Spoken like an authoritarian. The Ring of Honor absolutely heavily factors accomplishments into the equation, otherwise you would have lesser players (who were honorable) make it in.
Jimmy abandoned? He was definitely not getting along with Jerry and was at considerable fault for the breakup. Both sides had plenty of fault. Jerry annoyed Jimmy and the two mega egos could not share the success of the team’s on field performance. Also, Jimmy was starting to feel the stress of the job and wanted to get away. Feeling drained and spent and under appreciated is not abandoning. It was just time to part ways. Jimmy was not made to keep coaching long. He felt like he neglected his family in his career passion.
Ask his main players, and they unanimously agree Johnson belongs in the ring of honor. I love that insubordination is somehow the lynchpin. Jimmy was the main architect for creating the 90’s dynasty. The team’s immense success fueled the increase in team revenue ALONG with great marketing/investing/partnerships by Jones.
He may not have had honorable acts every second of every day while on the job, but poured his soul into those teams. Jerry, who gets to choose, says he was “disloyal.” Boo-fricking hoo. Considering Jones’ disregard for his own marriage, he’s not exactly one to listen to on the subject of disloyalty.