Sturm is the truth of all media when it comes to the Cowboys.
We've got a member here like him. He shows up. Hits one out of the park and trots back to the dugout like it's routine. Mr. Percy Howard.
When it comes to romo, most national writers and former players just say anything and most of the time just make stuff up.
Rodney Harrison said Sunday he prepared for romo when he was in San Diego as a guy who would throw the game away.
Interesting since he was with sd from 94-02.
Studying eastern Illinois tape must be the reason the chargers were so bad when he was there.
And tony dingy just makes stuff up all the time, that guy s completely useless as an analyst and was a spare as a head coach.
Similar to when Jaworski criticized Romo for not being able to carry the load in big games, and Jaworski had playoff game ratings of 47.0, 12.3, and 49.3 the year the Eagles went to the Super Bowl.
Because not everyone played the same number of games, the more telling numer is interception percentage in the 4th qtr.
This will blow you away....
Romo's rate is only 2.5%. That is the 2nd LOWEST of anyone on that long list.
Classic example of some out there magnifying his flaws to the extreme.
He is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Beureline stated.....he actually throws LESS 4th qtr int than almost anyone he's seen.
Not sure if you saw the last 3 minutes in the 4th quarter data a few posts earlier (Tim MacMahon had posted int on Twitter).Problem is Tony throws picks trying to get us a win. Sure there are times we may be leading and he does it, but I'd like to see the % when we are losing and he's going for a W versus, the game is lost solely due to his Int
more that shows just how incredibly dense you are. But like most haters, reality has no impact on you.
like a D that gave up 48 points before Romo's INT. OR that the boys have not been a very good team since 2010. You like to ignore little FACTS like that in your desperate bid to unseat ufcrules as the #1 Romo hater on this board.
So Steve Beuerlein tweets that. Tony Romo is the QB with the most ints to end games he has ever seen. Then Bob Strum tweets this beauty ,
@SportsSturm: Beuerlein on Romo: "He has thrown more ints to end games than any QB that I’ve ever seen.">>Or 50th most since 1991
Also a very good column from Tim MacMahon on the subject.
In the final three minutes of one-score games, Romo has had seven of 272 attempts intercepted during his career. A sample of Super Bowl winners with much higher pick percentages in such situations since Romo became a starter in 2006: Eli Manning (15 of 220), Drew Brees (13 of 234), Ben Roethlisberger (13 of 249) and Joe Flacco (seven of 136).
I think ignoring facts go both ways. I never blamed Romo for the Denver loss, to me, it was just another example of when he's put in a pressure spot, he comes up shorter than Bushwick Bill.
Where the Broncos a good team before Peyton Manning arrived?
We do know he's thrown ints at the end of 2 of his last 6 games played.
We do know his record since 2010 is 21-22.
"The Cowboys are 21-22 in Romo's starts since 2010" .. I handled that for ya!
I think ignoring facts go both ways. I never blamed Romo for the Denver loss, to me, it was just another example of when he's put in a pressure spot, he comes up shorter than Bushwick Bill.
Where the Broncos a good team before Peyton Manning arrived?
They made the playoffs behind Tebow didn't they?
So you are saying he knows a loser when he sees one?
And what the record be with a different QB?
Most likely much worse.
Romo was 1-4 in 2010, Cowboys were 5-3 w/o when Garrett took over
They won a playoff game despite having Tebow at QB.
That answer your question?
And a playoff participant which got a win with a QB who is out of the league two years later.
There is a reason Manning chose Denver. They were a QB away from championship aspirations.
To bad Manning threw away those aspirations last season by choking in the clutch.