Vick tests positive for pot *Merged*

superpunk;1671823 said:
I think, if I were Vick's lawyer - I would use the "C'mon judge - it's just a little weed, man" defense. Any self-respecting judicial authority would immediately recognize the validity of it, and they could top it off by pointing at each other and saying "Ayyyyyyyyyyyy", like the Fonz.

I was under the impression you were one of Vick's lawyers:D

Can't blame him... if my life was in the gutter, I'd be tokin' up too.
It's called a PSR...pre-sentence report.

It determines the amount of time he will get.

This will probably add more points to him...which means more jail.

He's stupid.
FCBarca;1671846 said:
Too funny :lmao:

Seriously though, my girlfriend, she's a different person a few days out of each and every month...It's just a raw deal
just get yourself a taser and when she starts acting up give a little jolt, its just basic behavior modification. works like a charm
Hoov;1671925 said:
just get yourself a taser and when she starts acting up give a little jolt, its just basic behavior modification. works like a charm

Work in law enforcement do you?
FCBarca;1671935 said:
Work in law enforcement do you?
me, law enforcement :laugh2: uhhh no. if i was in law enforcement i'd be the owen wilson character in starsky and hutch. and i was joking about the taser.:p:
Does the league test for drugs during the offseason? Because if not I would just say wait until the offseason to participate in those indiscretions.
Chocolate Lab;1671634 said:
Fails routine probation drug test done basically for the people who will be sentencing him.

He knew he'd be tested and did it anyway.

Incredibly stupid. Almost sad, really.

cue up Vick excuse makers in 3-2-1

GimmeTheBall!;1671651 said:
A link?????

He might be smoking it for medical purposes, you don't know.

is being dumb as a freaking brick a medical condition?

Vick has the IQ of a corn cob

abersonc;1671774 said:
I'd say any sentencing that doubled time because someone smoked a doobie is pretty stupid.

it might not affect his legal problem with dog fighting charges, but I bet it doesnt go unnoticed by the league

it probably just added to the amount of time he will be banned from the league

Could not of happened to a better guy!

Miami police had some nerve claiming he was hiding pot in his water bottle?
dbair1967;1672020 said:
is being dumb as a freaking brick a medical condition?

Vick has the IQ of a corn cob


Dear Mr. Bair,

My name is Randall Q. Howe, and I am a lawyer with the firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. I have been retained by the CCADL (Corn Cob Anti-Defamation League) to address the contemptible attempts on your part to slur corn cobs everywhere. This letter is a demand that you cease and desist with such slurs, or face possible litigation.

We do not wish to drag you into court, but that now depends entirely on your future actions.

Randall Q. Howe
I think it is dumb that he had to take a urine test as part of a pre-trial process. I don't see the point since the case against him was not about drugs. I would feel that way even if the case was not involving Vick. Just seems like a waste of resources and time unless the case was about drugs.

I think Vick is dumb that he was doing drugs and failed a test.

First, he knows that it is both illegal and against NFL rules. Why take the risk? Sure marijuana is probably not as bad as it is made out to be and I would support the legalization of the stuff, but for now it is illegal and that is all that matters. Dumb.

Second, there are so many ways to beat the test and he could not even do that. It isn't as if the test was a surprise. Get a masking agent or a whizzinator 2000 or something. Dumb.

Third and most importantly, he needs to be doing everything cleaner and better than everyone else. Even if he is faking it, it is all about perception. Instead of toking up he should be out volunteering at some animal shelter or whatever to give the perception that he is tying to improve his life and make amends. Instead of risking more negative attention, he needed to be trying to get as much positive attention as possible. Dumb.
joseephuss;1672060 said:
I think it is dumb that he had to take a urine test as part of a pre-trial process. I don't see the point since the case against him was not about drugs. I would feel that way even if the case was not involving Vick. Just seems like a waste of resources and time unless the case was about drugs.

I think Vick is dumb that he was doing drugs and failed a test.

First, he knows that it is both illegal and against NFL rules. Why take the risk? Sure marijuana is probably not as bad as it is made out to be and I would support the legalization of the stuff, but for now it is illegal and that is all that matters. Dumb.

Second, there are so many ways to beat the test and he could not even do that. It isn't as if the test was a surprise. Get a masking agent or a whizzinator 2000 or something. Dumb.

Third and most importantly, he needs to be doing everything cleaner and better than everyone else. Even if he is faking it, it is all about perception. Instead of toking up he should be out volunteering at some animal shelter or whatever to give the perception that he is tying to improve his life and make amends. Instead of risking more negative attention, he needed to be trying to get as much positive attention as possible. Dumb.
I agree, why is he being tested for pot ? has nothing to do with the dogfighting. seems like people just want to throw everything they can at him, i wonder if the judge who ordered the testing just threw it in there because he beleived vick was using and that they would catch him and it would be one more thing to pile on. just strange to me.

anyway, the dude is just totally self-destructive at this point. from the ron mexica to the dogfighting and now getting caught with positive drug screen.
Hoov;1672071 said:
I agree, why is he being tested for pot ? has nothing to do with the dogfighting. seems like people just want to throw everything they can at him, i wonder if the judge who ordered the testing just threw it in there because he beleived vick was using and that they would catch him and it would be one more thing to pile on. just strange to me.

anyway, the dude is just totally self-destructive at this point. from the ron mexica to the dogfighting and now getting caught with positive drug screen.

The original raid was a drug raid not that it had anything to do with Vick. I would assume that drug testing is a standard procedure.
ABQCOWBOY;1671639 said:
Well, what are they going to do to him? Suspend him from Football, take all his money away and send him to jail?


:lmao2: THAT is what I was thinking......gooden
Although I admit to watching the Vick town meeting show on ESPN yesterday I still fill this pic is worthy of the thread...


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