Vick tests positive for pot *Merged*

Yeagermeister;1672099 said:
The original raid was a drug raid not that it had anything to do with Vick. I would assume that drug testing is a standard procedure.
that makes sense, i had either forgotten or just never realized it was initially a drug raid
cobra;1671665 said:
Uhh.... this could mean an extra year or two in jail.

There are sentencing guidelines for what he pled to in this case. The Prosecutor was going to recommend 18 months. The federal judge in Richmond had final say on what it would be. This judge's history shows that the majority of time, he gives the maximum sentence. The belief was that if Vick was on his best behavior and sufficiently apologetic and remorseful, that the Judge would consider the prosecutor's recommendation.

However, with this test--which clearly indicates illegal activity--the judge is going to consider that in determining the sentence and is not going to likely be as lenient as the 18 month plea.

I can see this taking his plea from 18 months to 30 months. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised by the entire 5 years if this judge is truly as much of a hardass as his history suggests.

So........ I guess you missed the whole ;) then?
nyc;1671750 said:
I suppose if I wanted to smoke weed and I knew I was going down I would too and the fact that they were going to test me wouldn't deter me in the slightest.

No, actually, I agreed with your first take. He's a dumbarse.
silverbear;1672058 said:
Dear Mr. Bair,

My name is Randall Q. Howe, and I am a lawyer with the firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. I have been retained by the CCADL (Corn Cob Anti-Defamation League) to address the contemptible attempts on your part to slur corn cobs everywhere. This letter is a demand that you cease and desist with such slurs, or face possible litigation.

We do not wish to drag you into court, but that now depends entirely on your future actions.

Randall Q. Howe


Hostile;1671800 said:
Can someone do a Dumb and Dumber photoshop?

Last night, watching Outside the Lines, I almost started to feel sorry for the guy. I really did. In a lot of ways his celebrity has made him a scapegoat. I totally deny there's anything racial about what he is going through as some on the show maintained. No doubt whatsoever though that his celebrity fed the media storm. If it came out that media darling Peyton Manning were the one involved I believe the feeding frenzy would have been just as big.

What the hell happened to "I need to make better decisions in my life?"


Same here and I felt the same when he apologized to the world. Even the sperm donor - biological father- wanted something from this kid.

Now................he looks like a liar and he's laughing about it and spitting in the face of those who hold his fate in their very hands. This kid doesn't understand there are folks bigger than him. Alot bigger.
Seven;1672272 said:
Same here and I felt the same when he apologized to the world. Even the sperm donor - biological father- wanted something from this kid.

Now................he looks like a liar and he's laughing about it and spitting in the face of those who hold his fate in their very hands. This kid doesn't understand there are folks bigger than him. Alot bigger.

What I find really amusing is now Poindexter has filed his claimes against Vick...long after the Feds got Vick! Cobra explained what might happen with the "double jeopardy" deal...and I think Poindexter is now trying to save face with this mess!

Something wrong in Surry County...and Steven King should write a novel about the stuff that is going on in that place!!

5Stars;1672282 said:
What I find really amusing is now Poindexter has filed his claimes against Vick...long after the Feds got Vick! Cobra explained what might happen with the "double jeopardy" deal...and I think Poindexter is now trying to save face with this mess!

Something wrong in Surry County...and Steven King should write a novel about the stuff that is going on in that place!!


I place Poindexter right down there with Don King. Both are opportunists cause it's easier to sit and do nothing and wait than it is to actually work at your job.

Poindexter was busted by a reporter with some very frank questions and 'ol Poinny dismissed them with playing dumb. Which he does very well BTW.

As for the Charges from Surry County...........most think since the Feds took this case and they filed charges that they(vicks lawyers) may look to have the sentencings run concurrently.

Now that we have a little twist - pun intended - to this ordeal.......Vick may need to figure a way to utilize his prison wallet a tad longer.
ABQCOWBOY;1672158 said:
So........ I guess you missed the whole ;) then?

Ahh. Yes, I did. To be honest, I hit the quote button without looking at who the poster was. Since you are one of the smarter guys with good sense, if I had noticed it was you, I would have read it closer and caught the sarcasm.
joseephuss;1672060 said:
I think it is dumb that he had to take a urine test as part of a pre-trial process. I don't see the point since the case against him was not about drugs. I would feel that way even if the case was not involving Vick. Just seems like a waste of resources and time unless the case was about drugs.
This isn't pre-trial anymore. He's pled guilty, so the "trial" phase is over. After a guilty plea, it's pretty common -- especially for felonies -- to have drug screens done. Like E-dunce said (he DID get something right :eek:) they do Pre-Sentence Reports (we call em pre-sentence investigations or PSI's here), and those can often include drug screens. It's not just for drug cases. If there's a suspicion of drug use, the court, probation officer, etc. can request you submit to a test.

Something about the urinalysis thing... I was initially thinking that he may have been submitting to a hair follicle test. Those go back about 90 days, possibly more depending on the circumstances. A urinalysis usually only goes back 30 days. So I was thinking he may have toked up before he pled out. but I think he pled out more than 30 days ago, so he probably smoked AFTER the plea... makes it dumb & dumberer IMO.

Then piggy-backing on Cobra's post... The states charges are apparently for the actual dogfighting (8 counts), and the federal charges were for conspiracy and illegal gambling. There is still a slight double jeopardy issue, but there is some debate as to whether it actually fits, since they're different charges at the state level.
Seven;1672292 said:
I place Poindexter right down there with Don King. Both are opportunists cause it's easier to sit and do nothing and wait than it is to actually work at your job.

