Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

Phrozen Phil;4598622 said:
As somebody who works in this field, the story for the family is likely not over. The trauma experienced by the child will live on, perhaps for a long time. The trauma experienced by the father will go on as well. You don't just kill someone, regardless of the provocation and circumstances and walk away unscathed. I hope he can move on albeit with some help. As for those here who state thay would do the same as he did, I pray that you never find yourselves in that situation.

I offer no defense for the sex offender. I've interviewed my fair share of them and struggle to reconcile my personal and professional views. There's something profoundly disturbing about meeting a real tried and true peodophile. I can't recommend the experience.

I would never loose a moment of sleep over it.
Yakuza Rich;4598643 said:
I agree with this except for killing somebody and not coming away unscathed. There are millions of war veterans who killed people and came away unscathed emotionally. I suspect there are many people whom if they had done the same thing this father had did, they would not even think twice again about it.

The problem here is that the father does seem distraught about killing Flores because he simply didn't want to do it. But for some people it's no big thing if they feel they are perfectly justified in doing so.

Hopefully the town and the people who know the father's identity will support him and the daughter and let them move on with their lives.


You make good points, but the situation in war is likely different than the one he found himself in. In war, the other guy is most likely trying to kill you. A professional soldier is trained to deal with that in the theater of war. The fact that the father feels some emotion regarding the event is likely to help him through it, and the support he gets from friends and family will make the task easier to bear.

Make no mistake about it, when someone kills someone else, there's an excellent chance they WILL lose sleep over it. As someone who has witnessed sudden, violent death, it's a terrible experience.
Cajuncowboy;4598650 said:
I would never loose a moment of sleep over it.

Not a single second. I would be more upset about the cleanup time to clean the brains off the wall and floor.
jnday;4592195 said:
I don't think you are going to find many people that say vigilante justice is some problem that is out of hand. You can find my people concerned with child molesters slipping thru a faulty justice system. It happens all the time. Killing the creep was the right thing to do and the justice system should give the father a big thank you. I don't have any compassion for a child molester and I don't have a problem with vigilante justice taking care of them.

This isn't really vigilante justice. This is "self" defence (obviously defence of his daughter but whatever). Vigilante justice is if heard the story second hand and then goes to kill the guy the next day. This is stopping an act of sexual violence while it is being committed.
baj1dallas;4598730 said:
This isn't really vigilante justice. This is "self" defence (obviously defence of his daughter but whatever). Vigilante justice is if heard the story second hand and then goes to kill the guy the next day. This is stopping an act of sexual violence while it is being committed.
That is correct. Big difference.
baj1dallas;4598730 said:
This isn't really vigilante justice. This is "self" defence (obviously defence of his daughter but whatever). Vigilante justice is if heard the story second hand and then goes to kill the guy the next day. This is stopping an act of sexual violence while it is being committed.

I agree. I see Vigilante justice a bit different. He acted while the attack was in process. Not like he beat him up took him out back and hung him or had to hunt the guy down. He caught this man in the act and in the process he ended up killing this guy.
Phrozen Phil;4598667 said:
You make good points, but the situation in war is likely different than the one he found himself in. In war, the other guy is most likely trying to kill you. A professional soldier is trained to deal with that in the theater of war. The fact that the father feels some emotion regarding the event is likely to help him through it, and the support he gets from friends and family will make the task easier to bear.

Make no mistake about it, when someone kills someone else, there's an excellent chance they WILL lose sleep over it. As someone who has witnessed sudden, violent death, it's a terrible experience.

I believe that there are plenty of people in the world that if they could have killed Flores as he was about to rape his daughter, they would not lose any sleep over it.

I think the majority would probably lose sleep over it, but there would still be a good chunk of the population that because they can justify it, their emotional outlook and mindset don't let it bother them one bit.

Obviously, this case is different. I just think the world is filled with people who may even relish in the fact they could kill somebody. Whether or not they have the capability to do it is another thing.

Yakuza Rich;4598752 said:
I believe that there are plenty of people in the world that if they could have killed Flores as he was about to rape his daughter, they would not lose any sleep over it.

I think the majority would probably lose sleep over it, but there would still be a good chunk of the population that because they can justify it, their emotional outlook and mindset don't let it bother them one bit.

Obviously, this case is different. I just think the world is filled with people who may even relish in the fact they could kill somebody. Whether or not they have the capability to do it is another thing.

I would have killed the guy without hesitation.
But I am sure I would have lost at least some sleep over it at some point. Flash back if anything.
That does not at all mean I would have regretted doing it.
baj1dallas;4598730 said:
This isn't really vigilante justice. This is "self" defence (obviously defence of his daughter but whatever). Vigilante justice is if heard the story second hand and then goes to kill the guy the next day. This is stopping an act of sexual violence while it is being committed.

That and I don't have a problem with all cases of vigilante justice.

