Vela: Comments on Mike Jenkins


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BraveHeartFan;2405172 said:
If, if, if. If Eli hadn't made so many bad plays in his life time he'd have more than one Superbowl victory too.

Who cares about what could have happened IF Eli did this or that. It didn't happen. He did what he did and Jenkins made a play out of that.

Now I remember why I had this guy on ignore (not you BraveHeart):bang2:


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shnagy;2405178 said:
Now I remember why I had this guy on ignore (not you BraveHeart):bang2:

Why did you take me off ignore? More importantly, who cares what you do and don't do? SHNAGY!


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Skin;2404800 said:

I wish he'd made the tackle just so I wouldn't have to read so many of your "enlightened" comments on the subject. He made a mistake. If he makes the same mistake again, that's an issue. Right now, it's not an issue, except to those of you who've apparently never made a mistake and don't cut any slack to those who have.

FREAKING THANK YOU! Fans are squawking their self-righteous indignation. Jenkins is an isolated incidence but let's just pile on whoever effs up because the team is in a sorry state. That is what this is really all about.

The equipment manager and Rowdy will be in the shooting barrel next, I am sure.


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I think the kid is going to continue to improve every single game and that in time these people who are hating on him so much for that piss poor play are going to be praising him so much that it's going to make you think he's related to them or something.

A few more big plays made by him, without anymore bonehead plays like that one, and all will be forgotten. Or so I suspect.


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cowboys2233;2404925 said:
No, it's not "ifs and buts," it's seeing things for what they are. Eli didn't need to take any more time getting rid of that ball, if he had lobbed it up, Burress was gone.

Jenkins sold out on the gamble, it paid off. But let's see it for what it truly was.

That's not the point. The strength of a zone defense is supposed to be that you can keep your eyes on the QB for a long amount of time and read his body language. Jenkins did that, and made the play. If Eli decides to throw deep to Burress instead... then maybe he doesnt' telegraph the short pass as much, and Jenkins doesn't bite on it.

THAT's what we mean by "ifs".


Junior College Transfer
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I member when I was playing football, and Heilige Kuh! If I had failed to follow through on a tackle the coach would have made me run sprints AND THEN KICKED ME OFF THE FOOTBALL TEAM.

You cannot do that in a game and expect a free pass. At least not in this football universe.

Having said that, we all have Wade Moments. Jenks has had his.
So let the kid go on and let this be a big learning moment for him.


Kane Ala
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DaBoys4Life;2404374 said:
yea but he didn't get punished he got rewarded with the game ball.

He's been subjected to the worse kind of punishment. His manlihood has been called into question. Let's see how he responds. So far his response has been poor.


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Jump a route and miss, that's a mistake.
Turn in when the WR goes out, that's a mistake.
Refuse to tackle?


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Dave_in-NC;2405808 said:
Jump a route and miss, that's a mistake.
Turn in when the WR goes out, that's a mistake.
Refuse to tackle?

From the account it was more like hesitate to tackle. He should be skewered but forgiven. Learn from it and become a better cb.


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cowboyed;2406036 said:
From the account it was more like hesitate to tackle. He should be skewered but forgiven. Learn from it and become a better cb.
He must be still hesitating.


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jimmy40;2406139 said:
He must be still hesitating.

He who keeps hesitating will be benched. For our sakes and his I hope he wakes up and smells the waiver wire.


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shnagy;2405067 said:
Really? Are you really still harping on this play?.

I'm not harping on that play. I am harping on his attitude. To me he acts like an all pro but plays like a rookie. Deion could afford to play that way just because he could erase such "mistakes" or lack of efford with his covering or playmaking skills. Jenkins may be Deion at some point in his carrer but not now. Right now he is a rookie trying to establish himself in the NFL.

And i think you are missing the situation this team is in. If this team would be winning with a 10 point lead every game and having an 8-0 record nobody would have talked about that play. But right now this team stinks everywhere. don't you understand that people search for answers ? And one problem is that this team has not the rigth attitude. Now comes a player and quits on a play. That seems not so hard for me to understand that everybody goes nuts. Especially when it's a rookie and a first round selection who has something to prove. People (including me) expect more from him.

I understand that the critics were harsh on Jenkins. But his behaviour was just a no-go in this situation the team is in. There is just no excuse to do that in this kind of game.

And whats your point with that statement ?

shnagy;2405067 said:
Next play the Giants score. That single tackle wouldn't have made any difference.

How come you now his tackle wouldn't have made no difference ? Are you some kind of prophet ? Maybe his tackle would have drawn a flag because it was illegal. The giants went nuts because of the hit and a fight started up. This fight may have lead to a spark inside this team and we would have rolled over the giants after that.

How come you know what would have happened if or if not he would have tackled ?

You can't and thats the point. So this way of argumentations is meaningless. And because nobody can say what happens in the future there is really only one thing left to do: try to do your best to shape the future the way you dream about it. To me that's also the main difference between winners and losers. Winners refuse to lose because they think they deserve better. They take responsibility for their lifes and that means they try to give shape to their future. They don't think: "ah it doesn't matter if i do this that or that ways or if i do it at all".

