Vick Linked to Pit Bull Breeding

I posted this several months ago.

I own a 3 year old American Staffordshire Terrior or, "Pittbull", named Bugsy. I have owned dogs my whole life and I have to say that this is the best dog I've ever had. I also have an American Bull Dog and of the two, Bugsy is by far the better dog. Both are part of the family and treated as such. I have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Bugsy has never been agressive towards any of the children ever, He is protective only when someone not supposed to be in the house is there.

A bit of history on the American Pittbull. It may surprise some to learn that of 122 seperatly tested breeds of dogs, tested by the National Canine Tempermant Testing Association, the American Pittbull graded out as 4th best overall in this test, scoring a 95% of a total 100 %. Pittbulls are often known for acts of valor and have proven to be "Hero Dogs" on several occasions. The first American War Dog was a Pittbull named Stubby. He earned several medals for saving the lives of his Platoon in WWI. Weela, the Ken-L-Ration dog (1993), Saved 30 people, 29 dogs and 13 horses during the floods in California. There are hundreds of stories of Pitts protecting or saving the lives of humans down through this breeds history. Peety from the Little Rascals was a Pittbull. In fact, in the 20s, during the depession years, these dogs were often known as Nanny Dogs. They were called this because they were often left to tend the young children while parents left to try and find work. At the time, this breed of dog was one of the most commen types in America. Because they were so intelligent, so loyal, so carring and so agile, they served as great care takers in those days.

PittBulls as dangerous dogs is a miss conception IMO. Can they be? Sure they can but any dog can be dangerous if made to be so.

As I said, I've never had a better dog and I trust that my dog will be there to protect my family in any situation if, God forbid, the need ever arised.
ABQCOWBOY;1486893 said:
Actually, it isn't easier to train a Pitt. In fact, it is more difficult because they are stubborn dogs. In fact, you have to go out of your way to train them to be viciouis because it is not really in there nature to be so. It's true that once you train them to be vicious, it's going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to change them. They are extremely intelligent dogs. In fact, they don't come much smarter then Pitt's. This, together with there physical attributes and there unwillingness to quite are what make them appealing to people who fight dogs. It's really a shame. I wrote a piece on these dogs some time ago. I'll try to find it and post it again. I've never owned a better dog then my Pitt.

As I said I fault the owners. Myself I stick with the Golden Retriever
Breed. Highly intelligent and easy to train. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;1486898 said:
As I said I fault the owners. Myself I stick with the Golden Retriever
Breed. Highly intelligent and easy to train. :laugh2:

Nothing wrong with Golden Retrievers either Dooms. :)
I can say that is a 2nd Home for him. I prepared his closing docs on that property about a year and half ago
Doomsday101;1486877 said:
True, yet it is the physical nature of the animal that makes it dangerous. I have a Golden Retriever and even if trained to be aggressive she does not posses the same physical traits that the Pit Bull has. This is why Pit Bulls tend to be trained as fighting dogs.

i had an akita before i gave him away to a friend who had kids, other pets, 20 acres...if that dog trusted you - it would die for you. if you were a threat, you didn't have long to hang around. his disposition was fantastic as well. strangers would come over and as long as i was with them, they were family. if they came around and i wasn't here, they still knew.

darn smart dogs.

but i'd still not want an irked akita coming at me. : ) or any dog for that matter.
"Saved 30 people, 29 dogs and 13 horses during the floods in California"

Come on! How the hell is a dog going to do this! :laugh2:

I will need a verified link to believe this nonsense!

:laugh2: :laugh2:
mickgreen58;1486862 said:
I will wait for more information to be forthcoming before passing judgement. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy knew what was going on but on the other hand, I am sure the guy has a pretty demanding schedule and can't possibly know
Oh c'mon, we live in the world of instant ****, or the golden age of bling, or one of those things.

If the media followed your lead then SportsCenter would be a very boring place...
5Stars;1486909 said:
"Saved 30 people, 29 dogs and 13 horses during the floods in California"

Come on! How the hell is a dog going to do this! :laugh2:

I will need a verified link to believe this nonsense!

:laugh2: :laugh2:

ABQCOWBOY;1486882 said:
It's true they are stronger then most other breeds but they are not the strongest. Mastiff's, American Bulldogs, Rotties, they can all grow to be bigger and stronger then Pitts.

Yeag's is correct. It's how you train them that makes the difference.
I have 6 mo. old Bull Mastiff and his Father weighs 179 lbs. Yep he is as big as a certain corner we recently acquired.:eek:
Yeagermeister;1486852 said:
I have said it many times....if raised and bred correctly pits are great family pets but thanks to irresponsible owners they have been given a bad name. You can make any dog in to a fighting dog if they are raised the wrong way.

I own a pit and have never had a problem with him.


It's a killa! run away! RUN AWAY!!!​

ABQCOWBOY;1486924 said:

Sorry, my good friend...but that is hardly a credible site! I would have to read something like from a World News site, or Local News site to believ this.

