Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

Kingsmith88;4592110 said:
Had he shot him, I could see you using that, but beating a man to death takes time. A few shots to the head and the guy would have stopped, give him a couple more good shots for good measure, leave a mark.

Depends what you hit him with. It was in a barn. There are all sorts of items that could have been used. I am sure more facts will come out.

Regardless, if he beat him to death with his hands, shot him, or chopped his head off with an axe, according to the law in Texas he is within his rights.

That goofy Canadian guy, who in the past claimed to be an attorney, had no right to call this a murder. He shoots his mouth off all the time with little grasp of reality and the law. Obviously an ambulance chaser level attorney.
...and we're off!

Yeah, he certainly did get what he deserved. And if the legal system wants to weigh in the balances what the father did, they should be thankful he saved them time and money and the stress of having that guy on their hands.

He should be left alone to do what he has to do to help himself and his family get over the psychological trauma of what happened.
JBond;4592108 said:
I did not realize you profiled child molesters for a living. How do they usually attack kids?

I would love to watch you voice your doubts about the father's integrity to his face.
Seriously? You think all initial newspaper reports are perfect and that the details in them should never raise questions?

And where exactly did I make any claims to expertise? But yeah, it seems to me from things I've read about many other cases (victim testimony, etc.) that child molesters generally take great pains to make sure they're alone with the kids. Not sure why that would be a controversial thought.
vta;4592132 said:
Yeah, he certainly did get what he deserved. And if the legal system wants to weigh in the balances what the father did, they should be thankful he saved them time and money and the stress of having that guy on their hands.

He should be left alone to do what he has to do to help himself and his family get over the psychological trauma of what happened.
A grand jury won't even indict him, so it won't go before a jury anyway...who like someone said earler would not find him guilty if it did.
cowboy_ron;4592109 said:
I agree yeag...I just know first hand about Texas is why I phrased it that way....a good portion have CHL's and the ones that don't have them carry guns anyway regardless of the license...especially when you get in the rural areas of the state

Yeah I know what you meant...Tater lol
The30YardSlant;4592015 said:
Depends on the laws regarding deadly force in Pennsylvania.

Regardless though, Sandusky deserves much worse than being beaten to death. If it were up to me serial pedophiles would be forcibly castrated without anesthesia and then thrown into the general prison population.

I couldn't agree with this statement more. I saw a clip of him walking in to court with a smile on his face. It made me angry.

This guy in Texas shouldn't even be charged, imo.
Yeagermeister;4592148 said:
Yeah I know what you meant...Tater lol
Did I ever tell ya the story about getting thrown out of a bar in New York City?:laugh1:
CanadianCowboysFan;4591979 said:
Even though he did commit murder and we need to bring a foot down on vigilante justice, you are right, he won't be convicted.

It's a hard one for the Prosecutor though, he has to charge him simply because if he doesn't then vigilantes will be all over the place.

I don't think you are going to find many people that say vigilante justice is some problem that is out of hand. You can find my people concerned with child molesters slipping thru a faulty justice system. It happens all the time. Killing the creep was the right thing to do and the justice system should give the father a big thank you. I don't have any compassion for a child molester and I don't have a problem with vigilante justice taking care of them.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4592184 said:
I understand why he did it and if I were in his position it'd be very difficult for me to not do what he did, however you cannot take the law into your own hands. He should've just roughed him up a little bit and then wait for the police to arrive.
When your daughter is screaming for help and you see a guy molesting your 4 y/o daughter, what is legal or not legal is NOT at the top of the priority list.
The dad technically should have stopped when the man was no longer able to defend himself.(bring unconscience) The parent in me though doesn't really care that the molester died and if I was in the same situation I would have done the same thing.
JBond;4592121 said:
Depends what you hit him with. It was in a barn. There are all sorts of items that could have been used. I am sure more facts will come out.

Regardless, if he beat him to death with his hands, shot him, or chopped his head off with an axe, according to the law in Texas he is within his rights.

That goofy Canadian guy, who in the past claimed to be an attorney, had no right to call this a murder. He shoots his mouth off all the time with little grasp of reality and the law. Obviously an ambulance chaser level attorney.

First of all, you are just hearing his side so who is really shooting off his mouth?

He claims he killed the guy as he witnessed the assault. Who knows what he really saw or whether or not he was complicit in some way. For all anyone knows the other guy could have seen the father molesting his own daughter.

I love how some here say if you are within your rights, all is cool when you agree but when the lawyer who didn't rat out his client because of privilege and allowed another to remain in prison (also within his rights and professional obligations, he was bad and immoral).

I somehow doubt the law was intended that once you had prevented the sexual assault from occurring, you could then continue to beat the guy until he dies. I suspect the lawmaker meant that you can use deadly force to prevent it but not once it is prevented that you can go on to kill the alleged perpetrator with impunity.

However, things are a tad different down your way.
cowboy_ron;4592199 said:
When your daughter is screaming for help and you see a guy molesting your 4 y/o daughter, what is legal or not legal is NOT at the top of the priority list.

Your priorities are irrelevant though. He should have stop when force became unnessesary.
dez_for_prez;4592216 said:
Your priorities are irrelevant though. He should have stop when force became unnessesary.
It was unnessesary when he took his last breath.

In Rural Texas, the only way the Police would have been mad is because they didn't get there in time to do it themselves. Texans are proud people who still believe in protecting their family and possessions and in rural areas police won't even argue that fact
The forensic evidence from the sexual assault investigation should provide some answers towards confirming the guilt or innocence of the alleged attacker.
CanadianCowboysFan;4591979 said:
Even though he did commit murder and we need to bring a foot down on vigilante justice, you are right, he won't be convicted.

It's a hard one for the Prosecutor though, he has to charge him simply because if he doesn't then vigilantes will be all over the place.

So when someone is molesting your son you say, "excuse me Mr. I don't like what your doing. Can you please stop?"

Molesters deserve the death penelty, end of story.
DallasEast;4592227 said:
The forensic evidence from the sexual assault investigation should provide some answers towards confirming the guilt or innocence of the alleged attacker.

that is true
I have no problem with what he did. If I was in the same position I would do the same thing and not lose a minute of sleep because of it.

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