US Patent Office cancels Commanders Trademarks

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This is ****ing stupid. Let the team have their name.

the ruling has nothing to do with the name of the team. they can still name their team what ever they want. they just can't trademark the word Commander
With this sort of action being taken against Washington, how long before they go after the Chiefs or the Vikings, and for the sake of sports the Blackhawks in the NHL?
The ruling does not mean that the Commanders have to change the name of the team. It does affect whether the team and the NFL can make money from merchandising because it limits the team’s legal options when others use the logos and the name on T shirts, sweatshirts, beer glasses and license plate holders.

Money makes the world go around. The world go around. The world go around. Money makes the...
The vast majority of native americans don't have a problem with the name. It's only a small group of activist.

I think the way to resolve this is if the owner of the team paid a research group to take a head count of the Native Americans
By the way how do you think the name "Black Skins" would go over?
Political Correct bovine excrement. As much as I hate the Skins, I hope Snyder ties this up in court for years to come. Those few offended can go jump in the lake; and 99% of people could care less. Despite what some here claim.

Why be so insensitive to a group of people. Thats all that is
it's not about the great players it's about the Indian nation that the name reflects on.
If Native Americans didn't feel offended then thats a different matter.
One day this will be obvious

The vast majority of native americans don't have a problem with the name. It's only a small group of activist.

The way many "leaders" get fame and fortune is by making an issue of something that really wasn't an issue for most people.

Many "leaders" are basically just the equivalent of ambulance chasers.

Winning the legal battle against the Commanders team or getting them to eventually change it will not have any significant effect on the average Native American; however, it will bring power and money to the "leaders" that forced it to happen.

It's basically like terrorist leaders that rise to power by getting their followers to become suicide bombers. The leaders get power and money while the followers don't really get anything.
the ruling has nothing to do with the name of the team. they can still name their team what ever they want. they just can't trademark the word Commander

Right, but this is clearly an attempt to get them to change it.

And only months after a very higher-up who shall remain nameless expressed his displeasure with the name.

Total coincidence I'm sure.
With this sort of action being taken against Washington, how long before they go after the Chiefs or the Vikings, and for the sake of sports the Blackhawks in the NHL?

That won't happen because none of those names are disparaging.
I guess Vikings will be next, Scandinavian people are just outraged. lol

If the Skins changed their name back to the Braves there would still be grumblings, but they could make it work. I don't understand how the NFL wants to fine players for using the n-word while letting an owner use that racist name to make money.
If the Skins changed their name back to the Braves there would still be grumblings, but they could make it work. I don't understand how the NFL wants to fine players for using the n-word while letting an owner use that racist name to make money.

because only a few consider it racist
If the Skins changed their name back to the Braves there would still be grumblings, but they could make it work. I don't understand how the NFL wants to fine players for using the n-word while letting an owner use that racist name to make money.

Braves is better? The group up in arms is not representing all native americans and many do not have any problem with it.
The way many "leaders" get fame and fortune is by making an issue of something that really wasn't an issue for most people.

Many "leaders" are basically just the equivalent of ambulance chasers.

Winning the legal battle against the Commanders team or getting them to eventually change it will not have any significant effect on the average Native American; however, it will bring power and money to the "leaders" that forced it to happen.

It's basically like terrorist leaders that rise to power by getting their followers to become suicide bombers. The leaders get power and money while the followers don't really get anything.
That's correct. People who find the name "Commanders" offensive are exactly like suicide bombers.
The current lawsuit was brought eight years ago by Amanda Blackhorse, Phillip Glover, Marcus Briggs-Cloud, Jillian Pappan and Courtney Tsotigh .

“It is a great victory for Native Americans and for all Americans, “ Blackhorse said in a statement. “I hope this ruling brings us a step closer to that inevitable day when the name of the Washington football team will be changed.”


8 years ago. lol.
With this sort of action being taken against Washington, how long before they go after the Chiefs or the Vikings, and for the sake of sports the Blackhawks in the NHL?

There's kind of a difference in some of those.

Chief-- a word used to describe a leader or ruler that has roots much older than European's first interaction with Native Americans.

Blackhawks-- (black hawk) a war leader that happened to be native american, the team was actually named after the "black hawk" division-- 333rd machine gun batallion of the 86th infantry.

Commanders-- an ambiguous labeling of native american people with the basis being the color of their skin.

The Vikings nickname is a little closer, however the word "Viking" has never been thought to be a racial slur and rather an understood name for a certain people (kind of like Cowboys refers to cattle tenders).

The Cleveland Indians mascot is a bit more of an accurate comparison though, especially with the caricature mascot ... I could see that being changed.
Braves is better? The group up in arms is not representing all native americans and many do not have any problem with it.

Seriously? Do all have to have a problem with a derogatory word to make it wrong to use it? You know it is a racist word as did the racist owner when he changed the original name.
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