Unpopular football opinions


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Not playoffs, just super bowls. Payton had 40 TDs/25 INTs in the playoffs. And if he hadn't run up repeatedly against the NE juggernaut, prolly has a couple more super bowls to his name. Gotta look at all of it!!!!!!

In 2003, for example. PM had a 9/4 TD/INT ratio w/ a 106.4 QBR. Soooo, what happened? Ran into the Patriots, who actually had a D and a better team.
Hoodie and Tom were his most public and noteworthy losses cuz the public needed someone else to root for going against Brady.
I always likened Manning's New England woes to his college Gator woes.
He always looked scared and tense.
Hoodie was Peyton's Spurrier Gator nemesis. He was 0-4 against the Gators in college.

But what I was saying is Peyton lost plenty of divisional round playoff games that did not include Brady/Belicheck.

So yeah, imo he was not that good of a playoff QB.



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Joe Flacco had the greatest QB run ever and people still use him as an example of QBs that were carried.

That Ravens team gave up over 30 points twice during that playoff run.

Flacco's stats though: 1140 yards, 11 TDs, 0 INTs. 117.2 passer rating.
...Flacco, like Eli and now Mahomes. Are clutch when they have to be. Our situation in Dallas is the reverse. ;)..


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...Flacco, like Eli and now Mahomes. Are clutch when they have to be. Our situation in Dallas is the reverse. ;)..
Flacco is 10-6 in the playoffs with 26 TDs and 12 INTS.

You will still see the uneducated bring his name up here all the time as proof that you don't need great QB play in the playoffs to win.


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I'd say Peyton's brother, Eli was also overrated.
100% agree. What Eli does have going for him is Two Playoff runs that were just not from this planet. His career for the most part was rather ordinary, he was not very much better than average, but in those two runs he took off his panties, put on his big boy pants and stepped up to the plate, so did his defense btw.


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I think Brady is a trash human being and didn't deserve at least 4 of those super bowls. I also think this franchise is screwed once Jerry dies. Stephen is the worst football brat in the NFL, even worse than Mark Davis.
Interesting take. Maybe u can elaborate on how he is a trash human being, because he got divorced? Most commentary is quite the opposite actually.


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...Flacco, like Eli and now Mahomes. Are clutch when they have to be. Our situation in Dallas is the reverse. ;)..
Mahomes belongs nowhere near those other two names. What I saw Mahomes do in the last SB was absolutely Will them to victory, he strapped that game on his shoulders for the win. Any other qb in that situation vs the 49’ers would have gone home a loser imo.


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Saying the wrong thing to do is ask his own coach what do you think about player come on dude perspective he was on a run based team it's still threw a **** load of interceptions this man was protected he is basically a bus driver and he still threw a lot of interceptions he made a lot of mistakes there were big games in Super Bowls in the playoffs where he had interceptions and they covered it up go things that you don't get to say Romo and Prescott get so let's keep some perspective here the man was on his team where he wasn't asked to do a lot and he still threw a lot of interceptions that's my point he's overrated that's my hot point of unpopular opinions and I'm gonna say it he's overrated.. I realize it's hard to trust competitions fan base but when people are asked this question who was overrated Troy aikman's name comes up so much in these Facebook polls you have to start believing it yourself stop being a Homer he was a very good quarterback but he was nowhere near on the levels of a Peyton Manning or Drew Brees and nowhere close to Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady who am I picking the two best quarterbacks that would be in somebody's top five all time because they're touchdown interception ratio they have Super Bowl wins but of course Tom Brady's the goat...

But yeah ask his teammates and his lovely coach because you're gonna get an unbiased opinion from them Oh my God dude the unbiased opinion is coming from us I think he was slightly overrated of course he may have been a little different on another team that was more wide open but he already threw so many picks in a run based offense I'm sorry I gotta put the guy unpopular football opinion troy aikman's overrated.. We're not saying he sucked but if you wanna be real this guy would have probably been Baker Mayfield had he been on any other team or maybe it's of Joe Flacco we're not talking about a bad quarterback just talking about an overrated quarterback by looking at how stacked those teams were on both players and coaches I'm sorry.... This is why I should get some credit for going against our great Troy by bringing in an unpopular opinion that's gonna cause a lot of turmoil..
For that generation Madden absolutely rated Aikman as the best. Not much else to say.


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The NFL panders too much to casual fans at the expense of real football fans. Too many rule changes aimed at increasing offensive yardage/scoring, too much trying to appear to be 'cool' in how they present the game. This may work short term, but will cost them in the long term future.

The bedrock of any pro sport is its committed fans. The people who will have a lifelong interest in the sport. Start replacing them with casual fans and you eventually discover that your fanbase is a house of cards when the next 'cool' sport comes along.


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Anytime you see touchdowns for the opposing team that would have broken the Cowboys back negated by the officials,it was likely rigged. Anytime you see a team who is dominating the Cowboys suddenly self destruct and then see the Cowboys seemingly in complete control despite struggling the entire game, and any time you see a coach refuse to kick a field goal that would cement the win for his team and decide to go for it on 4th and goal from the 4, it was probably rigged.
When you see a penalty called AFTER the play was over that takes away the winning score from the opponent, and when you see a professional football player whiff on a sack for a safety that turns into a 92 yd td, it was probably rigged.
So that only happened to Dallas and no other team. So any call that helped Dallas was rigged. and only calls for Dallas were rigged.

so not rigged for any other team. and that happened only during regular season. but this rigging stopped in post season, because NFL wants cowboys to succeed in regular season, but not post season...for some reason.

and I guess a professional football players like Watt purposely whiffed at Romo, so he could escape out of his grasp and throw it to Dez...I mean, escaping from defenders never ever happens to any other QB, just Dak and just cowboys and only in the past 8 years. it couldn't be the defender messing up, nah, that never ever happens unless they are told to whiff.

and its not like any team ever in NFL struggled during the game and won it at the end, that never happens, except only to cowboys and during Dak prescott era. no other team ever has won a game struggling offensively. Imean 348 yards passing and 68% completion is a tough day for any QB.

like I said, are you interested in purchasing a bridge in Brooklyn. I really have to get rid of it. just let me know.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I think the NFL has become the new WWF, and most, if not all, games are rigged. Muscle bound athletes are allowed to run up and down the field making plays for the entertainment, but the winners are chosen in a board room and the referees control the outcome.
I think the Dallas/Detroit game was rigged, and Derrick Barnes whiffed on the sack of Dak Prescott for a safety, and the 92 yd touchdown pass was set up to ensure that the fans were in a good mood for Jimmy Johnson's Ring of Honor induction.
I think Dallas was the recipient of at least 4 rigged victories in 2022; the Lions, Colts, Texans, and even the Bears games were all rigged to portray Dallas as an offensive powerhouse with Dak at quarterback because Jerry needed to keep fans hoping.
And I think Taylor Swift is the reason the Kansas City Chiefs went from mediocre to Super Bowl Champions last year.
The NFL wasn't going to miss out on the popularity she brought and the money to be made off of gambling.
Travis Kelce could end up being commissioner one day if he marries Swift.
This is a fan who actually believes the Super Bowl was rigged in favor of KC because of Taylor Swift. :laugh:


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Interesting take. Maybe u can elaborate on how he is a trash human being, because he got divorced? Most commentary is quite the opposite actually.
He left his pregnant fiance/wife/girlfriend, I'm not sure what she was at the time. Then the whole cheating thing and acting like the world was against him. What a joke.