U.S. Navy to build $3 Billion Stealth Destroyer

burmafrd;4584132 said:
I work with NASA. Honestly you do not want to give them any more money then they have right now; they will only waste it.

The whole Orion mess is nothing but Apollo 40 years later and the numbies refused to use any data gathered back then.

Instead they preferred to spend billions reinventing the wheel.

how do you feel about contrating to private space companies.
casmith07;4582902 said:
If we really wanted to, we could easily have totally wiped out the threat in ... Afghanistan, .....

The Russians brutalized that country for years & got nowhere.
Perhaps there are simply some wars that shouldn't be fought.
paladin78749;4584259 said:
The Russians brutalized that country for years & got nowhere.
If US along with Allies and UN wasn't closely monitoring and constant warning Russians, they would have gone all out and destroyed Afghanistan. Much like US in Viet Nam and other conflicts, where we were restricted, they were as well.
ninja;4583346 said:
I'm guessing the shear numbers made it impossible if even desired. I think at the time nearly 1/2 of the US population had some German roots. There were a lot of Italians also. Also, the Germans and Italians here hated Hitler and Mussolini so much, there was never a worry. The Japanese, on the other hand, were much more of an unknown.

Also, and more importantly, Italy and Germany never attacked the US like the Japanese did with Pearl Harbor. The internments began after Pearl Harbor. Take away Pearl Harbor and the Japanese would have never been placed in the camps.

I truly don't understand what your saying.
Do you mean:
1) If your culture is an unknown, it should be expected that your assumed to be traitorous?
2) If you're attacked first & by surprise, removal of constitutional protections of your minority group is not suprising & should be supported?
Or are you saying that human nature basically sucks?

And no, I'm not being obtuse :)
burmafrd;4584132 said:
I work with NASA. Honestly you do not want to give them any more money then they have right now; they will only waste it.

The whole Orion mess is nothing but Apollo 40 years later and the numbies refused to use any data gathered back then.

Instead they preferred to spend billions reinventing the wheel.

Umm, no.
paladin78749;4584259 said:
The Russians brutalized that country for years & got nowhere.
Perhaps there are simply some wars that shouldn't be fought.

Clearly Afghanistan has been and will continue to be a backward country. What we can do is continuously disrupt and take out terrorist camps and individual targets in terms of Nation bldg I think they are a lost cause with no means to support themselves
03EBZ06;4584272 said:
If US along with Allies and UN wasn't closely monitoring and constant warning Russians, they would have gone all out and destroyed Afghanistan. Much like US in Viet Nam and other conflicts, where we were restricted, they were as well.

This is somewhat true as collateral damage is generally avoided if possible by rational actors whom are susceptible to international pressure. An interesting aspect of the Russian–Afghan war was that the US fomented Islamic Fundamentalism as a way of unifying the Afghans against the Russians. Israel’s Mossad, The US CIA, and the Pakistani ISI trained the Afghan Mujahedeen in asymmetrical warfare (what we call terrorism), including one Mr. Bin Laden. Many Afghan Mujahedeen later became Al Qaeda, so in essence we trained our current enemy in tactics and ideology.
paladin78749;4584275 said:
I truly don't understand what your saying.
Do you mean:
1) If your culture is an unknown, it should be expected that your assumed to be traitorous?
2) If you're attacked first & by surprise, removal of constitutional protections of your minority group is not suprising & should be supported?
Or are you saying that human nature basically sucks?

And no, I'm not being obtuse :)

I only tried to answer someone's question as to why something happened (Japanese internment and not German/Italian internment). I made no comment on the morality (or lack of) on those decisions. How you concluded 1) and 2) from what I wrote is beyond me. Infer at your own risk. Note: I am German/Italian/Welsh and my wife is Japanese.

"Human nature basically sucks?" On the whole and over time, I would say definitely no. However, there have been (and will continue to be) periods where human nature has "sucked." Both collectively and individually. No human is perfect and neither is any collective body (i.e. government).
ninja;4584311 said:
I only tried to answer someone's question as to why something happened (Japanese internment and not German/Italian internment). I made no comment on the morality (or lack of) on those decisions. How you concluded 1) and 2) from what I wrote is beyond me. Infer at your own risk. Note: I am German/Italian/Welsh and my wife is Japanese.

