Vick Indicted

Bob Sacamano;1554934 said:
here you go stautner

Appendix C - Section 15. Integrity of Game

Player recognizes the detriment to the League and professional football that would result from impairment of public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of NFL games or the integrity and good character of NFL players....
....or is guilty of any other form of conduct reasonably judged by the League Commisioner to be detrimental to the league or professional football, the Commisioner will have the right, but only after giving Player the opportunity for a hearing at which he may be represented by counsel of his choice, to fine Player in a reasonable amount; to suspend player for a period certain or indefinitely; and/or terminate his contract

you see anywhere in here that the player has to be deemed guilty in a court of law in order to be suspended or cut? and this is in the old CBA, in the new one, you don't have to be convicted of a crime, you could plead no-contest and still be open for a suspension, I took liberty saying a criminal charge could get you suspended, since it's not expressely written, but don't you think a criminal charge is impairing the honesty and integrity of the game, which would be deemed detrimental?

and again, Tank Johnson wasn't convicted of any crime, yet was still cut, you can spin it all you want, but Goodell doesn't need to see a guilty verdict to be well within his rights to suspend a player, or a team be within their rights to cut one

Read the words in bold above ...........then think about it, then respond.

I asked you to show me where the mere charge or accusation is grounds for termination, and you provide me with something that says they have to be GUILTY.

And I never said a guy had to be guilty IN A COURT OF LAW, I only said that they could face legal action IN A COURT OF LAW if they aren't careful about taking action when guilt cannot be proven - your own quote above even shows they have to be guilty - and guilty in public opinion doesn't carry any legal weight.


1. There is a difference between saying that there can be legal ramifications for the decisions the NFL makes and saying the NFL has to work in conjunction with the court system.

2. I AM saying the NFL has to consider the legal ramifications of their decisions.

3. I AM NOT saying they have to tie themselves to what courts decide in a given case.
Stautner;1554962 said:
Read the words in bold above ...........then think about it, then respond.

I asked you to show me where the mere charge or accusation is grounds for termination, and you provide me with something that says they have to be GUILTY.

And I never said a guy had to be guilty IN A COURT OF LAW, I only said that they could face legal action IN A COURT OF LAW if they aren't careful about taking action when guilt cannot be proven - your own quote above even shows they have to be guilty - and guilty in public opinion doesn't carry any legal weight.


1. There is a difference between saying that there can be legal ramifications for the decisions the NFL makes and saying the NFL has to work in conjunction with the court system.

2. I AM saying the NFL has to consider the legal ramifications of their decisions.

3. I AM NOT saying they have to tie themselves to what courts decide in a given case.

that's the OLD CBA, the new one doesn't require a player to be guilty

all you have to do is cast a negative image on the league and it's players, the NFL can't face legal ramifications if what they're doing is legal
All the NFL has to do to beat any court claim is show that the league was hurt by Vick in ANY WAY due to what he did or did not do. Or was being accussed of doing.
Sorry for the aggressive language earlier. I just really get frustrated when people who don't know what they are talking about start running their mouth and arguing with people who do. But that's not a great excuse for breaking the board's guidelines. Mea culpa.
cobra;1555055 said:
Sorry for the aggressive language earlier. I just really get frustrated when people who don't know what they are talking about start running their mouth and arguing with people who do. But that's not a great excuse for breaking the board's guidelines. Mea culpa.

No worries. It's actually a good excercising in reading comprehension for me. I'm still trying to figure out the big words.

silverbear;1554015 said:
Well, maybe they're not QUITE as bad as child molesters, but they are pretty far down the evolutionary scale...

Divine justice would be to sentence him to be chained to a buried car axle for the term of his incarceration...

child molesters would clearly be higher on the garbage chain...but these pieces of trash arnt far behind

and they used GOLDEN RETRIEVERS to "warm up" and "train" the pit bulls

how do you spell Vick? - G A R B A G E

he's nothing but a thug

Vintage;1554265 said:
Well, he's partially right.

The government punishes people involved in Enron more so than dog fighting...

Which is understandable. Money affects the government, economy, and more people than dog fighting.

