Vick Linked to Pit Bull Breeding

5Stars;1486963 said:
I've never said anything about pitts being bad dogs. However, I'm not interested enough to go googling around to find out some farfetched story.

If that site that you listed had provided a link to a credible story about this hero dog then maybe I could believe it...just like this Cowboy site...don't post stuff about the Cowboys saying this or that without a credible link...

;) Tell do you think that dog saved 30 horses? Give me your opinion on how he might have done that?


Those dogs are highly intelligent and can be used to heard live stock. I think that's exactly what happened. I've seen those dogs heard horses or Cows. It was a flood situation. It could be as simple as the dog hearding the horses and then swiming the flood zone to lead them across. Once you get the live stock in the water, there going to swim the distance to the other side. There not going to step in and then turn around after a few strokes. That's not the way live stock traverses a stream or river.

Perhaps you view it as a tall tale. To me, it's not all that important one way or the other. As I said, I've owned these dogs so I don't need to be convinced. I have been a believe well before I ever read and/or posted it to this board.
ABQCOWBOY;1486975 said:
Those dogs are highly intelligent and can be used to heard live stock. I think that's exactly what happened. I've seen those dogs heard horses or Cows. It was a flood situation. It could be as simple as the dog hearding the horses and then swiming the flood zone to lead them across. Once you get the live stock in the water, there going to swim the distance to the other side. There not going to step in and then turn around after a few strokes. That's not the way live stock traverses a stream or river.

Perhaps you view it as a tall tale. To me, it's not all that important one way or the other. As I said, I've owned these dogs so I don't need to be convinced. I have been a believe well before I ever read and/or posted it to this board.

Fair enough. Now, how about the 29 humans? Did the dog herd them too? Did the dog herd the 16 dogs too?

This just sounds like some Rin Tin Tin episode to me. :laugh2:

Anyway, carry on...
Champsheart;1486968 said:
So let me ask you a question, and I am serious here.
The lady that lives across the street from me has 2 pitbulls, which BTW are illegal where I live. She has no idea how to control them. At least 3 to 4 times a week they get out of her house without her even knowing and roam all over the streets with kids playing everywhere. How she has not been busted yet I have no idea. They are very nice dogs, but honestly I have been seriously thinking about calling the police because I am so afraid one of those dogs is going to go after a kid playing.
If this was a freaking poodle I could care less, but the fact they are pitbulls has me concerned, do you think I should be?

Of course you should be, but not because there Pitts. Because there animals you do not know. You can't know what there like unless you've had opportunity to interact. The fact that you have small children involved makes it irresponsible for you to not do something about it. However, it should not be the fact that they are a certain bread. Rather, it should be the fact that the possability of danger is there because they are dogs that are unknown to you.

PittBulls are typically very carring dogs. They typically bond with children and are very protective of them. In fact, they are probably the safest dog you can have around children because of the bonding process that is inate to them. You see, Pittbulls adopt there families. It's not the other way around. Once they become part of the family, they protect there family almost as if they are parents themselves. It's really and interesting thing to see.
Doomsday101;1486959 said:
The number of fatalities.
In the US from 1979 to 1996, 304 people in the US died from dog attacks, including 30 in California. The average number of deaths per year was 17.

Most of the deceased were children. ("Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities -- United States, 1995-1996," MMWR 46(21):463-467, 1997.) The chances that the victim of a fatal dog attack will be a burglar are one in 177; the odds that it will be a child are 7 out of 10.

However, fatalities are highly unusual. For every fatal dog bite in the United States, there are 230,000 bites that are not treated by a physician.

The dogs that are most responsible
Merritt Clifton, editor of Animal People, has conducted an unusually detailed study of dog bites from 1982 to the present. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.) The Clifton study show the number of serious canine-inflicted injuries by breed. The author's observations about the breeds and generally how to deal with the dangerous dog problem are enlightening.

According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price.

Clifton's opinions are as interesting as his statistics. For example, he says, "Pit bulls and Rottweilers are accordingly dogs who not only must be handled with special precautions, but also must be regulated with special requirements appropriate to the risk they may pose to the public and other animals, if they are to be kept at all."

I bet that number of bites not treated by a physician are people attacked or bitten by chihuahuas. I know no man is going to file a report. "Yes, doctor that little dog attacked me".

It sounds like just under 13 people per year are killed by either Pits, Rots or Pres Canarios. I wonder what the exact breakdown is between Pits and Rots. I guess under 10 per year for a Pit. I would say at least 10 people died in the US before I finished typing this sentence. Kind of morbid to think in those terms, but if we are talking under 10 a year it doesn't sound like that big of a problem. And I am no fan of Pits. In truth I am no fan of most people I have personally met who owned Pits. I would not trust most of those people if they owned a goldfish.
Champsheart;1486968 said:
So let me ask you a question, and I am serious here.
The lady that lives across the street from me has 2 pitbulls, which BTW are illegal where I live. She has no idea how to control them. At least 3 to 4 times a week they get out of her house without her even knowing and roam all over the streets with kids playing everywhere. How she has not been busted yet I have no idea. They are very nice dogs, but honestly I have been seriously thinking about calling the police because I am so afraid one of those dogs is going to go after a kid playing.
If this was a freaking poodle I could care less, but the fact they are pitbulls has me concerned, do you think I should be?
Just my opinion, but any time you are concerned you should pay attention to those feelings. Err on the side of caution.