"Human nature basically sucks?" On the whole and over time, I would say definitely no. However, there have been (and will continue to be) periods where human nature has "sucked." Both collectively and individually. No human is perfect and neither is any collective body (i.e. government).

Yep, that's why I asked for clarification & CONCLUDED nothing.
You seemed to have a viewpoint and I wanted to further explore it

How about
Human nature is best revealed under pressure & in this case we as a nation failed pretty miserably?
masomenos;4584278 said:

well unless you have actually sat in meetings while they discussed this very thing, what do you know?
Denim Chicken;4584296 said:
This is somewhat true as collateral damage is generally avoided if possible by rational actors whom are susceptible to international pressure. An interesting aspect of the Russian–Afghan war was that the US fomented Islamic Fundamentalism as a way of unifying the Afghans against the Russians. Israel’s Mossad, The US CIA, and the Pakistani ISI trained the Afghan Mujahedeen in asymmetrical warfare (what we call terrorism), including one Mr. Bin Laden. Many Afghan Mujahedeen later became Al Qaeda, so in essence we trained our current enemy in tactics and ideology.

I am willing to be all you know about that period came from watching Charlie Wilson's War.
03EBZ06;4584272 said:
If US along with Allies and UN wasn't closely monitoring and constant warning Russians, they would have gone all out and destroyed Afghanistan. Much like US in Viet Nam and other conflicts, where we were restricted, they were as well.

IIRC the Russians were successful in maintaining control over selected urban centers but whenever their lackeys (the Afgan army) left those areas they would revert back to mujahadeen (sp) control. I truly can't remember the Russian ever being on the "verge of victory", can you?

The US assistance just made them bleed alot more.

Truly all I was saying is that the Russians didn't abide by the Geneva Convention and was never able to subjugate the people.
burmafrd;4584339 said:
I am willing to be all you know about that period came from watching Charlie Wilson's War.

Lol, you would lose that one. I've seen it before, but can't really remember it. I was a Political Science major with a minor in history and took special interest in US Middle East relations. My teacher in Middle East studies was a former congressmen who served during that period.
The30YardSlant;4584058 said:
I would consider that whole Cold War thing a pretty significant conflict between world powers, considering it came THIS close to full-blown nuclear war on several occasions and resulted in the greatest arms race in history.

Regardless, saying there will never be another world conflict simply because there hasnt been one in a while is about the worst logic in the history of stupid.
There will never be another world conflict because there will never be a logical rationale for conflict. There is no need to collect or protect resources on a nation-by-nation basis. The economy is so global and interconnected no one country can afford to stand in its way (nor does it have any basis for doing so in the first place). Global war is so incredibly counter-intuitive it's purely an afterthought in actual political discourse (I use the term "actual" to exclude uninformed internet banter).

All of this has been a reality for decades, and will continue to be for the predictable future, which is why I pointed out that it hasn't happened in 70 years.

PS, pointing to the Cold War (which itself is even inconceivable in today's world) only backs up my point.

These massive $$$$ military spending projects are purely stimulus spending -- and the worst kind. The only reason they're able to get away with it is because there are enough people ignorant enough to accept it -- or even promote it!
paladin78749;4584259 said:
The Russians brutalized that country for years & got nowhere.
Perhaps there are simply some wars that shouldn't be fought.

Total Warfare. But it goes against the Geneva Conventions of which we are the flagship nation.
casmith07;4583795 said:
I think you're right. Although their last test was a "satellite launch" and it failed to get off the platform :laugh1:

Their scientists are hard at work developing a technical viagra...
Sam I Am;4583951 said:
The new Ford class aircraft carriers are expected to cost $9 billion each.

I'll take two... and six of the new destroyers... put it on Yeag's Visa card...
So we are building a destroyer with a really bid gun on it. What is new about this ?

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