We need winners on this team. People who are willing to fight for our future. And our future is about winning and NOT about not bothering about it.lThere is no place to talk about woulda shoulda coulda like you do. That's only searching for excuses. Ways to play down mistakes. IMO this team showed more skill and invested more time to find excuses and rationals then to try to win football games. It's time to not only talk about bad things in common but to point them out even if it hurts. This is not about feelings those are all grown men who all should be able to handle feelings. This is about winning games. And if someone seems to lack attitude in times like these i will point him out. And that's what Wade should do also. Not by pointing Jenkins out in front of the media but by pointing him out implicit to everybody by benching him the next few games until this guy gets his head straight.

shnagy;2405067 said:
Please stop acting like you all have never made a mistake.

I understand that the critics Jenkin received until now are well overdrawn. But as i tried to explain Jenkins did not chose the best time to show his lack of attitude. But also i think if he has talent - and that means also the psychological talent he needs to play CB - he will learn form that in a positive kind of way.


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I couldn't bear to read your entire rant, so here is what I will respond to:

TwentyOne;2406655 said:
How come you now his tackle wouldn't have made no difference ? Are you some kind of prophet ? Maybe his tackle would have drawn a flag because it was illegal. The giants went nuts because of the hit and a fight started up. This fight may have lead to a spark inside this team and we would have rolled over the giants after that.

How come you now what would have happened if or if not he would have tackled ?

You can't and thats the point.

Have you watched any game since Romo went down? This team goes down by double digits and they pretty much give up. I'm sure they would have scored even if he had made the tackle. You think this defense would actually get a "spark" when the QB keeps turning the ball over? I don't, and that's why the tackle wouldn't matter.

You can remained pissed all you want, but it's time to move on. I expect to see a different team after the bye-week as there is no room for error. If not, we won't be griping about just one play, but about an entire season wasted.


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shnagy;2406685 said:
I couldn't bear to read your entire rant, so here is what I will respond to:

Since you didn't read my "rant" i consider your response meaningless because you couldn't understand what i really meant. And i don't know why you take the critics about Jenkins so personal since you are getting kind of insulting here. maybe you know him or you just feel with him because you shared the same experiences in the past


shnagy;2406685 said:
Have you watched any game since Romo went down? This team goes down by double digits and they pretty much give up. I'm sure they would have scored even if he had made the tackle. You think this defense would actually get a "spark" when the QB keeps turning the ball over? I don't, and that's why the tackle wouldn't matter.

I translate what you just said: if everybody around me quits there is no reason for me not to quit too. Nice attitude :rolleyes:

To me things are different. If you have for example only one player that quits another player that quits because of him is not that big of a problem. because there are 40 other players who can compensate for those two. But if 25 players quit every quitter more on the team becomes an issue because there will be not enough other players to compensate for them.

But as you just wrote you don't read posts thoroughly so i think it's just wasted time to explain to you again where the problem is. And btw i saw all games since Romo went down. And by "saw" i mean i watched the entire game and didn't stop halfway because i feelt that "rant" was just something i couldn't bear.


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I love Thursday night football.

Everyone should have watched that game last night and observed Brandon MacDonald. Aside from getting abused by Royal and Marshall for what probably finally amounted to about 240 yards and 2 TDs - he also did not even attempt to tackle Watson on Watson's TD reception.

It's good to watch other teams besides the Cowboys with the same critical eye we reserve for Dallas.


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TwentyOne;2406756 said:
Since you didn't read my "rant" i consider your response meaningless because you couldn't understand what i really meant. And i don't know why you take the critics about Jenkins so personal since you are getting kind of insulting here. maybe you know him or you just feel with him because you shared the same experiences in the past


I translate what you just said: if everybody around me quits there is no reason for me not to quit too. Nice attitude :rolleyes:

To me things are different. If you have for example only one player that quits another player that quits because of him is not that big of a problem. because there are 40 other players who can compensate for those two. But if 25 players quit every quitter more on the team becomes an issue because there will be not enough other players to compensate for them.

But as you just wrote you don't read posts thoroughly so i think it's just wasted time to explain to you again where the problem is. And btw i saw all games since Romo went down. And by "saw" i mean i watched the entire game and didn't stop halfway because i feelt that "rant" was just something i couldn't bear.

Time to move on.

Chocolate Lab

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superpunk;2406765 said:
I love Thursday night football.

Everyone should have watched that game last night and observed Brandon MacDonald. Aside from getting abused by Royal and Marshall for what probably finally amounted to about 240 yards and 2 TDs - he also did not even attempt to tackle Watson on Watson's TD reception.
Yeah, I saw that, too. That was just about as bad as what Jenkins did.

I guess I just don't get it because in my nothing little insignificant football life, I actually liked to tackle.