Sadly there were individuals in the military who would take advantage and milk injuries to get out of duty. He calls them Sick Bay Commandos...we would call them Private Profiles. In the army if you get certain medical restrictions they call it a profile hence the nickname private profiles.
However that was clearly not the case with Rayman's son.
100% correct. My son and I talked many times about guys like that in boot camp and guys more current that are in the military for all the wrong reasons and should never be there. Its exactly the way you framed it. You nailed it. He joined because he loves his Country and has his heart and mind in the right place. Hes a grounded young man. He is the leader of his unit but has guys above him that SHOULD NOT be in positions of power. He was jilted, snubbed twice actually from being a Sergeant. He had the points, did all the tests or whatever, he called it something else. He was told he made it, then once he came back from Korea , that duty station at Camp Walker SK, back to Camp Roberts, SOMEONE there above him denied him. My guess is its someone like his current C/O that he trusted that is suppose to go to bat for him, that didn't. Just my hunch. He is loyal to his oath he made and will carry on accordingly, thats the type of old-school soldier he is. When he commits, thats it. Right now, Im only focused on his health and he learned a valuable lesson, he will not be going back to work early even if they try to force him. Whatever the doctors tell him, he will stick to this time. His life is more important . His mental toughness is high level. He will battle thru it and we will support him. I sure thank you and everyone else on here for the support and love and knowledge. TY for your service btw Brain. Also to everyone else that served. His late Grandpa is proud of him.He served also in the Army. He is a 5th generation Army kid. Last night they would have let him go home but they did a recheck of his drain tube and they found a little trickle of fluid so they decided to wait one more day. Which is good, I am glad they are being more cautious this time.