Let me enlighten you sir.
1. I despised Garrett from day one and saw him as just a comfortable option for JJ. Back then, he was in over his head and it cost us some games. Over the years, he has began to improve but only after having his play calling duties neutered. So, today, I'm fine with Garrett as is but don't color me too impressed.
2. I despised the RBBC idea (still do) and saw the utilization of Randle and McFadden as a huge waste of time. Well.. We all know where Randle ended up. Knuckleheads tend to end up in those predicaments. McFadden? I just always saw him as a walking MASH unit. I view last year as an anomaly and nothing to get excited about... so, in short, I don't particularly care for McFadden. I hope Morris beats him out for #2.
3. Letting Demarco go without a hair of negotiation was, and will remain, one of the largest blunders in Cowboys history. We were so close to a Super Bowl with our ground & pound configuration that you could smell it... & then so far away...
So, sir, you were well off base but that's ok. There are plenty of others here that know all of that about me. I'm your classic glass half full guy not only in my support of our beloved Boys but also in life. I'll complain until the end of day but also give credit where its due/earned. I believe we hit a grand slam in this year's draft and will be considered a very dangerous team to deal with in the coming years. Logical strategic choices usually turn out to equal success. I'm incredibly excited to see what we have on our hands in the next few years.
I see half our picks contributing significantly this year. We shall see. Bring on training camp.