Vick Linked to Pit Bull Breeding

joseephuss;1487022 said:
I thought I heard a taped recording of your dog calling 911 to report a fire. Saved 3 lives.

That's probably him. Did he talk with a little bit of a lisp and end the call with "Here's looking at you kid."?

Yeah, that was probably him.

To be honest with you, I'm kinda surprised. I never thought he would be able to get that hands free device programed before I got home.
joseephuss;1487021 said:
The ones that are involved in attacks are a result of irresponsible owners who like you said should not own such a dog. I don't know what preventative measures that can be taken.

And this brings us around full circle to Mike Vick and his allies!

Dogs, any dog, can be a mans best friend, and abusing them, or training them to be mean fighting dogs (aside from professional training like a police dog or fire rescue dog) is on the same grounds as child abuse!

If I had a nickle for every dog owner who I have heard say "my dog would never hurt anyone" I'd be a wealthy guy.
Most, but not all, of them are right.
Erik_H;1486933 said:

It's a killa! run away! RUN AWAY!!!​


he did say "dog" i believe. : ) big hampsters don't count.
ABQCOWBOY;1487027 said:
That's probably him. Did he talk with a little bit of a lisp...

Sooo...ummm, uhhh, your dog is somewhat ghey?

No wonder your like your "special" dog so much!

joseephuss;1487024 said:
You have to use your TV remote to get their attention. They can see the infrared spectrum.

Easier said then done. I have four kids. The last time I saw a remote was the last time I had my own appartment. Guess I should probably just stick to the Pitts, Great Whites and the odd man eating Lion from the Serengeti.

5Stars;1487034 said:
Sooo...ummm, uhhh, your dog is somewhat ghey?

No wonder your like your "special" dog so much!


Not really. I just spoke in a vernacular I thought might appeal to you. I didn't want you to feel out of place.
5Stars;1487028 said:
And this brings us around full circle to Mike Vick and his allies!

Dogs, any dog, can be a mans best friend, and abusing them, or training them to be mean fighting dogs (aside from professional training like a police dog or fire rescue dog) is on the same grounds as child abuse!


This is actually a very decent point.
5Stars;1487006 said:
Aw, come on! Enlighten us.

You already told us about the rattlesnake and the underwear that you left out in the desert!

I lived in St. George, Utah and I was working for an office supply company while I rehabbed my knee. One day I was coming down this street and I see 3 police cars and 3 cops trying to herd a bunch of kids who just got out of school. One of the cops was a buddy of mine from the city sports leagues. I pulled over and asked him if I could help.

He said, "yeah, there's a very vicious pitbull from that house right there and he is loose. Can you please get these kids out of here while we figure out what to do about the dog?"

So, I said yes and they left me with the kids. So I am ushering these kids down the street and out of harm's way. It took forever. They were curious.

So I came back and my friend thanked me then asked me for another favor. I asked what he needed. They had a tranquilizer gun to put the dog to sleep, but they couldn't get a good shot at him because he was holed up in the oleanders near the backyard fence. My friend said I could run faster than any of them so he wanted me to run and get the dog after me so they could get a clean shot.


I said, "you're out of your freaking mind."

He assured me nothing would happen to me that he and the other officer would kill the dog if they had to. They needed the one officer to take the shot.

I said, "I can outshoot any of you guys. Give me the tranquilizer gun and I'll make the shot where he is right now."

No dice.

They kept asking me to do it, assuring me that if they had to they would kill the dog. I have no idea where my brain was because I finally said I would do it.


So, we start making our way onto this vacant lot beside the house to where the dog would see us and be pissed. So I can see this very angry pit now and they have their guns drawn. The guy with the sleepy stuff gets ready and they give me the go ahead.

So like a friggin' idiot I run right at this dog about 5 or 6 strides and then turn hard left across the lot and sure enough he comes flying out to get me.


As I am running I think to myself, "tranquilizers do not put the animal to sleep immediately. What if this dog doesn't even realize he's been hit? What if they miss? Why am I doing this? This is really stupid."

