Unplugging From Facebook

I stopped using facebook years ago. It was just not my cup of tea. It's drama 100% of the time and people sharing games and trying to get you to play those dumb games (or at least it used to be like that)

I prefer G+. I don't post much at all, but I consume posts from scientist, professors, astrophotographers, electronic engineers, etc. Mostly educational stuff.
It has it's uses like keeping up with people that I care about.

Keeping up with their life drama anyhow. My family and friends have Allo channels we use to communicate. This way we keep their friends I don't give a damn about or their drama out of my life.

What I don't get about Facebook is why do people friend 10k they don't even freaking know?
Keeping up with their life drama anyhow. My family and friends have Allo channels we use to communicate. This way we keep their friends I don't give a damn about or their drama out of my life.

What I don't get about Facebook is why do people friend 10k they don't even freaking know?
Probably because they ask them and they don't want to decline and there is no cost so what the hell? Make people happy, they obviously need that. Too many unhappy people.
I check mine once every few days or so but never post anything anymore, going on 5 years now. It is the only social media I ever got into.

I hate FB but only have it for family mainly. I ended up deleting many acquaintances over the past couple years over politics :laugh:

The election showed me their true colors :thumbup:
I check mine once every few days or so but never post anything anymore, going on 5 years now. It is the only social media I ever got into.

I hate FB but only have it for family mainly. I ended up deleting many acquaintances over the past couple years over politics :laugh:

The election showed me their true colors :thumbup:

The older I get, the more politics in general disgusts me.
Baby steps. I've realized that the social media craze became a giant part of my life. Whether that is good or bad probably depends on any given person's views. I'm not looking to get a pat on the back from anybody, just merely sharing that I have realized it was starting to mentally cloud my thoughts and rob me of my time away from other things I may enjoy doing. Any step in the right direction of commitment to change is better than standing pat and doing nothing.
Fair enough! That would leave more time for you to spend on CowboysZone :D :D
It has it's uses like keeping up with people that I care about. I re-signed up when I retired at the request of some of the people I used to work with but the majority aren't Bookers and posting every little detail of their lives. Hey, I just took a breath!

My wife talked me into it the first time and I hated it and that whole "friends" thing reminded me of the popularity contests back in high school. Add you as a friend? I didn't like you when you were younger, why in the hell would I want to like you now?

I've never really explored it and plunged into the bowels of it but the damned thing has cost more productivity and put more stress on marriages than anything in history. I do not get the "social' aspect of it but I am most likely in the minority.

But I am not going to criticize anyone for being addicted to social media as I am kind of that way about our little gathering here. A day goes by and I don't see my fellow Zonekins and I get testy.
I have a friend who deletes her account every so often as a "reset" without offending everyone she follows, is friended with, etc. It's actually a smart strategy because if you unfriend, unfollow, etc. people, some will get upset or offended and some will then use social media to gripe about it.

What she does is delete her account, and tell everyone she deleted her account so no one thinks they were targeted specifically. Then after a week or two, she creates a new one, and only adds friends and family she wants at that point.
The older I get, the more politics in general disgusts me.
It never hasn't disgusted me. I am an equal opportunity political party hater. Both care more about their damned parties than the country. Neither wants America, they each want their own America.

The only reason I follow it now is to stay up with the humor on SNL, John Oliver and the late night guys that is being fed so well now.
I have a friend who deletes her account every so often as a "reset" without offending everyone she follows, is friended with, etc. It's actually a smart strategy because if you unfriend, unfollow, etc. people, some will get upset or offended and some will then use social media to gripe about it.

What she does is delete her account, and tell everyone she deleted her account so no one thinks they were targeted specifically. Then after a week or two, she creates a new one, and only adds friends and family she wants at that point.
I would do that as well if I was invested in it. The only time I go there is when I get a notification that someone I care about has posted something and then it's only interesting about 50% of the time.
I would do that as well if I was invested in it. The only time I go there is when I get a notification that someone I care about has posted something and then it's only interesting about 50% of the time.
Such as when someone says, "Look! My waffle looks just like Elvis!"? :D :D
I joined a while back, just because I thought it would be easy to use it to upload photos for other sites. Before I knew it, I was getting "friend requests", so I deleted my account. I don't want anyone from my past to be able to get in touch with me that easily.
I can't remember why I joined, but I did and got a friend's invite from my exes mother and my cousin. I'd get on line to check out the Cowboys forums and suddenly a box would pop up with the mother wanting to "chat" as in consume my precious forums time with what her neighbors are doing. Then I checked my cousin's friends list and found a whole bunch of people I chose to cut out of my life and went "Oh hail NO". I started the delete process and it was literally like filing my taxes just trying to get free. Every now and then, Facebook sends me a request to rejoin and I have no option allowing me to block them.
I cant stand Facebook either hek I blocked everyone that ever sent me a message even blocked my son
Facebook can be as good as you want it to be and as bad as you let it be.

Tons of settings you can use to block gaming requests, unfriendly someone, unfollow someone's posts, block posts from people or groups and so on.

About the only thing that bugs me is when Facebook goes on a kick and asks for your phone number to help make your account more secure lol
The last post I made on Facebook was a link to an article about Taco Bell's friend chicken nachos that I was all excited about.

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