That last para is indicative of someone who didn't lose the stabilizing force in their life followed by a brother taking their own life. Hopefully, you do not have to experience what he did but that might provide insight. The kind of insight you do not have into his everyday life.
Lay into his QB skills or lack of but not one of us knows what is inside the man. I think that last para is one of the lowest blows I've seen posted about him.
Well i guess you missinterpreted me or do not understand what i wrote.
But you know what's funny? You did is exactly what you accused me of. You dont know what i have been thru or what i know or not know, what my educational backgound is. But you already make statements about me (see your post quoted in bold).
But you are right. I never lost stabilizing forces in my life. But not because i didnt lose beloved persons. No, because i am the stabilizing force in my life and not somebody else. To have somebody else as your stabilizing force is what you need when you are 1 to around 12 years old. You should not need that when you are a grownup person. Thats why you are called grown up.
If you still need it you should search for a therapist to learn how to stand on your own two feet. But certainly you should not search for a leading role in an exposed position!
With that said i did not question that he went thru something bad. Of course the guy has every right to feel down. But it wasnt me who said he had a depression. It was him. So i have enough insight IF i can trust what he says. But you are right, can i actually trust what this guy tells me ?
And this has nothing to do with losing stability. We are talking about something else. There is a big difference between feeling down or being depressive. Depression is an illness. Having a down feeling is normal if you going thru a tough time or something bad happend.
And even if he doesnt have a depression, still losing stability is not something i expect from someone who is said to be a stable person, a leader.
Seriously i cant follow you if you say that my post was a "low" post. Maybe you like the guy and therefor felt offended.
I am sorry for that. I didnt want to offend you. But reality is reality. You have to learn how to handle facts without the need of diminishing others.