Troy Aikman: he's made it the 'Jerry Jones Ring of Honor'

Some here defend his pettiness because Jones owns the team. It just makes Jones look ridiculous and jealous.
That is not the reason we defend Jerry. In fact, it really isn't about defending Jerry at all. It is about refusing to reward an insubordinate former employee. Jimmy was over-the-top insubordinate. That's not honorable behavior. Jimmy abandoned his team and the fans, also, not just Jerry. It is not the Ring of accomplishments. It's the Ring of Honor.
Once again, it was in Jimmy's contract that he was both coach and GM. There has been links to this fact many times on this forum.
Provide linky’s please. Have never seen those links and if in fact they do exist it does not matter The OWNER always gets to make the final decision. People don’t like that then buy your own team Or business or whatever. Owners invested all the capital while the employee invested pretty much Ungatz!
That is not the reason we defend Jerry. In fact, it really isn't about defending Jerry at all. It is about refusing to reward an insubordinate former employee. Jimmy was over-the-top insubordinate. That's not honorable behavior. Jimmy abandoned his team and the fans, also, not just Jerry. It is not the Ring of accomplishments. It's the Ring of Honor.
Spoken like an authoritarian. The Ring of Honor absolutely heavily factors accomplishments into the equation, otherwise you would have lesser players (who were honorable) make it in.

Jimmy abandoned? He was definitely not getting along with Jerry and was at considerable fault for the breakup. Both sides had plenty of fault. Jerry annoyed Jimmy and the two mega egos could not share the success of the team’s on field performance. Also, Jimmy was starting to feel the stress of the job and wanted to get away. Feeling drained and spent and under appreciated is not abandoning. It was just time to part ways. Jimmy was not made to keep coaching long. He felt like he neglected his family in his career passion.

Ask his main players, and they unanimously agree Johnson belongs in the ring of honor. I love that insubordination is somehow the lynchpin. Jimmy was the main architect for creating the 90’s dynasty. The team’s immense success fueled the increase in team revenue ALONG with great marketing/investing/partnerships by Jones.

He may not have had honorable acts every second of every day while on the job, but poured his soul into those teams. Jerry, who gets to choose, says he was “disloyal.” Boo-fricking hoo. Considering Jones’ disregard for his own marriage, he’s not exactly one to listen to on the subject of disloyalty.
Jimmy my not get in until Jerry goes to the upper room. Happy for Troy. Good job, good effort.
I like that Aikman voiced his honest opinion. It also sounded like he is done with jerry after talking to him about it.
Which means after talking to jerry Aikman knew he would never put jimmy in, hence the jerry jones ring of honor.
Spoken like an authoritarian. The Ring of Honor absolutely heavily factors accomplishments into the equation, otherwise you would have lesser players (who were honorable) make it in.

Jimmy abandoned? He was definitely not getting along with Jerry and was at considerable fault for the breakup. Both sides had plenty of fault. Jerry annoyed Jimmy and the two mega egos could not share the success of the team’s on field performance. Also, Jimmy was starting to feel the stress of the job and wanted to get away. Feeling drained and spent and under appreciated is not abandoning. It was just time to part ways. Jimmy was not made to keep coaching long. He felt like he neglected his family in his career passion.

Ask his main players, and they unanimously agree Johnson belongs in the ring of honor. I love that insubordination is somehow the lynchpin. Jimmy was the main architect for creating the 90’s dynasty. The team’s immense success fueled the increase in team revenue ALONG with great marketing/investing/partnerships by Jones.

He may not have had honorable acts every second of every day while on the job, but poured his soul into those teams. Jerry, who gets to choose, says he was “disloyal.” Boo-fricking hoo. Considering Jones’ disregard for his own marriage, he’s not exactly one to listen to on the subject of disloyalty.
No. Just a man who knows how to pay respect to his employer.
Troy has always spoken truth to power, and maintained a superior work ethic. And it won his team three Super Bowls.

