Vick Indicted

theogt;1553740 said:
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"MICHAEL VICK, also known as Ookie..."

LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love reading stuff like this in federal court documents.

There is some amazing detail in there --
dbair1967;1553749 said:
its his own fault...he's been slamming him down everyone's throat for years, and doing everything he can to keep all of Vick's garbage under the rug...he gave him a ridiculous contract, ran off the only coach who has ever done anything positive on the field for the loser, hired another college coach and vastly overpaid to egt im, then proclaimed that the coach would decide who the QB would be, followed that up by promptly trading away the competition at QB before said coach ever saw him take one snap on the field...

Blank deserves whatever he gets


Falcons .... losers.
A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for his alleged role in a dogfighting operation in Virginia where breeders fought pitbulls for purses as high as $20,000 and losing dogs were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot to death.

That is so beyond f'ed up that it is to the point of nauseating.
CanadianCowboysFan;1553676 said:
In all fairness, it is just an indictment, in no way is it a finding of guilt.

yeah keep telling yourself that..."Vick is innocent"..."Vick is innocent"

please...the guys been in this junk up to his neck for years...he's been in other bad stuff and he hangs out with some huge thugs...trouble finds trouble makers

cobra;1553747 said:
Yep, they got him on RICO.

He was indicted for violating this statute.

Here is the RICO act.

It's up to 20 years per violation of the Act. He was indicted for at least 10 separate acts.

Screw suspension. He is in deep, deep poop federally.
That's what I like to hear.

Appreciate the info cobra for those of us who aren't exactly legal savvy.
Just something you should note here. For instance, look at this page. Paragraph 76. Notice the phrase "CW #4"? That means cooperating witness #4. That means for the indictment they had at least 4 cooperating witnesses. And if this goes to trial, I suspect that one or more of the other three will cooperate against Vick since he was the money man and therefore the big target. This jacks up the success rate of this kind of prosecution from the 95% rate to probably something like the 99.5% rate.

He is in some serious deep poop.
cobra;1553759 said:
Just something you should note here. For instance, look at this page. Paragraph 76. Notice the phrase "CW #4"? That means cooperating witness #4. That means for the indictment they had at least 4 cooperating witnesses. And if this goes to trial, I suspect that one or more of the other three will cooperate against Vick since he was the money man and therefore the big target. This jacks up the success rate of this kind of prosecution from the 95% rate to probably something like the 99.5% rate.

He is in some serious deep poop.

Wow! :eek: Thanks cobra...

What do you think about federal vs. local indictment? Is it worse in federal rather than local?
cobra;1553759 said:
Just something you should note here. For instance, look at this page. Paragraph 76. Notice the phrase "CW #4"? That means cooperating witness #4. That means for the indictment they had at least 4 cooperating witnesses. And if this goes to trial, I suspect that one or more of the other three will cooperate against Vick since he was the money man and therefore the big target. This jacks up the success rate of this kind of prosecution from the 95% rate to probably something like the 99.5% rate.

He is in some serious deep poop.

You can bet the feds were very meticulous in preparing these charges before handing this thing down. Kobe anyone? Vick better play his best hand, whatever he's got.
Not that fighting to the death isn't bad enough... But how do they electrocute these dogs that don't test well?

Not sure I want to know -- but that just seems like an unusually inhumane and cruel way to do away with them. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Rocky;1553761 said:
Kobe anyone? Vick better play his best hand, whatever he's got.

This is what scares me...too many rich people can get away with murder apparantly!

Now, Kobe might have been innocent, and I don't care that he got layed....but if this freaking thug gets off of this dog fighting oh man!
cobra;1553747 said:
Yep, they got him on RICO.

He was indicted for violating this statute.

Here is the RICO act.

It's up to 20 years per violation of the Act. He was indicted for at least 10 separate acts.

Screw suspension. He is in deep, deep poop federally.
Ehh...I doubt he faces any jail time.
Chocolate Lab;1553762 said:
Not that fighting to the death isn't bad enough... But how do they electrocute these dogs that don't test well?

Not sure I want to know -- but that just seems like an unusually inhumane and cruel way to do away with them. :mad: :mad: :mad:

They hook one side of the wire to the dogs mouth and the other wire to the dogs grapes and plug the cord into the electrial outlet!

Ted Bundy, if he were still alive could tell you exactely how it's done...

theogt;1553766 said:
Ehh...I doubt he faces any jail time.

I do too...he will get a slap on the a few bucks, and all is goes on for him.

5Stars;1553760 said:
Wow! :eek: Thanks cobra...

What do you think about federal vs. local indictment? Is it worse in federal rather than local?

His odds are worse under the federal indictment. Federal prosecutors are talented individuals. State District Attorneys tend to be inept people. Federal prosecutors are clean, efficient, skilled, and have an overwhelming success rate.

His chances at plea bargaining also significantly decreases in federal court. State courts are more overwhelmed and therefore more apt to allow defendants to plea. That incentive isn't there in federal court.

Also, the federal violations can be a lot harsher because they compound easier. So, while under state law he might just be guilty of dog fighting, under federal law, the same activity can all of the sudden be gambling, conspiracy to commit gambling, mail fraud, interstate criminal behavior, income tax invasion and a host of other things all associated with the dog fighting, gambling, and payment of monies surrounding the gambling.
theogt;1553766 said:
Ehh...I doubt he faces any jail time.
You might be right but it sure as hell isn't looking good for him.

The severity of the charges combined with the number of witnesses who can place him on the scene and state his involvement with the actual fights all but assures that he isn't going to get off scott free. Certainly not with Goodell and the NFL.
cobra;1553771 said:
His odds are worse under the federal indictment. Federal prosecutors are talented individuals. State District Attorneys tend to be inept people. Federal prosecutors are clean, efficient, skilled, and have an overwhelming success rate.

His chances at plea bargaining also significantly decreases in federal court. State courts are more overwhelmed and therefore more apt to allow defendants to plea. That incentive isn't there in federal court.

Also, the federal violations can be a lot harsher because they compound easier. So, while under state law he might just be guilty of dog fighting, under federal law, the same activity can all of the sudden be gambling, conspiracy to commit gambling, mail fraud, interstate criminal behavior, income tax invasion and a host of other things all associated with the dog fighting, gambling, and payment of monies surrounding the gambling.

That is very interesting! I never considered those other things like gambling, or IRS interest, or what not! Mail, thanks!

5Stars;1553765 said:
This is what scares me...too many rich people can get away with murder apparantly!

Now, Kobe might have been innocent, and I don't care that he got layed....but if this freaking thug gets off of this dog fighting oh man!

I don't have an opinion about Kobe's guilt or innocence in that case-- was just emphasizing that it wasn't handled well from a prosecutorial standpoint. And that any case brought against someone of Vick's stature better be tight, or not brought at all.

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