their accounts after a loss. Kind of humorous.
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Regular Joe....
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Wrong on that.

The DL ran a stunt. CW handed off the 1st DL to Frederick and then CW picked up the other DL that had looped around to his side.

Frederick and Martin were right there but Frederick made an odd looking move and Martin tried to pick up the DL but could quite reach him.

Frederick was either off balance or had a brain freeze.

They could use CW's part of that play as the textbook example of how to do it.

This was wrong. Conner played that exactly right. I actually don't believe that Conner played that poorly. JMO


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Not really sure what Frederick was thinking on this. Despite the defender running to his left side on the stunt, Frederick turned to his right like he was expecting to need to pick someone up there. I don't know if he thought that Martin was sliding over to get that defender or what. It looked like a mix-up more than either player being physically beaten. Martin actually looks like he got caught up on Frederick some.

Great job by the tackles and Williams, though. If either Martin had come around Frederick or Frederick had continued blocking to his left, that would have been a well-protected play.


Regular Joe....
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Not really sure what Frederick was thinking on this. Despite the defender running to his left side on the stunt, Frederick turned to his right like he was expecting to need to pick someone up there. I don't know if he thought that Martin was sliding over to get that defender or what. It looked like a mix-up more than either player being physically beaten. Martin actually looks like he got caught up on Frederick some.

Great job by the tackles and Williams, though. If either Martin had come around Frederick or Frederick had continued blocking to his left, that would have been a well-protected play.

Forget the blocking scheme. Watch Zeke coming out of the backfield on that play. He's wide open and both defenders run away from him. This was there all day. I mean, I don't know how else to say it. We could have beaten the breaks off of the Saints if we had just taken what they had given.


Outta bounds
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There were a few times where Frederick was being held by the DL and couldn’t get to his assignment. That will make an OL look bad if it isn’t called.

He’s not all the way back but he hasn’t been bad.


Outta bounds
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Here, Travis gets picked off from the side by a stunting DL. When you get hit on the side of your body, there is really no way to avoid being pushed. Just good design by New Orleans. Any center would have had the same thing happen in this instance.


Well-Known Member
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There was one play that TFred missed a stunt to the A Gap while the D-tackle held Martin, it was beautifully executed by NO against two all-pro's

Other then Martin looked worse then T-Fred