The site you gave is just some sort of petition site for helping change the way people think about pit bulls...;) If you really believe got hooked!

However, it could be true because I heard about a Chihuahua saving 14 firemen and a fat lady from a burning 10 story building! The damn dog carried each one out one at a time with his mouth! Unbelievable!

:laugh2: By the way, I'm not saying pitts are bad dogs...but that story?
ABQCOWBOY;1486897 said:
I posted this several months ago.

I own a 3 year old American Staffordshire Terrior or, "Pittbull", named Bugsy. I have owned dogs my whole life and I have to say that this is the best dog I've ever had. I also have an American Bull Dog and of the two, Bugsy is by far the better dog. Both are part of the family and treated as such. I have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Bugsy has never been agressive towards any of the children ever, He is protective only when someone not supposed to be in the house is there.

A bit of history on the American Pittbull. It may surprise some to learn that of 122 seperatly tested breeds of dogs, tested by the National Canine Tempermant Testing Association, the American Pittbull graded out as 4th best overall in this test, scoring a 95% of a total 100 %. Pittbulls are often known for acts of valor and have proven to be "Hero Dogs" on several occasions. The first American War Dog was a Pittbull named Stubby. He earned several medals for saving the lives of his Platoon in WWI. Weela, the Ken-L-Ration dog (1993), Saved 30 people, 29 dogs and 13 horses during the floods in California. There are hundreds of stories of Pitts protecting or saving the lives of humans down through this breeds history. Peety from the Little Rascals was a Pittbull. In fact, in the 20s, during the depession years, these dogs were often known as Nanny Dogs. They were called this because they were often left to tend the young children while parents left to try and find work. At the time, this breed of dog was one of the most commen types in America. Because they were so intelligent, so loyal, so carring and so agile, they served as great care takers in those days.

PittBulls as dangerous dogs is a miss conception IMO. Can they be? Sure they can but any dog can be dangerous if made to be so.

As I said, I've never had a better dog and I trust that my dog will be there to protect my family in any situation if, God forbid, the need ever arised.

The problem is that a certain percentage of these dogs have been bred for their aggressive demeanor. When those dogs cross over into the family pet line is where the incidences start. The latent aggressiveness may be controlled by an excellent owner but that latent aggressiveness may not be controlled by subsequent generation's owners.

Everyone but one person I know who has one claims it's the best dog they've ever had. Maybe their dog's lineage has been "family pet" forever. The one who doesn't claim "best dog ever" status found out too late that his was the descendent of fighting dogs.
ABQCOWBOY;1486882 said:
It's true they are stronger then most other breeds but they are not the strongest. Mastiff's, American Bulldogs, Rotties, they can all grow to be bigger and stronger then Pitts.

Yeag's is correct. It's how you train them that makes the difference.

I can outrun an American Bulldog if it caused trouble. Or should I say, even I can out run one. Those other dogs would have no trouble catching me.

There are just enough people that raise pits the wrong way to give them a bad name. There are also far too many that don't raise them the right way. That actually goes for all breeds. Many people just don't know how to properly train a dog and that can lead to as much trouble as training any dog to be a fighter.

In my unscientfic observations that should not replace a detailed poll, Pits seem to be more popular than Mastiffs or Akitas or Dobermans. I even see more Pits than Rotts, but they are much closer in numbers. That is the big "scary" dogs. Of course I see many more Labs, but they generally aren't thought of in those terms. They can be decent sized and are usually thought of as good dogs. Perception, which plays a part in why Pits are thought of as bad dogs. They are popular even if they are not the only big, strong dogs. There are many more small and medium sized dogs, but most adults can handle them if they caused trouble.
5Stars;1486936 said:
Sorry, my good friend...but that is hardly a credible site! I would have to read something like from a World News site, or Local News site to believ this.

The site you gave is just some sort of petition site for helping change the way people think about pit bulls...;) If you really believe got hooked!

However, it could be true because I heard about a Chihuahua saving 14 firemen and a fat lady from a burning 10 story building! The damn dog carried each one out one at a time with his mouth! Unbelievable!

:laugh2: By the way, I'm not saying pitts are bad dogs...but that story?

All I can say is that I provided you with what I could find in less then 5 minutes. The dog sighted in that piece is a famous dog. If you like, you can go see what you can find in the way of an article from 1993. I have posted, in good faith, about these dogs. I don't expect people to change there minds about them because in truth, most have never owned one.

I, along with many others, have. I can speak from experience that what is said about these animals is untrue. Even if you elect not to believe the story of Weela, the others and many more just like them are true. These dogs are very carring and very loving. If trained to be viciouis, they will do it exceedingly well. If left to there own course, they will adopt you and protect you at all costs. This too they will do exceedingly well. They are not vicious by nature. Can you say that you would be different if it were you protecting your loved ones?

