Vick tests positive for pot *Merged*

WV Cowboy;1671864 said:
Ya think?? ... Wait until your woman goes through menopause.

My heart aches for my wife, I try to do anything to help, but my effort pales in comparison as to what she is going through.

She has always been such a sweetheart to everybody she knows, she does not deserve this.

Talk about a raw deal.
You think that's bad? I've been a Texas Rangers fan since '76.
jimmy40;1672592 said:
You think that's bad? I've been a Texas Rangers fan since '76.

That should certainly be a legal defense for smoking marijuana...
joseephuss;1672060 said:
I think it is dumb that he had to take a urine test as part of a pre-trial process. I don't see the point since the case against him was not about drugs. I would feel that way even if the case was not involving Vick. Just seems like a waste of resources and time unless the case was about drugs.

I think Vick is dumb that he was doing drugs and failed a test.

First, he knows that it is both illegal and against NFL rules. Why take the risk? Sure marijuana is probably not as bad as it is made out to be and I would support the legalization of the stuff, but for now it is illegal and that is all that matters. Dumb.

Second, there are so many ways to beat the test and he could not even do that. It isn't as if the test was a surprise. Get a masking agent or a whizzinator 2000 or something. Dumb.

Third and most importantly, he needs to be doing everything cleaner and better than everyone else. Even if he is faking it, it is all about perception. Instead of toking up he should be out volunteering at some animal shelter or whatever to give the perception that he is tying to improve his life and make amends. Instead of risking more negative attention, he needed to be trying to get as much positive attention as possible. Dumb.

Hoov;1672071 said:
I agree, why is he being tested for pot ? has nothing to do with the dogfighting. seems like people just want to throw everything they can at him, i wonder if the judge who ordered the testing just threw it in there because he beleived vick was using and that they would catch him and it would be one more thing to pile on. just strange to me.

anyway, the dude is just totally self-destructive at this point. from the ron mexica to the dogfighting and now getting caught with positive drug screen.

Yeagermeister;1672099 said:
The original raid was a drug raid not that it had anything to do with Vick. I would assume that drug testing is a standard procedure.

From what's been reported............this drug test was sanctioned by the NFL random drug testing policy. I heard this on local radio 1060, AZ.
What about the recent British studies that show psychopathic behavior probabilities are increased if you use weed?
burmafrd;1672908 said:
What about the recent British studies that show psychopathic behavior probabilities are increased if you use weed?
curious, what type of behaviors ??
Whre is CandianCowboy and all the other Vick defenders?

It is actually rather reassuring to see that Vick is actually what a lot of thought he was. A Thug that thinks he can get away with anything. I guess those of us that assumed he was guilty from the get go are right to use our common sense to make an evaluation of someone's character.

I guess we won't see anymore excuses made for Vick, or demands that we not judge him because he fits a stereotype.

If it walks like a duck.......................
fortdick;1673100 said:
Whre is CandianCowboy and all the other Vick defenders?

It is actually rather reassuring to see that Vick is actually what a lot of thought he was. A Thug that thinks he can get away with anything. I guess those of us that assumed he was guilty from the get go are right to use our common sense to make an evaluation of someone's character.

I guess we won't see anymore excuses made for Vick, or demands that we not judge him because he fits a stereotype.

If it walks like a duck.......................

Was he a Vick defender? He never said Vick was innocent or even just not-guilty. I thought he just said that he would wait to see what the courts decided and that Goodell would probably wait until then as well. Sometimes you just don't know how cases are going to go even if you think you have a good evaluation of that person's character.

I really saw very few Vick defenders during all this on this message board. I also did not realize there was a stereo type for guys that lead a dog fighting ring.
cobra;1672301 said:
Ahh. Yes, I did. To be honest, I hit the quote button without looking at who the poster was. Since you are one of the smarter guys with good sense, if I had noticed it was you, I would have read it closer and caught the sarcasm.

You give me too much credit but thank you. I appriciate it.
fortdick;1673100 said:
Whre is CandianCowboy and all the other Vick defenders?

I believe you can find them in "fortdick's world of internet posters who do not exist".
fortdick;1673100 said:
Whre is CandianCowboy and all the other Vick defenders?

It is actually rather reassuring to see that Vick is actually what a lot of thought he was. A Thug that thinks he can get away with anything. I guess those of us that assumed he was guilty from the get go are right to use our common sense to make an evaluation of someone's character.

I guess we won't see anymore excuses made for Vick, or demands that we not judge him because he fits a stereotype.

If it walks like a duck.......................

It had better hide from CanadianCowboy, that's for sure. I hear that sort of thing is legal up north. :D

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