I have owned and trained pitbulls and have had many friends who have owned them. I have seen mean ones (I have one hilarious story about a mean one) and when they are mean they are dangerous dogs because they feel no pain and are so powerful. The ones that are not mean have been some of the most loving dogs I have ever been around. My friend Ollie has one that climbs into my lap every time I got to see him. A man in my hometown had a brindle one with yellow eyes. That dog looked like a demon. His name was Crybaby and it fit.

If you don't follow your gut though and something did happen you'd never forgive yourself.
5Stars;1486980 said:
Fair enough. Now, how about the 29 humans? Did the dog herd them too? Did the dog herd the 16 dogs too?

This just sounds like some Rin Tin Tin episode to me. :laugh2:

Anyway, carry on...

Could be as simple as pulling them out of water. I mean, it's not as if the floods lasted for a day. These dogs are trained as life savers in many cases because they are intelligent enough to understand and accept complex training regiments. Because they are stubborn, they are not going to deviate from there trained behaviors. They are going to do what they are taught to do no matter what. If you train these dogs be be life savers, they are going to do it, once again, in exceedingly efficiant manor.
ABQCOWBOY;1486983 said:
PittBulls are typically very carring dogs.

What's your dogs name? If it's not named after a Cowboy player, then you are not a REAL Cowboy fan or a REAL Pittbull fan!

joseephuss;1486986 said:
I bet that number of bites not treated by a physician are people attacked or bitten by chihuahuas. I know no man is going to file a report. "Yes, doctor that little dog attacked me".

It sounds like just under 13 people per year are killed by either Pits, Rots or Pres Canarios. I wonder what the exact breakdown is between Pits and Rots. I guess under 10 per year for a Pit. I would say at least 10 people died in the US before I finished typing this sentence. Kind of morbid to think in those terms, but if we are talking under 10 a year it doesn't sound like that big of a problem. And I am no fan of Pits. In truth I am no fan of most people I have personally met who owned Pits. I would not trust most of those people if they owned a goldfish.

I think the main point is any dog can attack, however what are the odds of a small dog killing or maiming you? I have seen a Pit Bull attack another dog and despite the owner of the Pit Bull trying to pull him off he could not do it. Now a poodle attack it is not that big of an issue he may break the skin but the odds of that poodle doing extensive damage in no where close to what a Pit Bull is capable of. I'm not looking to have any breed banned but I do think irresponsible people should not own a dog such as this.
joseephuss;1486986 said:
And I am no fan of Pits. In truth I am no fan of most people I have personally met who owned Pits. I would not trust most of those people if they owned a goldfish.


Well, I'll try to do better but heck, I don't have a whole lot of experience on how you even go about trying to train a goldfish.


I'll do my best Josee.
Hostile;1486989 said:
(I have one hilarious story about a mean one)

Hostile, you have a bad habit of leading us on...then dropping us down! You've done this a few times that I know of! Why do you tease us?

5Stars;1486992 said:
What's your dogs name? If it's not named after a Cowboy player, then you are not a REAL Cowboy fan or a REAL Pittbull fan!


Mine is named Angus and it fits. He's as big a friggen cow.....123lbs :D
5Stars;1486998 said:
Hostile, you have a bad habit of leading us on...then dropping us down! You've done this a few times that I know of! Why do you tease us?

Not sure a story of me being really stupid belongs in this thread.
5Stars;1486992 said:
What's your dogs name? If it's not named after a Cowboy player, then you are not a REAL Cowboy fan or a REAL Pittbull fan!



Sorry, he's his own man. He just got all pissed off every time I tried to call him TO.

ABQCOWBOY;1487002 said:

Sorry, he's his own man. He just got all pissed off every time I tried to call him TO.


:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
Hostile;1487001 said:
Not sure a story of me being really stupid belongs in this thread.

Aw, come on! Enlighten us.

You already told us about the rattlesnake and the underwear that you left out in the desert!

Yeagermeister;1486999 said:
Mine is named Angus and it fits. He's as big a friggen cow.....123lbs :D

How many people, cows, chickens, horses, cats, goldfish has your dog saved?

5Stars;1487008 said:
How many people, cows, chickens, horses, cats, goldfish has your dog saved?


None today (that I know of).

Of course, the day is not yet over.

Doomsday101;1486995 said:
I think the main point is any dog can attack, however what are the odds of a small dog killing or maiming you? I have seen a Pit Bull attack another dog and despite the owner of the Pit Bull trying to pull him off he could not do it. Now a poodle attack it is not that big of an issue he may break the skin but the odds of that poodle doing extensive damage in no where close to what a Pit Bull is capable of. I'm not looking to have any breed banned but I do think irresponsible people should not own a dog such as this.

You need a license to drive, a license to hunt(but not to own a gun in many states), a license to fish and several other things. How about a license to own a Pit? Okay, that is extreme.

I recognized the point that very little can be done if a Pit does attack. They are strong boogers. It is just that in reality it does not happen that much. Not as much as it is often portrayed in the media. You would think 100s of people were being killed each year by a Pit. Not the case. The ones that are involved in attacks are a result of irresponsible owners who like you said should not own such a dog. I don't know what preventative measures that can be taken.
ABQCOWBOY;1487019 said:
None today (that I know of).

Of course, the day is not yet over.


I thought I heard a taped recording of your dog calling 911 to report a fire. Saved 3 lives.
ABQCOWBOY;1486996 said:

Well, I'll try to do better but heck, I don't have a whole lot of experience on how you even go about trying to train a goldfish.


I'll do my best Josee.

You have to use your TV remote to get their attention. They can see the infrared spectrum.

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