cobra;1553697 said:
One ought not overlook the old adage that "you can indict a ham sandwich."
Nevertheless, this does not portend well for Vick for two reasons:
1. It's a clear indication that the Feds have looked at this and want to proceed with it. If they didn't have the stomach for it, they wouldn't have gone with the indictment. Since they want to go forward, you can bet they have some smoking guns and some further indictments going forward. And that is where RICO might come in.
2. Other individuals were indicted, and they are going to be put in position to potentially "roll over" on others, especially the high-value-target Vick. If some people place him involved after plea bargaining, Vick is in some deep poo.
103.3 has a copy of the indictment, and Mosley is reading bits of it as he gets time. Apparently the Feds cite specific instances of "Bad Newz Kennels" dogs fighting other dogs from other dogfighting clubs from 2001 to 2007. They've got the actual genders and names of the dogs involved.
I don't know anything about dogfighting, but it sounds like a sick to-the-death version of a dual match, like you'd have with another school in tennis or track.
And maybe this was already common knowledge, and not specific to this case. But when the dogs lived, they'd often strangle, hang, or drown them.
They also had the specific dollar amount used to start the organization, and Vick is one of the three along with "T" and "Q". So it's not like he was just the owner of the property.
Even if he isn't convicted, he's in very deep caca.