Trained to kill.
The number of fatalities.
In the US from 1979 to 1996, 304 people in the US died from dog attacks, including 30 in California. The average number of deaths per year was 17.

Most of the deceased were children. ("Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities -- United States, 1995-1996," MMWR 46(21):463-467, 1997.) The chances that the victim of a fatal dog attack will be a burglar are one in 177; the odds that it will be a child are 7 out of 10.

However, fatalities are highly unusual. For every fatal dog bite in the United States, there are 230,000 bites that are not treated by a physician.

The dogs that are most responsible
Merritt Clifton, editor of Animal People, has conducted an unusually detailed study of dog bites from 1982 to the present. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.) The Clifton study show the number of serious canine-inflicted injuries by breed. The author's observations about the breeds and generally how to deal with the dangerous dog problem are enlightening.

According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price.

Clifton's opinions are as interesting as his statistics. For example, he says, "Pit bulls and Rottweilers are accordingly dogs who not only must be handled with special precautions, but also must be regulated with special requirements appropriate to the risk they may pose to the public and other animals, if they are to be kept at all."
StanleySpadowski;1486942 said:
The problem is that a certain percentage of these dogs have been bred for their aggressive demeanor. When those dogs cross over into the family pet line is where the incidences start. The latent aggressiveness may be controlled by an excellent owner but that latent aggressiveness may not be controlled by subsequent generation's owners.

Everyone but one person I know who has one claims it's the best dog they've ever had. Maybe their dog's lineage has been "family pet" forever. The one who doesn't claim "best dog ever" status found out too late that his was the descendent of fighting dogs.

I don't know that I believe the breed theory. A lot depends on how long they are with the original owner IMO. Typically, if an owner of a fighting dog has pups, they won't allow the pups to stay with the mother long. Too risky and they typically want to start training them to be fighting dogs as early as possible. Having said that, I do believe that if a trainer is intent on developing a fighting dog from birth, it will take and once the dog learns this behavior, you won't change it. That dog will be vicious for ever. You almost have to put it down. This behavior is learned not natural. These dogs are not naturally mean or aggressive animals. Highly intelligent but not vicious.
ABQCOWBOY;1486953 said:
All I can say is that I provided you with what I could find in less then 5 minutes. The dog sighted in that piece is a famous dog. If you like, you can go see what you can find in the way of an article from 1993. I have posted, in good faith, about these dogs. I don't expect people to change there minds about them because in truth, most have never owned one.

I, along with many others, have. I can speak from experience that what is said about these animals is untrue. Even if you elect not to believe the story of Weela, the others and many more just like them are true. These dogs are very carring and very loving. If trained to be viciouis, they will do it exceedingly well. If left to there own course, they will adopt you and protect you at all costs. This too they will do exceedingly well. They are not vicious by nature. Can you say that you would be different if it were you protecting your loved ones?

I've never said anything about pitts being bad dogs. However, I'm not interested enough to go googling around to find out some farfetched story.

If that site that you listed had provided a link to a credible story about this hero dog then maybe I could believe it...just like this Cowboy site...don't post stuff about the Cowboys saying this or that without a credible link...

;) Tell do you think that dog saved 30 horses? Give me your opinion on how he might have done that?

ABQCOWBOY;1486953 said:
All I can say is that I provided you with what I could find in less then 5 minutes. The dog sighted in that piece is a famous dog. If you like, you can go see what you can find in the way of an article from 1993. I have posted, in good faith, about these dogs. I don't expect people to change there minds about them because in truth, most have never owned one.

I, along with many others, have. I can speak from experience that what is said about these animals is untrue. Even if you elect not to believe the story of Weela, the others and many more just like them are true. These dogs are very carring and very loving. If trained to be viciouis, they will do it exceedingly well. If left to there own course, they will adopt you and protect you at all costs. This too they will do exceedingly well. They are not vicious by nature. Can you say that you would be different if it were you protecting your loved ones?

So let me ask you a question, and I am serious here.
The lady that lives across the street from me has 2 pitbulls, which BTW are illegal where I live. She has no idea how to control them. At least 3 to 4 times a week they get out of her house without her even knowing and roam all over the streets with kids playing everywhere. How she has not been busted yet I have no idea. They are very nice dogs, but honestly I have been seriously thinking about calling the police because I am so afraid one of those dogs is going to go after a kid playing.
If this was a freaking poodle I could care less, but the fact they are pitbulls has me concerned, do you think I should be?
Champsheart;1486968 said:
They are very nice dogs, but honestly I have been seriously thinking about calling the police because I am so afraid one of those dogs is going to go after a kid playing.
If this was a freaking poodle I could care less, but the fact they are pitbulls has me concerned, do you think I should be?

Any dog that is not on a leash in a city enviroment where other people and children live should be called in to the dog pound...

You never know what will make a dog have a "moment" and become aggressive...especially dogs that have a tendency and history to do so.

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