U.S. Navy to build $3 Billion Stealth Destroyer

The30YardSlant;4584828 said:
He convinced 60 million people of things that were not rooted in reality. Simply seeing the short term results of his madness doesn't mean they weren't duped. Of course they loved him, but the Branch Davidian's loved David Koresh too.

Sure they were duped not seeing what was to come but again when people can't put food on the table when people have no jobs and now they do it becomes much easier to convince them that the course he wanted to take was just. Lands Hitler took early on were part of Germany before WWI so in their eyes they saw that as their land matter of face not a shot was fired in taking Austria he was welcomed with open arms after all that was his birth place. France was his major screw up and again double crossing Russia
Sam I Am;4584833 said:
No, I said people feared him and they did. Some people believed in what he was saying. He was a radical and that was well known before he took power. He went to prison in 1921 for physically attacking a rival politician. Acts of violence were not uncommon at his rallies. (years before he took power)

I promise you, if you were his rival. You definitely feared for your life. Even if you weren't, you feared for your life if he didn't like you or thought you were apposing him.

"if you were his rival" Of course his rivals feared him. He was able to make people vanish it was not done publicly in most instances but the general population is what you must have in your corner to take power as he did. They believed in him and accepted what he was doing was in Germany best interest.

He bought a Nationalistic pride and unity for the people they took it hook line and sinker.

After WWI Germany was made to pay 6,600,000 pounds. Over 10,000,000 pounds was demanded by the Allies.
This was about ($33 billion in us money) So Germany was completely bankrupted so when Hitler came in and life for the German people improved drasticly they willingly accepted his vision.
People feared him, but he also came to absolute power by instilling a powerful sense nationalism. He was successful in blaming outside groups (Communists, Jews, etc) for the German peoples problems. By the burning of the Reichstag building, he was able to eliminate a political opponent while simultaneously unifying the people and consolidating his power.
Denim Chicken;4584845 said:
People feared him, but he also came to absolute power by instilling a powerful sense nationalism. He was successful in blaming outside groups (Communists, Jews, etc) for the German peoples problems. By the burning of the Reichstag building, he was able to eliminate a political opponent while simultaneously unifying the people and consolidating his power.

True. His rivals feared him. The Population loved him early on. No one takes power out of fear alone. Later on that may become the case but if you look at any dictator early on to their rise in power they do it with the backing of the people.
The30YardSlant;4584808 said:
It isn't, he is apparently one of the millions of people who don't have a form grasp on what that term means. It is however ironic that he incorrectly used the term in an attempt to demean my post as irony.
Oh, make no mistake, I used the term properly. What the pseudo-intellectuals who get all ruffled about the use of the term don't understand is that real world embodiment of certain literary forms can itself be described as irony.

From wikipedia:

In dramatic irony, the author causes a character to speak or act erroneously, out of ignorance of some portion of the truth of which the audience is aware. In other words, the audience knows the character is making a mistake, even as the character is making it. This technique highlights the importance of a particular truth by portraying a person who is strikingly unaware of it.
What you don't get is that YOU were the person speaking "out of ignorance" who is "strikingly unaware."
Doomsday101;4584836 said:
Sure they were duped not seeing what was to come but again when people can't put food on the table when people have no jobs and now they do it becomes much easier to convince them that the course he wanted to take was just. Lands Hitler took early on were part of Germany before WWI so in their eyes they saw that as their land matter of face not a shot was fired in taking Austria he was welcomed with open arms after all that was his birth place. France was his major screw up and again double crossing Russia

I'm not blaming the German population for being duped (given their situation), I'm simply stating that they were and that that, along with other contributing factors, allowed a man's ambition to fuel the greatest conflict in history.
His story is definitely a fascinating one. When The History Channel occasionally becomes "The Hitler Channel" on the weekends sometimes. I can easily consume my day watching it.
Sam I Am;4584850 said:
His story is definitely a fascinating one. When The History Channel occasionally becomes "The Hitler Channel" on the weekends sometimes. I can easily consume my day watching it.
I find his obsession with the occult especially interesting
It was a perfect storm that started WW2 in Europe.

Treat of Versailles blamed Germany for starting the war when there was blame for everyone; then demanded insane payments that bankrupted the country. The Weimar republic was weak and Hitler used those factors to gain power.

France and England put their heads in the sand and did nothing when they could have - when Hitler ordered troops into the Rhineland they had secret orders to turn right around if the French moved to resist. But they did nothing and that made Hitler even bolder. And the rest as they say is history.

France was rotten at the top in both the government and military; the main reason it collapsed so fast in 1940. Once again to the advantage of Germany.

Anyone that bothered to read Mein Kampf knew what was coming; everything Hitler did he spelled it out in his book. No one had any right to be surprised.
The30YardSlant;4584849 said:
I'm not blaming the German population for being duped (given their situation), I'm simply stating that they were and that that, along with other contributing factors, allowed a man's ambition to fuel the greatest conflict in history.

No doubt but in a way I do place some blame on the German people for turning a blind eye on events taking place. On the whole many followed him blindly and as some saw the light were to fearful to stand up aginst it.
Sam I Am;4584850 said:
His story is definitely a fascinating one. When The History Channel occasionally becomes "The Hitler Channel" on the weekends sometimes. I can easily consume my day watching it.

Frankly think he is one of the most fascinating people in history. Do no mistake that for respect or liking him in anyway. The man was a monster but to rise as he did out of no where to command the power he did was amazing.
One thing I wonder about is...if Iraq were to attack Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?

theogt;4584862 said:
The post was deleted because I simply called you what you were rather than explaining what you were. The new post demonstrates my point by showing how you were being ironic (i.e., via playing the part of the literary dunce).

PS, moving on by replying to posts, huh? Seems like you don't understand what "moving on" means either.

I see you are determined to get the last word in :laugh2:

I do.
The Dalai Lama posted this on G+ today. Something to think about for some in this thread. :)

Dalai Lama said:
Given the scale of life in the cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet, a guest, who will only stay for a limited time. What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone, unhappy or in conflict with our companions? Far better, surely, to use our short time here in living a meaningful life, enriched by our sense of connection with others and being of service to them.
Sam I Am;4584955 said:
The Dalai Lama posted this on G+ today. Something to think about for some in this thread. :)

Originally Posted by Dalai Lama
Given the scale of life in the cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet, a guest, who will only stay for a limited time. What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone, unhappy or in conflict with our companions? Far better, surely, to use our short time here in living a meaningful life, enriched by our sense of connection with others and being of service to them.

Is that a typo or does the Lama really believe we are all just? :p:

His final sentiment is one I agree with, but on this side of the pond the idea of being a servant has become one of extreme insult. That's hard to overcome.

Sorry for the digression, back to stealth ships and the irony of irony. :D

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