The case of the father from Louisiana who shot and killed his son's molester days after the authorities captured the molestor is a case of vigilante justice. And I'm glad that the father did it. You can look at it on YouTube as the scene was caught on camera.

Those of you saying you wouldn't lose sleep over it probably have never taken a life.

Humans are not programmed to do it through evolution. Yes there are people who like to kill but they usually end up in prison or dead themselves.

Deep down we don't want to kill someone.

I understand that most of you are posting solely on emotion and while you might not regret doing it, you would likely still face the ugly truth that you ended someone's life even if you felt justified in doing it, and likely would have to seek some counselling to deal with it.
DFWJC;4598760 said:
I would have killed the guy without hesitation.
But I am sure I would have lost at least some sleep over it at some point. Flash back if anything.
That does not at all mean I would have regretted doing it.

This is one of the most sane things I've read regarding life after what happened. I'm quite sure the imagery wouldn't leave anyones mind for years. You might be able to block it out but it is with you for the rest of your life. I don't think hesitation or regret have anything to do with living with the fact that you had to do what you had to do. I'm pretty sure every time he enters the girls room he will have flashbacks for a while. All of this is speculation but he will most likely be effected by this.

I think some people can block it out of their mind for years but I believe at some point it will resurface and they will have to deal with it eventually. It's a sad story all around for the family.
JBond;4598544 said:
The CBZ's self appointed experts are full of crap 90% of the time. They talk a good game but in reality are just little kids that have no clue how the world really works.

I'm really convinced most of the experts on here have no expertise in reality, especially after reading their thoughts in this thread. It sort of gives them away, that they're not experts...
Double Trouble;4598637 said:
Or you could take solace in the fact that this animal will ever harm another child.

I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.
Doomsday101;4598748 said:
I agree. I see Vigilante justice a bit different. He acted while the attack was in process. Not like he beat him up took him out back and hung him or had to hunt the guy down. He caught this man in the act and in the process he ended up killing this guy.

I pointed it out earlier in the thread that the law allows this. It was like the some couldn't read what was in black in white. What the guy did was legal. End of story. Anyone who argues against that mustn't be able to read English.
CanadianCowboysFan;4598785 said:
Those of you saying you wouldn't lose sleep over it probably have never taken a life.

Humans are not programmed to do it through evolution. Yes there are people who like to kill but they usually end up in prison or dead themselves.

Deep down we don't want to kill someone.

I understand that most of you are posting solely on emotion and while you might not regret doing it, you would likely still face the ugly truth that you ended someone's life even if you felt justified in doing it, and likely would have to seek some counselling to deal with it.

I agree. I would hate to be put in the position this man was put in by no fault of his own. When it comes to protecting family I would fight the devil you think losing sleep over killing this man is bad how about those who have lost loved ones to this criminals and what they go through.
CowboyMcCoy;4598847 said:
I pointed it out earlier in the thread that the law allows this. It was like the some couldn't read what was in black in white. What the guy did was legal. End of story. Anyone who argues against that mustn't be able to read English.

I'm with you. This man did not go out looking to kill someone he was put in a position where he did what had to be done.
Doomsday101;4598852 said:
I'm with you. This man did not go out looking to kill someone he was put in a position where he did what had to be done.

That, and the perp WAS in the middle of a sexual assault. It matters not if he used deadly force. By law he was allowed to use deadly force. No way this guy was ever getting charged--with anything. Whoever thought the possibility existed, aside from the father's story not checking out initially, flat out knows nothing of the legal system.

Having said that, another thing is, when it comes to pedophiles, no one really cares--especially not when the perp is in the act. Even without the law protecting him, I don't see why anyone would ever think he'd be indicted. It's just silly.
Doomsday101;4598850 said:
I agree. I would hate to be put in the position this man was put in by no fault of his own. When it comes to protecting family I would fight the devil you think losing sleep over killing this man is bad how about those who have lost loved ones to this criminals and what they go through.

It's not hard to see who the real victim is here. Laws never cover every scenario, which is why even grand juries are able to consider the "spirit" of the law. But, again, in this case even the legal system had him covered. As long as his story checked out, he never did anything wrong according to the law.
The30YardSlant;4592015 said:
Depends on the laws regarding deadly force in Pennsylvania.

Regardless though, Sandusky deserves much worse than being beaten to death. If it were up to me serial pedophiles would be forcibly castrated without anesthesia and then thrown into the general prison population.
All sexual predators ,rapists,child molestors should definitely be castrated. U are correct.Its the only think that will stop them and also prison.
juck;4598913 said:
All sexual predators ,rapists,child molestors should definitely be castrated. U are correct.Its the only think that will stop them and also prison.

All that will do is prevent them from fathering a child and possibly getting an erection. It will not necessarily prevent a sexual assault.

Saudi Arabia cuts off the hands of thieves, do you want your justice system to have penalties along the same vein?

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