UFOs Are They Real?


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Food for thought:

Do we even have the technology to detect alien life it is right here in front of our faces? :D

I mean, they could be invisible or the size of gnats for all we know :laugh:

FWIW, I think there is life out there but our paths have never crossed, the vastness is too immense for that to occur. You know, laws of physics and all to overcome :(


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Or the big bang criteria. Don't believe in it, but if there was a big bang, what 'caused it? Where did all that matter come from before it happened? For something to be created, it has to come from something.

The BBT has always intrigued me. I tend to believe in it but have many questions. What surrounded it to "bang" into? If our universe is always expanding, what is it expanding into?

That opening scene(or is it closing scene) in Men in Black where there is something playing with marbles and one of them represents our universe has always peaked my mind.

Are we in a universe inside another universe?? I can go on and on with questions that can never be answered.......

A theoretical physics professor once told us a fable/story. He stated that if we could somehow get in a spaceship that traveled faster than light speed, we would eventually reach a point in space where we could look back(theoreticaly) and watch the dinosaurs walking on Earth. That will always stick with me until the day I die.

I just find this stuff fascinating of "what is out there"...............


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I think with all the reports just from civilian and military pilots as well as police officers I think there are indeed ufo's.
However I don't think they are alien craft.

We have been getting steady ufo reports from around 1947 on. Unless you think the ****'s developed UFO technology in the 1930s without any assistance. (docs and photos on **** UFOs from that timeframe)


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We have been getting steady ufo reports from around 1947 on. Unless you think the ****'s developed UFO technology in the 1930s without any assistance. (docs and photos on **** UFOs from that timeframe)
No I don't think it's ***** I think most of it is black military projects.
I definitely don't think there are aliens.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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To specifically answer your question, "How the hell do you think we got here?", I prefer the answer in the Holy Bible. The idea that religion and science are in conflict with one another is a misnomer. Of course, some versions of the holy word are in conflict but the truth lies within with the translation.

Religion/political speak is kinda verboten, I think.
Do you have any idea just what was canonized/ deemed worthy for placement within the ' holy bible' and exactly why/why it's there or not there?
The bible explicitly talks of Enoch but where be he within the authorized 'holy bible',,, you know something friend? I was pretty much like you at one time or maybe even worse in the sense of being offended by statements told to me by others: " Jesus Christ died and went straight to hell",,,needless to say I was fixing to drill that guy square in his mouth, then he said ( luckily for him) " to snatch the "KEYS" of death/damnation from Satan ".
just spend 1 single hour of your life and research the book of ENOCH online,,, hell, we're all pretty acquainted with Ezekiel Seeing a wheel within a wheel way in the middle of the SKY.
the power of the church secreted away certain pertinent information from the masses to maintain their revelance /control


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Religion/political speak is kinda verboten, I think.
Do you have any idea just what was canonized/ deemed worthy for placement within the ' holy bible' and exactly why/why it's there or not there?
The bible explicitly talks of Enoch but where be he within the authorized 'holy bible',,, you know something friend? I was pretty much like you at one time or maybe even worse in the sense of being offended by statements told to me by others: " Jesus Christ died and went straight to hell",,,needless to say I was fixing to drill that guy square in his mouth, then he said ( luckily for him) " to snatch the "KEYS" of death/damnation from Satan ".
just spend 1 single hour of your life and research the book of ENOCH online,,, hell, we're all pretty acquainted with Ezekiel Seeing a wheel within a wheel way in the middle of the SKY.
the power of the church secreted away certain pertinent information from the masses to maintain their revelance /control
As a man of faith I believe in miracles and therefore I have to believe in the supernatural. The laws of physics as mankind understands them now do not explain everything. There is more out there than we know and it is all relative.


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No I don't think it's ***** I think most of it is black military projects.
I definitely don't think there are aliens.

My point is if there are military ufo's, then the ****'s themselves started it around the 1930's. When the war was over, we took a number of their hgh ranking scientests from that field over here.


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My point is if there are military ufo's, then the ****'s themselves started it around the 1930's.
Well that may be so as the **** bell craft has been well documented as well as plans for others.
I mean think of it the real father of Nasa was Werner Von Brown. The guy who was slamming London with V1 & V2 rockets during the blitz.


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I don't believe in UFOs reaching earth (no offense, Martian :)), but I do believe in alien life, and perhaps alien life that predates our evolution from bi-pedal primates to what we are today, and thereby, it's feasible they have reached a higher level of intelligence, reason, and technology.

If they were able to reach us, we would know for certain of their existence and their presence wouldn't be such a secret. Roswell wouldn't be a one-off. The pyramids a one-off, Nazca Lines, etc.

Stephen Hawking postulates that one of mankinds biggest threats is that of alien life making it here and exterminating us. Surely, if aliens have the ability to reach us, from such far distances (outside our solar system/Milky Way/galaxy), they would have incredible technology and able to do with us as they pleased.

Now, in the literal sense, yes there are UFOs. Stealth Fighters/Bombers at one point were UFOs. As were B-52s before and during WWll.

Lots of top-secret aerospace technology is not revealed to the public, but must be tested in our skies.
A UFO is nothing but an Unidentified Flying Object


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Well that may be so as the **** bell craft has been well documented as well as plans for others.
I mean think of it the real father of Nasa was Werner Von Brown. The guy who was slamming London with V1 & V2 rockets during the blitz.

Not the bell craft, UFO craft. There are docs showing it in detail and photos of the craft on fhe ground with ****'s up close touching it.


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To specifically answer your question, "How the hell do you think we got here?", I prefer the answer in the Holy Bible. The idea that religion and science are in conflict with one another is a misnomer. Of course, some versions of the holy word are in conflict but the truth lies within with the translation.