US Patent Office cancels Commanders Trademarks

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So the Patent Office has revoked the Commanders trademark as they have deemed the name to be racially offensive. Now anybody can distribute and promote raciallly offensive material.
A California high school is having a similar problem with their mascot. For a laugh, Google the Coachella Valley High Arabs mascot.
Seriously? Do all have to have a problem with a derogatory word to make it wrong to use it? You know it is a racist word as did the racist owner when he changed the original name.

You can stand on your soap box all day but I have no issue with the nickname Commanders. Other native Americans do not see it as a racist name, you and some others do that is your right and in my view it is the right of Snyder to keep the name if he chooses. Hell Vikings can be construed as racist
The person laughing the most right now is JJ since the Boys are not a part of the NFL merchandise agreement.
You can stand on your soap box all day but I have no issue with the nickname Commanders. Other native Americans do not see it as a racist name, you and some others do that is your right and in my view it is the right of Snyder to keep the name if he chooses. Hell Vikings can be construed as racist

You are correct. He can keep the name if he wants. He just can't cry when others sell 2nd rate merchandise and make money. Nor can the NFL.
You can stand on your soap box all day but I have no issue with the nickname Commanders. Other native Americans do not see it as a racist name, you and some others do that is your right and in my view it is the right of Snyder to keep the name if he chooses. Hell Vikings can be construed as racist

How so?

Also, does anyone actually know how many people find it offensive?

It doesn't seem like an overwhelming majority of Native American's have a problem with it, but I would say that most people understand that referring to a native american as a "Commander" is inappropriate.

It's a tricky situation for sure.
How so?

Also, does anyone actually know how many people find it offensive?

It doesn't seem like an overwhelming majority of Native American's have a problem with it, but I would say that most people understand that referring to a native american as a "Commander" is inappropriate.

It's a tricky situation for sure.

Viking could be offensive to those of Scandinavian heritage, anyone can get offended and now days that seems pretty easy to do. No one is calling any native American "Commander" Commander it what the Washington football team is called. Do people call Scandinavians Vikings? Or is that what they call the football team?
Viking could be offensive to those of Scandinavian heritage, anyone can get offended and now days that seems pretty easy to do. No one is calling any native American "Commander" Commander it what the Washington football team is called. Do people call Scandinavians Vikings? Or is that what they call the football team?

That Viking analogy is a real reach. Anthropologists use the term. Viking is derived from Norse. No Anthropologist is using Commander.
Viking could be offensive to those of Scandinavian heritage, anyone can get offended and now days that seems pretty easy to do. No one is calling any native American "Commander" Commander it what the Washington football team is called. Do people call Scandinavians Vikings? Or is that what they call the football team?

Viking doesn't refer to those of Scandinavian heritage.

It's not a derogatory term like [insert x racial slur here], rather an actual term used to refer to Norse Explorers/radiers/pirates from a very specific time in the middle of the middle ages.

Really, from what I understand what we consider to be a "viking" should be Vikingr... a male who "goes on a viking". A viking is a sea exploration that usually involved raiding/piracy as well.

The word itself has no racial or ethnic connotations and the pure etymology of the word basically stems from where they operated (creek/bay... one of their distinctions was that their ships were able to navigate shallow waters).

Do you see how that's different than Commander?
The "Washington Commanders" trademark for their team name.

I for one do not care. But others may see it in a different way.
It's been there for a long time - they do not show the Indians in a bad way.
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