Jones messed with Troy and Tony’s chances to sign with another NFL team.
Spoken like an authoritarian. The Ring of Honor absolutely heavily factors accomplishments into the equation, otherwise you would have lesser players (who were honorable) make it in.

Jimmy abandoned? He was definitely not getting along with Jerry and was at considerable fault for the breakup. Both sides had plenty of fault. Jerry annoyed Jimmy and the two mega egos could not share the success of the team’s on field performance. Also, Jimmy was starting to feel the stress of the job and wanted to get away. Feeling drained and spent and under appreciated is not abandoning. It was just time to part ways. Jimmy was not made to keep coaching long. He felt like he neglected his family in his career passion.

Ask his main players, and they unanimously agree Johnson belongs in the ring of honor. I love that insubordination is somehow the lynchpin. Jimmy was the main architect for creating the 90’s dynasty. The team’s immense success fueled the increase in team revenue ALONG with great marketing/investing/partnerships by Jones.

He may not have had honorable acts every second of every day while on the job, but poured his soul into those teams. Jerry, who gets to choose, says he was “disloyal.” Boo-fricking hoo. Considering Jones’ disregard for his own marriage, he’s not exactly one to listen to on the subject of disloyalty.
Exactly the kind of vibes I got from Jerry - "authoritarian". It's probably the #2 reason why Jerry's relationship with Dak is chilly - he seems to have a formal relationship with Jerry, not a gushing 2nd daddy relationship that Jerry's had with many of his former players. I mean, how many times a day does Jerry come across someone that can treat with him with disregard or annoyance? Probably once or twice a year when he goes to the Owner's meeting or to court to fight charges.
No. Just a man who knows how to pay respect to his employer.
I don’t think it’s all or the other. Any employee can have moments of disrespectful behavior depending on circumstance. Jimmy wanted the bulk of any glory due for the on-field performance and was not going to share it with the king of marketing (I can understand his stance considering the type of work he put in to give the team that performance-his legacy). Jerry definitely wanted some type of share, and Jimmy was not going to defer. Jimmy poured his soul into the making of that squad. That is the ultimate respect to the employer and at the same time his craft.
Jerry's too busy suing his biological daughter/mother and counting his money to care about Troys take,let. Alone, what right and wrong is. He's a turd of a human. All can be forgiven if he puts him in the ring.
There are two decision makers on the Jerry Jones Cowboys.

Jones fought a battle royal with Jimmy.

I can’t imagine Jerry being coerced into sharing power with some outsider.
Anyone suggesting Jimmy needs to give an apology, or laughably, needing to pay respects to the owner is proving the point of Troy’s comments that Jerry has made it his own ROH. It’s really a middle finger to the fans who love the stand out players and coaches and others that define the rich tradition of this team. Jerry doesn’t care about that. He cares about himself and this vanity project of his.
I truly believe it is. He’s been very critical of Jerry and how he runs the team over the past few years. I remember Jerry was asked during his radio interview a couple of years ago about some of the comments Troy has made about his handling of the team and he brushed it off and just said that Troy doesn’t like the way he runs the team and quickly moved on from it. I don’t think their relationship is very good right now.
Ironically, I think both JJs are the same dude when it comes to the need for power and recognition. The difference is Jerry owns the team so he can pull this crap. I blame the rest of the Jones family too. His wife and kids should be on his arse to the point where he does the right thing. Instead they act like they're afraid of being cut out of his will. Also if former players would boycott events until Jimmy is inducted, it would force Jerry's hand. But they keep showing up for everything. Their loyalty relieves Jerry of accountability.
No. Just a man who knows how to pay respect to his employer.
No, disrespect came from the employer because he wanted more credit and the accolades for what his employee achieved.

Jimmy wasn’t going to kiss Jethro’s butt. Most respect that.

Jimmy became the face of Jethro’s franchise not by his own choosing but as a result of his success.

Winning championships wasn’t enough for our narcissistic owner to play second fiddle.

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