I hear the shot and I hear the dog stop growling and he isn't after me any more. I see him running past me and out the other side of the vacant lot. So I stop running.

I asked, "did you hit him?"

They assured me the dart got him right in the shoulder and the dog would soon be asleep.

I said, "Okay, but where is he going to be when he falls asleep?"

Suddenly they look at each other and take off after the dog leaving me standing in the middle of this lot like a fool.

They never did find the dog that day.

To this day I wonder where the hell my head was when I agreed to do that.
2much2soon;1487030 said:
If I had a nickle for every dog owner who I have heard say "my dog would never hurt anyone" I'd be a wealthy guy.
Most, but not all, of them are right.

A vast majority of dogs I have known in my life have bit or snapped at someone at least once. This is 100s of dogs in either my immediate family or belonged to my extended family or friends. Maybe they did not hurt someone, but they were not loving on them either. None of these incidents was the dog exhibiting agressive behavior. It was due to the dog being scared and/or defensive. These dogs were sweet and could be descibed as "would never hurt anyone", but something set them off for a brief moment in time. They are animals. Who knows why, but they acted out of their base character that everyone who knew them had come to expect. I did not consider any of them bad dogs. I just know that is part of what you have to expect with an animal. Stuff happens and not just the stuff you have to pick up.
ABQCOWBOY;1487039 said:
This is actually a very decent point.

I'm a dog lover from the get go!

I have raised and bred St. Bernards and find them to be very smart but at the same time intimidating, yet, all they want to do is run up to you and lick your face off!

But their bark is what scares most people...big happy WOOF, WOOF! The thing is...if a burgler were to break into my house? The damn dog would go show him where all the good stuff is! The only way that dog could keep a burgler out of the house is if he was laying down by the door where the burgler tried to come last St. Bernard was a healthy 180 lbs!

A story or two...

I had two kids that live behind me (13 and 14 years old) that delivered me my newspapers. One day I challenged them to take a towel away from Jasper in 5 minutes and if they could, I would pay them double the money for the newspapers! They laughed at me and agreed to try (think they could take that towel form Jaspers mouth)...I took them in the backyard, gave my dog that towel and the gave each kid an end of the towel and said get ready. GO! After about 2 or 3 minutes...they were done! :laugh2: They could not get that towel no matter how hard they struggled!

It's snows alot here in Utah and during the winter I had a harness made for Jasper (could not find a big enough one at PetSmart) and I bought this little plastic sled the kids play with. I would hook that sled up with a rope to Jasper's harness and he would pulll kids all around the cul de sac..over the snow, runnig like hell, throwing these kids off the was a hoot!

The hard thing about raising BIG dogs is their life expectancy is only about 12 years or so...and when Japser checked out, all of our family gathered around the living room and cried like's like losing a human loved one...

Anyway, you can tell alot about a man's heart from the way he treats his dog...

I still miss that dog...and from the point on, I stopped breeding them...

I now have 3 Chihuahuas to replace about 1/100th of Jasper, and two cats, a wife and a teenager...

I need a new life! Maybe I will come back someday as a dog?

Hostile;1487042 said:
To this day I wonder where the hell my head was when I agreed to do that.


That is just freaking nuts!

However, you do come across like somebody that would get himself into a situation like that!

Wonderful story!!
5Stars;1487008 said:
How many people, cows, chickens, horses, cats, goldfish has your dog saved?


Took me about a minute to find this. Weela was a champ!

Weela, Ken-L Ration's Dog Hero of the Year (1993)
This story is from the Ultimate American Pit Bull Terrier by Jacqueline O'Neil. There's also an excellent story about Weela in Jillian Cline's new book The American Pit Bull Terrier Speaks...Good Dog!. Weela was also featured in the October, 1996 Outside magazine as an example of the kind of dog one would like to have in a life-threatening situation.

Gary Watkins, eleven years old, was absorbed in chasing lizards when Weela, the family Pit Bull, plowed into him with a body slam that sent him sprawling. Gary's mother, Lori, saw the whole incident and remembers being surprised at first, because Weela always played kindly with children. But her surprise quickly turned to horror when she saw a rattlesnake sink its fangs into Weela's face. Somehow Weela had sensed the snake's presence from across the yard and rushed to push Gary out of striking range.

