Turpin: "I don't care because I'm not fair catching nothing. I'm being real with you — nothing."


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Although there will be times when he should fair catch it, I understand the attitude here. When you are returning kicks, there can be no hesitation, either you go or you don't go ... especially when you are returning ones in the field of play. In the end zone, you have until you come out of the end zone to decide and most of the time it is decided for you because you're trained not to bring it out after it crosses a certain distance. If you don't fair catch in the field of play, you can't take it back after the ball gets to you, you just have to go. So either you pretty much fair catch them all or you go.


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Although there will be times when he should fair catch it, I understand the attitude here. When you are returning kicks, there can be no hesitation, either you go or you don't go ... especially when you are returning ones in the field of play. In the end zone, you have until you come out of the end zone to decide and most of the time it is decided for you because you're trained not to bring it out after it crosses a certain distance. If you don't fair catch in the field of play, you can't take it back after the ball gets to you, you just have to go. So either you pretty much fair catch them all or you go.
Thank you, someone knows football here.


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Returners lost big money with this new rule change.

A lot of ST coaches are going to instruct their return men just to fair catch it as the default. No chance of penalty or turnover.
out of curiosity I would like to know the ratio of penalties to # of kicks for the return team. It sure seems to be the majority just from gut feel


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Returners lost big money with this new rule change.

A lot of ST coaches are going to instruct their return men just to fair catch it as the default. No chance of penalty or turnover.
I don't think this is Fassel's mind-set. He wants his special teams to make plays. Of course, he's kind of faded on the fakes, so maybe McCarthy doesn't see it that way. If Turpin has a job at the end of the preseason, then I think it's a pretty safe bet that we'll want him to return the kicks. There are players who have more positional value who can be put back there just to make a fair catch.


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I don't think this is Fassel's mind-set. He wants his special teams to make plays. Of course, he's kind of faded on the fakes, so maybe McCarthy doesn't see it that way. If Turpin has a job at the end of the preseason, then I think it's a pretty safe bet that we'll want him to return the kicks. There are players who have more positional value who can be put back there just to make a fair catch.
Will be interesting though if some organizations see this as a way to keep players at other positions on the roster and plan to be primarily fair catch.


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This is a dumb take but not uncommon from returners.

The league just made their role about 20% as effective as it was before.

Anyone not fair catching inside the 15, especially on a punt where return yards are meager to begin with, is hurting the team.

I’d start grading returners first and foremost on their ability to identify the opportunity and have secure hands.

Speed? Elusiveness? Whatever.