U.S. Navy to build $3 Billion Stealth Destroyer

BrAinPaiNt;4582975 said:
They could if it was a...wait for it..."Stealth" sub. :laugh2:

Only times we have suffered naval attacks where damage was sustained has been because of Capt. error not technology errors.
DallasEast;4582881 said:
A rail-gun huh? That'll be perfect in picking off Decepticons climbing up pyramids...

I feel safer already... damn Decepticons have been keeping me awake nights...
silverbear;4582986 said:
I feel safer already... damn Decepticons have been keeping me awake nights...

Wait until we come up with the stealth troops, they could stand right in front of you and you will not even see them. :laugh2:
silverbear;4582979 said:
Oh, now I get it-- you've got a problem with defense contractors making an honest million or ten...

Some make an honest million and a dishonest 10 million for projects that are paid on time but never produced on time and in some cases never produced.

But I also think the actually ground troops that are in the thick of things should get more attention paid to them.
silverbear;4582986 said:
I feel safer already... damn Decepticons have been keeping me awake nights...
You shouldn't worry so much. That Camaro you have parked in your garage will keep you safe from harm. :p:
Doomsday101;4582992 said:
Wait until we come up with the stealth troops, they could stand right in front of you and you will not even see them. :laugh2:
******! You've doing Predator jokes now! :laugh1:
Doomsday101;4582984 said:
Only times we have suffered naval attacks where damage was sustained has been because of Capt. error not technology errors.

Which kind of goes back to what I said to start with...just because some one is technically advanced does not dictate and overwhelming and utter victory.

I have had more than one high ranking NCO and Officer tell me that if it came down to it they would rather have a light infantry over a mechanized infantry.
BrAinPaiNt;4582994 said:
Some make an honest million and a dishonest 10 million for projects that are paid on time but never produced on time and in some cases never produced.

But I also think the actually ground troops that are in the thick of things should get more attention paid to them.

I agree but I also think because of the advancement in weapons our losses tend to be fewer. Our enemy do not like the fact that when our troops are in trouble 1 call and our boys get overwhelming fire power to help get them out of trouble.
BrAinPaiNt;4582899 said:
Just like we slaughtered and made an easy victory in Viet Nam and in Korea during our conflict?

Technology does not always equate to being the be all end all winner in a military engagement.

If that were the case we would not left Viet Nam...We would not still have people standing at the DMZ and we would have destroyed every muslim terrorist in Afghanistan even though they do not have any where near the technology we had or have.

Just something to consider when talking about one side killing the other and it would not be close.

North Korea is not mostly jungle
North Korea only has one border that we would need to seal and its a lot easier in this day and age
A North Korean war would be a conventional not a guerilla war

I could go on but anyone trying to compare the two know very little about military reality
BrAinPaiNt;4582973 said:
Not a fair fight?

We were vastly technically superior in every shape in viet nam, korea and afghanistan.

That was part of the main part I was talking about. Just because someone is vastly superior in technology does not mean an automatic win and be decision that would be coined not even close.

As far as rules. That is what should separate us from some of our perceived enemies...that what separates humans from monsters. We should be above their actions...if we do the atrocities that we claim they do and justify attacking them for..then we are no better than them if we sink to their level.

We signed up for the rules, we use them to go after people...if we don't want to play by the rules than we should just abandon them all together and not persecute or use that to justify going to war with others.

You sound like some of those JAG officers in Iraq that refused to allow our troops to shoot first.

It is those like you that handcuff our military
03EBZ06;4582888 said:
If it was just NK vs SK with no other country involvement, SK would annihilate NK.

It's believed that NK has nuclear weapons. They said they've tested twice and twice earthquakes of 4+ have been recorded. I believe that if SK tried to annihilate NK, SK would eat a nuke.
BrAinPaiNt;4582886 said:
Psst...I spent a year there...I think I know a little of why we are still there.

I have seen the tank traps (and drove between them) there...I have seen the bridges (and went across them) that were wired with explosives. I have seen maps where we have specific targets marked in North Korea and maps that have specific targets that north korea has targeted in S.Korea.

I have also seen that the camp that is closest to the DMZ is set up to be blocked off and is nothing more than a stumbling block or slow down measure with mostly like death to most of the troopers there.

I have also LIVED in the same barracks and for a short time the same ROOM as some of the Korean Soldiers attached the US army (we called them Katusa's). I have been out in the field and provided first aid and worked with ROK soldiers. They are tough...but you might be shocked that a good number of the Katusa's would rather have North and South Korea united.

