U.S. Navy to build $3 Billion Stealth Destroyer

DallasEast;4583052 said:
I have no problem with that, but it does not offset the world we live in today. War is hell. No quarter should be taken, but consequences should not be devalued as well.

A North/South Korean conflict potentially brings a pretty heavy hitter in China to the table. Without question, the U.S. military can certainly dish it out. Yet, will the resolve of the American people remain unchanged if that conflict expands to our own shores UNconventionally? That's a consequence which cannot be summarily dismissed when discussing a nuclear war breaking out in Asia.

Of course not. I hope we never get to that point unfortunately these events are real and possible so to do what we can to lessen or eliminate the threat is in our interest. A war with China would be a very costly war for both sides and one I don't think China is interested in.

I will say in my personal belief war coming to the shores of the US would see this country rally together like we have seldom seen and yes I think our resolve would be great. Enemy is better off in not coming here if they hope to weaken our resolve
Doomsday101;4583131 said:
Not at all, the interment was against US citizens not enemy combatants

You were alive back then??:confused:
Didn't know you were that old...
burmafrd;4583135 said:
denim must be one of those that are always ashamed.

Professional victim?

I don't know. I will say the threat from the Asian and German community was a concern for this country. Face it not many countries has as many nationalities as we do and the fear factor was real.

I think it was an ugly fact in our history but not without real concerns. Question no one can ansewer since it did not happen but what would have happened had those from Japan living in the US sabatoged factories and provided aid to the enemy what would be peoples views had it cost us the war? we get to play judge after the fact

I don't condone it but I do understand given the situation facing this nation at that time.
vta;4583153 said:
You were alive back then??:confused:
Didn't know you were that old...

No but many of my relatives were and I spent many long hours talking about a lot of things this nation faced during that time with them. Amazing how people of that generation were willing to sacrifice for their country and our troops. Maybe that is why they are called the greatest generation. One of my favorite conversation was with an uncle he passed away a few years back but he was on the USS Missouri stationed at Pearl Harbor when the attack happened.
Doomsday101;4583147 said:
Of course not. I hope we never get to that point unfortunately these events are real and possible so to do what we can to lessen or eliminate the threat is in our interest. A war with China would be a very costly war for both sides and one I don't think China is interested in.

I will say in my personal belief war coming to the shores of the US would see this country rally together like we have seldom seen and yes I think our resolve would be great. Enemy is better off in not coming here if they hope to weaken our resolve
I'm discussing more along the lines of an unconventional conflict between the U.S. and China. I'm only guessing at their overall troop numbers, but I'm sure that China has a sizable advantage in military personnel. Even so, I do not see them as ever being so bold as to invade the continental forty-eight or even Hawaii or Alaska. That would be nuclear suicide. I would think that they, like any military (super)power, would weigh every 'winnable' scenario first.
Doomsday101;4583157 said:
No but many of my relatives were and I spent many long hours talking about a lot of things this nation faced during that time with them. Amazing how people of that generation were willing to sacrifice for their country and our troops. Maybe that is why they are called the greatest generation. One of my favorite conversation was with an uncle he passed away a few years back but he was on the USS Missouri stationed at Pearl Harbor when the attack happened.

I was just being silly. That's cool you had some people with first hand experience to talk to about it. They really were the greatest generation.
Doomsday101;4582833 said:
Drones are part of the future not the only future.

Drones are THE future. Within 20 years, I'm guessing that manned aircraft (fighter jets) will be rare. The speeds and Gs will be too much for humans to handle and the cost to design for adding humans will be prohibitive.

Why have a manned fighter jet which costs 50-100 times as much as a drone and can do half of what a drone can do? That's the future.
Doomsday101;4583155 said:
I don't know. I will say the threat from the Asian and German community was a concern for this country. Face it not many countries has as many nationalities as we do and the fear factor was real.

I think it was an ugly fact in our history but not without real concerns. Question no one can ansewer since it did not happen but what would have happened had those from Japan living in the US sabatoged factories and provided aid to the enemy what would be peoples views had it cost us the war? we get to play judge after the fact

I don't condone it but I do understand given the situation facing this nation at that time.
This is a tricky topic and one which I may soon regret engaging in, but the interment of Japanese-American citizens due to Imperial Japanese suspicions always begs another question:

Why were German-Americans and Italian-Americans not interred as well for the duration of World War II?
DallasEast;4583163 said:
I'm discussing more along the lines of an unconventional conflict between the U.S. and China. I'm only guessing at their overall troop numbers, but I'm sure that China has a sizable advantage in military personnel. Even so, I do not see them as ever being so bold as to invade the continental forty-eight or even Hawaii or Alaska. That would be nuclear suicide. I would think that they, like any military (super)power, would weigh every 'winnable' scenario first.

China clearly has more troops and are making advancement in technology much of it stolen from the US.

As for an unconventional war I think much like Russia, China knows the outcome would not be a good one for anyone. N Korea is a bit different and very unstable. Question I would pose if China knew N. Korea actions would bring us to that point would they walk away from N. Korea who provides nothing to China matter of fact cause problems for China with so many trying to escape from N. Korea into China. To me the problem is not the major powers it is the 3rd world nations and rouge nations getting closer to getting these types of weapons who are the real threat
DallasEast;4583061 said:
I think the main question is whether North Korea is near perfecting its missile delivery system.

There are ways for fixing that also.