I disagree with him in that its not serious (the government does classify it as a felony).

it represents degenerate behavior...its a sick crime and deserves a severe punishment

whether you like dogs or not, this is truly appalling

for those fo you that think its no big deal...go READ the thing...cover to cover


Doomsday101;1554434 said:
I only mentioned what was being said. You have an issue with Mort I can understand but I only mentioned what was reported.

just fyi...but another guy was on espn radio this evening with Jon Seibel and said his league sources indicate a 2-4 game suspension with the possibility of adding more after the trial or more facts revealed was very likely

CanadianCowboysFan;1554502 said:
In an overall sense, yes but we in North America almost seem to care more about our pets than people.

Canada isn't North America. . .

It's Western France!
dbair1967;1555147 said:
child molesters would clearly be higher on the garbage chain...but these pieces of trash arnt far behind

and they used GOLDEN RETRIEVERS to "warm up" and "train" the pit bulls

how do you spell Vick? - G A R B A G E

he's nothing but a thug


I've always loved them.

And I'm going to get one hopefully soon.

To have a Pit Bull go after a Golden...You deserve to die.

I'm not kidding.

ABQCOWBOY;1555058 said:
No worries. It's actually a good excercising in reading comprehension for me. I'm still trying to figure out the big words.


:banghead: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:

Big Dakota;1554551 said:
Got a little captn in you.

Sounds like he took a lot of the Captain in him! :eek:

I have said it before, and will continue to say it . . . . dogs are a gift from God. No other animal on earth will give its life for a completey different species. Carl Sagan wrote a great deal about this in his book "Shadow of forgotten ancestors".

Your dog is the only living thing that will love you regardless of your income, status, religion, and despite the mistakes you make. Anyone that abuses an animal like that would feel no regret abusing other helpless and innocent creatures.

/jumps down from soapbox
Big Dakota;1554560 said:
I'd say socioeconomic more than anything.

So, is that a yes? I imagine Skeeter and Bubba might go for a little dog fight, but it is a predominantly black gang thing. ZIt is part of the tough gangsta image.
cobra;1554570 said:
If you don't know jack**** about the law, then usually its not a good idea to argue with a lawyer.

No, but it can be very fun! All these bloodsucking lawyers crawling out of the woodwork. I always knew there was something deeply wrong with this zone.


Seriously, in 25 years of law enforcement, I met some honest and ethical lawyers. . . . well, one anyway.

Couldn't help it.

My daughter just had me co-sign for her loan to go to law school. Talk about irony!
burmafrd;1554972 said:
All the NFL has to do to beat any court claim is show that the league was hurt by Vick in ANY WAY due to what he did or did not do. Or was being accussed of doing.

in other words impossible because no one thinks less of the NFL because of this and the revenues will go up again this year.
fortdick;1555178 said:
No, but it can be very fun! All these bloodsucking lawyers crawling out of the woodwork. I always knew there was something deeply wrong with this zone.


Seriously, in 25 years of law enforcement, I met some honest and ethical lawyers. . . . well, one anyway.

Couldn't help it.

My daughter just had me co-sign for her loan to go to law school. Talk about irony!

what's the difference between a smart cop and a dumb one? When you find a smart cop, then I will tell you.
fortdick;1555178 said:
No, but it can be very fun! All these bloodsucking lawyers crawling out of the woodwork. I always knew there was something deeply wrong with this zone.


Seriously, in 25 years of law enforcement, I met some honest and ethical lawyers. . . . well, one anyway.

Couldn't help it.

My daughter just had me co-sign for her loan to go to law school. Talk about irony!

Hey, thats good news for your daughter!

Have her teach you how to sue her when she defaults on the loan and you have to pay it all. :confused:

Kids...we should have ate them when they were young!

;) ;)
dbair1967;1555147 said:
and they used GOLDEN RETRIEVERS to "warm up" and "train" the pit bulls


Someone ought to bust a cap on him! A Golden Retriever has to be the gentlest breed on earth. The AKC give them a 1 on a scale of 1-5 as watchdogs.

I have three. When someone comes to the door, they all try to climb into my lap. They do bark though, and that is all they need to do. Colonel Colt will take care of the rest!

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