Troy Aikman Said Dak is better than Romo on Live TV


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Dak is literally better in almost every aspect. The only thing Romo had on him was pulling the occasional crazy play outta nowhere. Romo was great too, but he wasn't nearly as good as Dak.

Prime Romo was pretty amazing. I think the difference is Romo had more of a gunslinger mentality. With that came with a lot of spectacular plays, but also some untimely mistakes. Prime Romo vs Prime Dak is an interesting debate, but Dak can put that all to bed with a Super Bowl. ;)


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Super Bowl MVP speaks for itself, so much so, that to have it explained to you how that aligns with leadership makes me question your intelligence. But I get it. You have a Romo pic and are casting doubt on the “leadership” of a QB who accomplished more in one season than Romo did over a 13 year career. You are owed no explanation because your sour puss agenda is obvious to see
I'm not the one doubting Aikman's leadership - that's what was being said. And just cause he might not have been a big vocal leader - thats not a criticism of him - maybe he didn't have to be cause of Jimmy.

He seemed to be more vocal after Jimmy left - he had to be cause the coaches weren't holding the players accountable, so it seems.

BTW what agenda do I have out of curiosity?


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I mean it’s true. There’s some things Romo could do well that Dak can’t and vice versa. Dak is a leader among men. It’s something you are born with. Romo just didn’t have it.


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anyone catch that?:omg:
I'll give my answer at the end of the year, today he played down a little down in the first half. The good thing about Dak right now is he isn't even hitting on all cylinders when that happens he's going to be really hard to beat.


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Their stats are nearly identical in a lot of ways. And I think you can say they are have similar amount of talent but completely different style of players.

CT Dal Fan

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I'll never understand why there is so much Dak-Romo debate. I'm probably in the minority when I say I support both.

And to be clear, Dak didn't force Romo's exit. One may recall Romo's body was broken. He had the back injury that would have cost him over half the 2016 season even if Dallas gave him the starting job back. Also recall he broke his collarbone twice in 2015 and we have no idea how much longer that would have held up either.


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Aikman also said he saw Jaylon Smith get in a for few plays for the Packers today, Smith was inactive. Troy must have been feeling the after affects of his concussions today.
Aikman is the worst of the big 3 analysts by far but since he's Troy Aikman and speaks with an authoritative tone, people think he's good. Aikman is wrong multiple times every game I watch him call. Collinsworth completely ***** on Aikman as an analyst but he and Romo are kinda goofy so people dont respect them as much.


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Aikman is the worst of the big 3 analysts by far but since he's Troy Aikman and speaks with an authoritative tone, people think he's good. Collinsworth completely ***** on Aikman as an analyst but he and Romo are kinda goofy so people dont respect them as much.

Yea. Goofy people don’t win championships. The stern authoritative ones do.