DallasEast;4583173 said:
This is a tricky topic and one which I may soon regret engaging in, but the interment of Japanese-American citizens due to Imperial Japanese suspicions always begs another question:

Why were German-Americans and Italian-Americans not interred as well for the duration of World War II?

Not sure but I do that many German American and Italian Americans were closes watched by the FBI. Even the small town my mom grew up in the FBI came to question a man of German decent because of communication he had on his short wave radio. Again I think what happened to the Japanese Americans were wrong but I also think because of the way Pearl was attacked not to mention all the other US outpost the feeling was the Japanese poised the greater threat in terms of spy networking.
ninja;4583172 said:
Drones are THE future. Within 20 years, I'm guessing that manned aircraft (fighter jets) will be rare. The speeds and Gs will be too much for humans to handle and the cost to design for adding humans will be prohibitive.

Why have a manned fighter jet which costs 50-100 times as much as a drone and can do half of what a drone can do? That's the future.

Because I don't see the human element ever being removed from war.
Doomsday101;4583176 said:
China clearly has more troops and are making advancement in technology much of it stolen from the US.

As for an unconventional war I think much like Russia, China knows the outcome would not be a good one for anyone. N Korea is a bit different and very unstable. Question I would pose if China knew N. Korea actions would bring us to that point would they walk away from N. Korea who provides nothing to China matter of fact cause problems for China with so many trying to escape from N. Korea into China. To me the problem is not the major powers it is the 3rd world nations and rouge nations getting closer to getting these types of weapons who are the real threat
...but the U.S. and the Soviet Union were never really threated with a third-party nuclear conflict prior to the end of the Cold War. One could make an argument that India and Pakistan would fit that description, but neither nation's allegiences were that strongly held with either country during that period.

The same could not be said if North and South Korea ever engaged in a nuclear battle on the Asian mainland in the here-and-now. China would be forced to secure its safety and sovereignty at all costs. I sincerely doubt they would leave such decisions in the hands South Korea and/or the U.S.

Or Japan for that matter. They will understandably freak if Korea becomes a nukefest. In my opinion, they would kiss nearly 70 years of military defense practices out the window in a microsecond if that happen. The whole Far East Asian theater would be completely unmanageable when that happens.
big dog cowboy;4583189 said:
There are ways for fixing that also.

I wish our intelligence community could get the job done for exactly just that. :)
theogt;4582837 said:
What might that be?

You know.

The threat that can't be eliminated via stealth aircraft, submarine or ground personel.

That sort of threat.
Doomsday101;4583190 said:
Not sure but I do that many German American and Italian Americans were closes watched by the FBI. Even the small town my mom grew up in the FBI came to question a man of German decent because of communication he had on his short wave radio. Again I think what happened to the Japanese Americans were wrong but I also think because of the way Pearl was attacked not to mention all the other US outpost the feeling was the Japanese poised the greater threat in terms of spy networking.
What was done to Japanese-American was wrong, but the country was at war. War is hell and levels of 'wrongness' should be thrown out the window. You go to war to win and you do whatever it takes to get the job done.

That said, corners should not be cut to get the job done. Japan, Germany and Italy represented the Axis powers. They were the enemy. In a world war, you destroy the enemy abroad and contain the enemy domestically.

No one has a time machine to re-write history. However, I am of the belief that if the enemy had been totally addressed domestically, the issue of interrment for internal security purposes would not be so negatively held. Just my two cents.
DallasEast;4583228 said:
What was done to Japanese-American was wrong, but the country was at war. War is hell and levels of 'wrongness' should be thrown out the window. You go to war to win and you do whatever it takes to get the job done.

That said, corners should not be cut to get the job done. Japan, Germany and Italy represented the Axis powers. They were the enemy. In a world war, you destroy the enemy abroad and contain the enemy domestically.

No one has a time machine to re-write history. However, I am of the belief that if the enemy had been totally addressed domestically, the issue of interrment for internal security purposes would not be so negatively held. Just my two cents.

Well, we didn't contain the Germans or Italians. Also, we drafted many Japanese Americans into our military and then sent their families to camps while their sons were fighting.
RastaRocket;4583246 said:
Well, we didn't contain the Germans or Italians. Also, we drafted many Japanese Americans into our military and then sent their families to camps while their sons were fighting.
Yes, I injected that very point that into the thread earlier, minus the patriotic service of Japanese-Americans during the war that you just mentioned.
DallasEast;4583173 said:
This is a tricky topic and one which I may soon regret engaging in, but the interment of Japanese-American citizens due to Imperial Japanese suspicions always begs another question:

Why were German-Americans and Italian-Americans not interred as well for the duration of World War II?

I'm guessing the shear numbers made it impossible if even desired. I think at the time nearly 1/2 of the US population had some German roots. There were a lot of Italians also. Also, the Germans and Italians here hated Hitler and Mussolini so much, there was never a worry. The Japanese, on the other hand, were much more of an unknown.

Also, and more importantly, Italy and Germany never attacked the US like the Japanese did with Pearl Harbor. The internments began after Pearl Harbor. Take away Pearl Harbor and the Japanese would have never been placed in the camps.
Doomsday101;4582992 said:
Wait until we come up with the stealth troops, they could stand right in front of you and you will not even see them. :laugh2:

I'm outraged that our scientists have yet to develop a true Klingon-style cloaking device... our tax dollars are being pissed away...

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