Poindexter was busted by a reporter with some very frank questions and 'ol Poinny dismissed them with playing dumb. Which he does very well BTW.

As for the Charges from Surry County...........most think since the Feds took this case and they filed charges that they(vicks lawyers) may look to have the sentencings run concurrently.

Now that we have a little twist - pun intended - to this ordeal.......Vick may need to figure a way to utilize his prison wallet a tad longer.

I agree with everything that you wrote except the bolded part...I don't think he's playing! ;)

Anyway, I wonder if when this whole mess came out if Poindexter would have taken the lead and brought charges on Vick, the Feds might have not gotten involved and Vick might have had it a little easier than he has it now? But, Poindexter did not want to have the rep of bringing a Superstar, or a brotha down. But now that the Feds got him, it let's Poindexter off the hook, so to speak, and now he's the being the good attorney that Surrey County voted him into...!

Poindexter is now trying to save his own *** from looking fookish to begin with, and he worked it perfectly!

I really would not put it past Vick if he gets hit with a 5 year sentence to take a flit for Brazil. He can probably still access a lot of his money and 5-10 million would last a long time down there.
burmafrd;1672320 said:
I really would not put it past Vick if he gets hit with a 5 year sentence to take a flit for Brazil. He can probably still access a lot of his money and 5-10 million would last a long time down there.

Why Brazil? Why not Colombia? I hear the weed is much better down there!

5Stars;1672309 said:
I agree with everything that you wrote except the bolded part...I don't think he's playing! ;)

Anyway, I wonder if when this whole mess came out if Poindexter would have taken the lead and brought charges on Vick, the Feds might have not gotten involved and Vick might have had it a little easier than he has it now? But, Poindexter did not want to have the rep of bringing a Superstar, or a brotha down. But now that the Feds got him, it let's Poindexter off the hook, so to speak, and now he's the being the good attorney that Surrey County voted him into...!

Poindexter is now trying to save his own *** from looking fookish to begin with, and he worked it perfectly!


You nailed it, brother. Solid.
burmafrd;1672320 said:
I really would not put it past Vick if he gets hit with a 5 year sentence to take a flit for Brazil. He can probably still access a lot of his money and 5-10 million would last a long time down there.

One more thing here...if Vick get sentenced to 5 years, he goes from the trial room stright to the pen!

None of this, " three weeks you start your time..."


Ted Bundy would have like that though! They sentence him to death but let him come back in a month or so to go to prison! I don't think so!
Vick just bonged away any chance he had for leniency. State charges and this and it's looking like he may never play in the NFL again and if he does its ala a washed up Mike Tyson.
Doomsday101;1671644 said:
Hey if I was about to be put away for a long time I would be getting stoned as well. The Feds right now is only the tip of the iceberg yesterday the Virginia grand jury indicted him so he will be looking at more time. Vick football career is gone

Which is what I was trying to say in another thread, but it wasn't quite getting through.... he's facing a multitude of charges that could potentially result in decades of imprisonment.

I know that was one of the factors that enticed him to plea to this "deal". But I don't know the specific parameters that are involved with the current abilities to allege new charges at this point.

I would hope that his attorneys would have negotiated no further prosecution in the deal.. or a justice has been served, etc.

But the facts were, he was potentially facing 40 years because of the seriousness of federal charges.
Trust me I'm on the Vick done wrong here, clearly.

But from all I read it is rare for a state to go after a person after the feds have convicted. This is kinda a piling on as he is such a high profile athlete. I wonder if Joe Glenlivit did this he's be getting same attention from state.

Vicks dope regress may have ended his NFL career.
Nors;1672494 said:
Trust me I'm on the Vick done wrong here, clearly.

Make no mistake about it. I am too.

I just think it's gone a little over board... if you only knew the things of greater magnitude that have to do with harming actual people, but get brushed under the rugs from the scope of the public eye for various reasons of political, sociological, legal variety and criminal justice elements are only part of it (among various other causations).

There's an amazing the difference here. I think Vick is being treated worse because he is a celebrity.

Strange to see this sort inverse relationship with "celebrity justice" and the media.
THUMPER;1671791 said:
Pot helps with PMS? Damn! Why didn't I know that before. Been married for 27+ years and I just now hear how I can do something about my wife when she's a beyotch (like now). You know, she smoked a lot of pot before we got married but quit just prior to our wedding. I wondered why she changed so much.

One question though, is it for me or for her? :lmao2:

People dread menopause but I am looking forward to it. :rolleyes:

There are actually 25,000 uses for hemp (not a drug). This country and it's soil would be a lot better off if we were still farming hemp and not things that deplete the nutrients in our soil like wheat and barley.

This country's first farmer's were farming hemp. If you eat it (it makes great bread), it is a great source of Omega fatty acids and is probably one of the healthiest foods known to man kind. I just recently did some research on how to eat for a healthy heart, and I found authoritative research that said the best sources were fish oil (but fish that lived in cold environments), flax seed and hemp.

Those are THE 3 best things you can eat for your heart, amazing. We should be farming it, if for nothing other than the RECENT findings of its benefits to the cardio vascular system.... not to mention the positive effects that it has on the soil, as opposed to wheat which is much less healthier.

These are amazing facts that the FDA would assume you not know for some strange reason.

Why is beyond me.... you really have to LOOK for the truth. I wouldn't have known this unless I had done research recently.

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