Heck I will tell you that there is a significant portion that do not want the US to still be in Korea.
When I was stationed there (89-90) there was talk of the S.Korean gov/military wanting to buy all of the bases the US Army occupied. They were told not only would they have to pay for the land but all structures and upgrades made to the land over the years.

So I know we are there for strategic reasons...just as we are still in other parts of the world. But that does not take away from the idea that they are not strong enough to stand on their own.

and I was there in 2007 and your time is long past.

There are very few South Koreans that have any illusion about Reunification until the Kim family is gone. Sure the media gives attention to the trouble makers but the great majority understand the situation. Also since the government is now more responsive to the people the n they wre in your time that pressure is off

As regards the Military the south Korean army NOW can handle the North all by themselves. The NKA has not been seriously modernized in 20 years. It would be bloody and nasty but the outcome would not be in doubt.
BrAinPaiNt;4583000 said:
Which kind of goes back to what I said to start with...just because some one is technically advanced does not dictate and overwhelming and utter victory.

I have had more than one high ranking NCO and Officer tell me that if it came down to it they would rather have a light infantry over a mechanized infantry.

It has served us well more times than not. Having troops surrounded and have A10 Warthogs come in and whipe the enemy off the field. We look at Iraq or Afghanistan and talk about casualties? Please it is nothing to compare with 1 engagement in WWII be it Iwo Jima or Normandy where we lost more men in those battle than the entire war in Afghan and Iraq combine. Why because we did not have the ultimate technologic advantage that we do today. Our men are better off with over whelming technology advantages than without them
burmafrd;4583005 said:
North Korea is not mostly jungle
North Korea only has one border that we would need to seal and its a lot easier in this day and age
A North Korean war would be a conventional not a guerilla war

I could go on but anyone trying to compare the two know very little about military reality
With China sitting on their doorstep, I can foresee any North/South Korean military conflict escalating beyond their borders in terms of external international alliances. Of course, I do not see North Korea gaining more than one ally; but in this instance, one would be more than enough to turn an internal messy situation nasty in quick order.
burmafrd;4583005 said:
North Korea is not mostly jungle
North Korea only has one border that we would need to seal and its a lot easier in this day and age
A North Korean war would be a conventional not a guerilla war

I could go on but anyone trying to compare the two know very little about military reality

Duh I know it is not jungle...I was there for a year.

In many ways it is similar to the Terrain in WV.

Plus hey...they get snow and monsoon season there.

And yes I know it would be more conventional than not. However it is also naive to say if it was a stand alone war between two countries...because that is not what it would be...since we are there and you know someone would join in with North Korea.
burmafrd;4583007 said:
You sound like some of those JAG officers in Iraq that refused to allow our troops to shoot first.

It is those like you that handcuff our military

You sound like one of those that think the constitution is just a piece a paper to be discarded when desired.
Sam I Am;4583010 said:
It's believed that NK has nuclear weapons. They said they've tested twice and twice earthquakes of 4+ have been recorded. I believe that if SK tried to annihilate NK, SK would eat a nuke.
Great. World War III begins in the Far East Asian theater.
burmafrd;4583011 said:
and I was there in 2007 and your time is long past.

There are very few South Koreans that have any illusion about Reunification until the Kim family is gone. Sure the media gives attention to the trouble makers but the great majority understand the situation. Also since the government is now more responsive to the people the n they wre in your time that pressure is off

As regards the Military the south Korean army NOW can handle the North all by themselves. The NKA has not been seriously modernized in 20 years. It would be bloody and nasty but the outcome would not be in doubt.

You might be right...maybe the Katusa's and ROK young soldiers and college students see things different now...it has been a long time ago when I was there.
BrAinPaiNt;4583025 said:
You sound like one of those that think the constitution is just a piece a paper to be discarded when desired.

Why we fought the British and at time using tactics that they saw as against the rules of engagement. It is war not a game. You don't get points for being good, it is life and death. I think US should abide by rules of engagement that are international agreed on until the enemy shows they are unwilling to give us that same treatment.
DallasEast;4583027 said:
Great. World War III begins in the Far East Asian theater.

It very well could. I hope it never gets to that points but you have to question a country who will allow their own people to starve to death to achive the goal of nuclear weapons. Heck China will stand by their side there is no need for NK to do this. Yet time after time they will break treaties that would feed their nation for their desire to get nuclear weapons

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