Luckily for thirty people, twenty-nine dogs, thirteen horses and a cat, Weela recovered from the snake's venom. Luckily, because that's how many lives she saved a few years later. For her heroism, Weela was named Ken-L Ration's Dog Hero of the Year in 1993. The press release read in part:

In January 1993, heavy rains caused a dam to break miles upstream on the Tijuana River, normally a narrow, three-foot wide river. Weela's rescue efforts began at a ranch that belonged to a friend of her owners, Lori and Daniel Watkins. Weela and the Watkinses worked for six hours battling heavy rains, strong currents and floating debris to reach the ranch and rescue their friend's twelve dogs.

From that experience, the Watkinses recognized Weela's extraordinary ability to sense quicksand, dangerous drop-offs and mud bogs. "She was constantly willing to put herself in dangerous situations," says Lori Watkins. "She always took the lead except to circle back if someone needed help."

Periodically, over a month's time, sixty-five pound Weela crossed the flooded river to bring food to seventeen dogs and puppies and one cat, all stranded on an island. Each trip she pulled thirty to fifty pounds of dog food that had been loaded into a harnessed backpack. The animals were finally evacuated on Valentine's Day.

On another occasion, Weela led a rescue team to thirteen horses stranded on a large manure pile completely surrounded by floodwaters. The rescue team successfully brought the horses to safe ground.

Finally, during one of Weela's trips back from delivering food to stranded animals, she came upon a group of thirty people who were attempting to cross the floodwaters. Weela, by barking and running back and forth, refused to allow them to cross at that point where the waters ran deep and fast. She then led the group to a shallower crossing upstream, where they safely crossed to the other side.

Strong, gentle intelligent and brave, Weela,CGC,TT, is the ultimate American Pit Bull terrier, epitomizing the best that the breed has to offer. But her story also highlights an important yet often misunderstood fact about the breed. The Pit Bull is a dog that loves to please its owner and tries to become whatever kind of dog its owner desires. Weela has had two owners.

The first owner dumped her in an alley to die when she was less than four weeks old. Her present owner, Lori Watkins, found five starving Pit Bull puppies whimpering in an alley, took them home and raised them. later, the Watkins family placed four of the puppies in loving homes and kept the little female they named Weela. They believed Weela was special, and she proved them right. Most Pit Bull puppies grow up to become a reflection of both their owners' personality and the care and training they receive. One can only imagine what a different dog Weela would have become if her original owner had raised her, and she had done her best to please him.
arglebargle;1487067 said:

Most Pit Bull puppies grow up to become a reflection of both their owners' personality and the care and training they receive. One can only imagine what a different dog Weela would have become if her original owner had raised her, and she had done her best to please him.


What a wonderful story!

Apologies to the ABQ man...

Dogs, like children........are a product of their upbringing, with few exceptions........PERIOD.
CrazyCowboy;1486776 said:
Pit Bull dogs.........

one of the bests dogs out there. the owners are the nastys beasts not the dogs.
Sarge;1487087 said:
Dogs, like children........are a product of their upbringing, with few exceptions........PERIOD.

Yeah. At a certain point you are responsible for your own actions, but some get a better foundation than others.

On Vick, there have always been comments about his family and crew, and with Marcus, and some of these other deadbeat type relations, you've got to wonder.

Hopefully Vick, at some point, has the lights go on, or someone else gets through to him, or something. Because in America we tend to enjoy the predicaments of the falling star just as much as the arc of the rising star.
5Stars;1487060 said:

That is just freaking nuts!

However, you do come across like somebody that would get himself into a situation like that!

Wonderful story!!
Don't be afraid to say it because I will agree with you.

"Hos, you're a freaking idiot."

That day I most assuredly was. Without a doubt one of the dumbest things I have ever done.

I still wonder where that dog slept off that dart?
Sarge;1487087 said:
Pitt Bull Dogs like children........for dinner.


(I kid - that's just what I thought of immediately when I started reading the sentence you wrote)

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