Unpopular football opinions


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Yea, crazy part is if he had at least 2 more Superbowls, he'd definitely be a top 3 qb. His td to interception ratio is damn near 5 to 1. Absolutely ridiculous, only thrown 105 interceptions in 17 seasons started
I know we're supposed to hate him but I have always been a huge fan of his pure ability to throw the ball.
I am not sure if people realize just how poorly his playoff defenses sucked in a majority of his earlier postseason Green Bay career.

I know, he's supposed to be able to carry them and all, but the lack of defensive playoff support is alarming if you go back and look at the numbers.

Outside of their trophy year of course.



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Ahhhh! I knew there had to be a reasonable explanation!
I don't think the playoffs game vs Green Bay was rigged.
I think the NFL knows that they have to allow some games to be played out in a competitive nature or everyone will catch on to what's happening. I think, though, they step in and get the overall results they feel will be best for the league when they so choose.
But you can't convince me that the game vs the Lions- both last year and the year before- wasn't fixed.
It was too obvious.


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Not much else to say are you now relying on a resource from a video game the dude was overhyped because of the team he was on do you not understand that so yeah much more needs to be said because you need to get your face out of the video games because you're separated from reality this is what's wrong with fantasy football and Madden it breeds generations of people who know nothing about football for themselves I watched the games personally I was in my mid 20s when we were on this 90s run I also saw Danny white play it was the last years of his playing time when he lost to the cats game against San Francisco but I personally have watched every game the Dallas Cowboys have every play since 1980 and I have my own opinion and I'm telling you after watching all these other quarterbacks and watching the teams they were on and the talent they had around them Troy Aikman by definition is overrated if you look at the numbers particularly touchdown interception ratio both in the regular season and the playoffs make him average because he should have been much more prone to not be throwing interceptions and fumbling the football because of the team they were on were run first big *** offensive line great defense great special teams great coaching the man was on a dynasty and yes he was a very good quarterback but he's overrated when you compare him to the other quarterbacks headless around them and just made things happen that's what this is about unpopular opinions and I'm glad I hit a nerve and it's unpopular to say ,

Troy Aikman it's slightly overrated yes that's my opinion and I'm glad it falls on unpopular opinion poll thread... I knew it be unpopular here but I'm tired of hearing about how bad Tony Romo was and Prescott how they can't do it yeah they can't do it because they were not given the same talent and the same advantages that Troy and Roger had that's a fact and I'm sorry that you use madness your resource that's really sad...

Wow everybody we should use Madden for our information now because I've video game should tell us everything we need to know because I have a bunch of little game designers decided to see a quarterback that has three championships and overrated him because of his team... Don't get me wrong I love Troy I do but I can tell you this you put Tony or Prescott on those teams they still have the same success I'm telling you that Romo and Prescott are as talented or more talented than Troy if you don't like it I'm sorry I'm gonna say it because they get so much negativity the last two decades nothing but negativity troy's not untouchable he's not Teflon and I'm here to say the unpopular thing he's slightly overrated..
Never played a football game on my Xbox ever. Got all the games on 8-Track! Thx…


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I don't think the playoffs game vs Green Bay was rigged.
I think the NFL knows that they have to allow some games to be played out in a competitive nature or everyone will catch on to what's happening. I think, though, they step in and get the overall results they feel will be best for the league when they so choose.
But you can't convince me that the game vs the Lions- both last year and the year before- wasn't fixed.
It was too obvious.
Now you need to ask yourself if your obsession with Dak is worth it. By your logic he’s just following the script as ordered by the NFL. (Mostly?)

You have some conflicting things going on in your reasoning


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Now you need to ask yourself if your obsession with Dak is worth it. By your logic he’s just following the script as ordered by the NFL. (Mostly?)

You have some conflicting things going on in your reasoning
I am hoping that both the Cowboys and the NFL correct what they are doing- hoping against hope, you might say- before they turn what was a great thing into just another Mafia type scheme completely.
The idea that billionaires leave their fortunes to a game of chance is naive, and the NFL is a victim of its own success.
Gambling destroys every sport it touches, because inevitably there are those who think they should have the advantage.
The love of money makes men reveal their character, and the fear of not having it drives men to do bad things.


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I'm old enough to know what I see.

I am hoping that both the Cowboys and the NFL correct what they are doing- hoping against hope, you might say- before they turn what was a great thing into just another Mafia type scheme completely.
The idea that billionaires leave their fortunes to a game of chance is naive, and the NFL is a victim of its own success.
Gambling destroys every sport it touches, because inevitably there are those who think they should have the advantage.
The love of money makes men reveal their character, and the fear of not having it drives men to do bad things.
Billionaires are making their football money off many other things. The outcome of games is very low on that list.

They sell products-essentially and credibility is a major part of their product. Your theory has so many flaws and you’re simply unwilling to see them.


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Eli rode dominant dlines to rings.
A travesty that he'll make the HOF and is ever spoken of in the same sentence as his brother.
To correct myself, I believe Eli had pretty good superbowl runs. It was still the dlines, but he played well.

But his body of work is still nowhere near HOF level, yet he's going to get in. The only season stat he led the league in was INTs, and he did that 3 times. 11 seasons in the top 10.


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I was actually in shock the first time I heard such talk.

Romo, who I don't consider HOF worthy either, was rated higher than Eli for most of his career. It was actually sadly funny how they would rate Eli higher the year after his super bowl wins, but after a few games of his normal mediocre play he'd drop down to the 8-12 area where he belonged.

Understand, I'm not claiming he sucked, he didn't, he was simply an average QB. Maybe slightly above, whatever.
Yeah. Eli was generally slightly above average. And he deserves credit for good playoff runs in the SB seasons. I'm not that shocked about HOF talk for him, as lots of people really weight team accomplishments, or lack thereof, on the QB. But no. Just no.

Romo, not HOF either.
But, *perfect* QB rating on 4th and 10+. That's something to be proud of. And it matches what he generally was - a QB who gave you a chance. And 2014 was a legit MVP level year with the highest passer rating in the league. People can say what they like about Romo, but you can't deny, good and bad, he was entertaining.