Twitter: Troubling MM response to the D's performance


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Wasn't a mistake to let Garrett go. The mistake was hiring someone worse then Garrett.

So if we kept Garrett, at best we'd be 6-6 and on our way to 8-8, either out of the playoffs or one and done.

Again. It's not like Garrett would have us at 8-4 and ahead in the division...


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No tackle on the d-line would be a starter on any other NFL team. Not one. Most would be a "we hope we only need him for a game or two" backups.

Though even with a top DT, would it really help? On Jackson's 37 yard td run (if memory serves) LVE was right in front of where Jackson ran. But before Jackson got to the line, LVE went to his right and left the entire middle of the line wide open. There was no safety in the middle. That is coaching, scheme and technique. LVE is perfectly capable of standing in the middle of the line and at least slowing down Jackson, and if a safety is there he can at least make Jackson make some moves instead of making a bee line for the end zone. For goodness' sake, these near 66 year old legs could have scored on that play, or at least gotten close to the end zone.

The players aren't without fault, but it's coaching AND players that are underperforming, and that combination (sounds like one of those diet commercials saying eating certain foods in COMBINATION will make you lose lots of weight) gives you the worst defense in the NFC (or NFL maybe)....

We have two project players whose been in and out of football. A guy that should of been cut in Crawford. A couple of hopeful rookies. And the 90 million dollar man who got a mere 0 tackles last night. Then add as the cherry on top. A defensive coordinator whose sucked every where he's been. Sounds like a winning combination to me. :facepalm:


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I've been one of his strongest supporters, still is but this comment makes no sense at all. Excuses, excuses, excuses .......c'mon Mike. You had nearly 2 weeks to get ready for a one-dimensional QB and this is how you respond?

2019 nickname: Hot Boyzz
2030 nickname: Eazy Money


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So if we kept Garrett, at best we'd be 6-6 and on our way to 8-8, either out of the playoffs or one and done.

Again. It's not like Garrett would have us at 8-4 and ahead in the division...

In your alternate Universe. Does Dak get hurt or not? If Dak goes down. Garrett's record would of been no better. You have 2 coaches that's riding Dak's coat tails. Neither would win without him. IMHO..I think it would be a wash.


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Either way you cut it, it comes to coaching, Dallas had almost 2 weeks to prepare for the ravens. The ravens are Lamar Jackson keep him in the pocket behind the LOS they are not a dynamic team. The defense looked ill prepared. Almost like they were looking at Cincy film all week instead of Baltimore.


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WHAT scares me is I envision Jerry firing MM then he rolls the dice and hires Kellen Moore as HC. He always regretted letting a young Sean Payton leave and he doesn't wanna repeat that same mistake. Trouble will be, Moore kinda sucks as a play caller. It would be a massive fail.


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WHAT scares me is I envision Jerry firing MM then he rolls the dice and hires Kellen Moore as HC. He always regretted letting a young Sean Payton leave and he doesn't wanna repeat that same mistake. Trouble will be, Moore kinda sucks as a play caller. It would be a massive fail.
or he just re-hires garrett.


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I've been one of his strongest supporters, still is but this comment makes no sense at all. Excuses, excuses, excuses .......c'mon Mike. You had nearly 2 weeks to get ready for a one-dimensional QB and this is how you respond?

He’s worse than Campo, Gailey and Wade combined. In other words: he’s worse than bad. Awful. Terrible. Horrible. He sucks.


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Big Mike is 3-9

how wrong could I be?

Oh, so your point is that because McCarthy might be worse, we should have stuck with the guy who proved he wasn't a good coach who made the playoffs three times in 9 years and managed just two playoff wins.

Great point. McCarthy sucking doesn't mean we should have kept the other inept guy. That's like saying after you saw how smelly the horse crap was you wish you had stuck with the dog poop instead.


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Wasn't a mistake to let Garrett go. The mistake was hiring someone worse then Garrett.

I mean of course. This is simple basic logic right here. Duncan is a huge Garrett guy, so it's understandable he's making the argument he's trying to make.


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Either way you cut it, it comes to coaching, Dallas had almost 2 weeks to prepare for the ravens. The ravens are Lamar Jackson keep him in the pocket behind the LOS they are not a dynamic team. The defense looked ill prepared. Almost like they were looking at Cincy film all week instead of Baltimore.

This is the biggest issue I have. Not that we loss but to have this much time and KNOW what you're facing and STILL to be ill-prepared is inexcusable on ANY coaching level. Either the coaches didn't properly coach or players quit. Either way, both are bad, I'm just not sure which is worse.


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WHAT scares me is I envision Jerry firing MM then he rolls the dice and hires Kellen Moore as HC. He always regretted letting a young Sean Payton leave and he doesn't wanna repeat that same mistake. Trouble will be, Moore kinda sucks as a play caller. It would be a massive fail.
Kinda sucks? When KMoore is announced, JJ should go get help, for himself. This is playing out like an Al Davis-like ending.