silverbear;1607030 said:
Listening to your sneering, hypocritical sarcasm finally got to me... but note that I said your ARGUMENT is idiotic...
I won't point fingers. But it wasn't me who initiated the bellyaching about underhandedness. I think it's apparent throughout your posts that you'd like to have your cake and eat it, too.
Sling the insults in an underhanded manner and calling people out on them doesn't suit you well. In fact, it supports my position that you, and a large portion of these hangmen, are, indeed, hypocrites.
You're just using a law to avoid that issue.
If you live in this society, you are bound by its standards, and by its laws... if arrested, and you go to court with the defense "that law's morally wrong", you're going to jail...
Yeah, I'm aware that this is the issue. I'm not Vick's lawyer. I'm stating some of the actualities regarding what people do in our society. But it goes rather unnoticed, unfortunately.
Again, it's the public using the law to avoid their own horrendous actions towards animals.
Throwing stones from a glass house, if you will.
While irrelevant, that's not only a fair observation, it's the absolute truth-- I do try not to think about those wrongs...
I mean, c'mon man. Can we agree that society does similar actions to other creatures, but doesn't give it much thought?
This debate could go on forever. But I think my point about the standards that we have for the treatment of animals has been made. Something, as you even admit to, needs to be done.
I think that - ESPECIALLY those crying wolf over this ordeal - people should take a look at how they contribute to the mistreatment of animals.
Perhaps my rhetoric got some of you a little riled up. But that was the intent. I'm just trying to make a point. And the point is, ya'll sum hipp-o-crites.
I know you'd love to make this a philosophical debate about the morality of the law in question, but that is utterly irrelevant...
You're right. I'd love to. And it is ENTIRELY relevant - to society's hypocritical ethical standards regarding the mistreatment of animals.
You keep contributing, but judging from afar. Judging others doesn't change the fact that you're a hypocrite. It just makes you more of one. That's where my problem comes in.
A poster in this thread said, "I didn't even know dog fighting was illegal. But that's because I didn't think about it". Well, the general public, like you, doesn't think about it, nor do they really give a rat's trap about the (mis)treatment of animals.
Perhaps that's what you fail to grasp, that your concept of morality does not override the laws of the land...
I never said it did. Perhaps that's why I'm writing umpteen posts to you about the similarities in animal cruelty that take place every day.
We've agreed upon that. You'd rather not think about it, unless it's technically against the law.
We differ a bit on the perspective. But I think it's clear whose actions bode the better morality; and whose simply follows the law of the land--just like the good sheeple of this country
should do.
Because we should never, in a million years, as a society, question the laws , or even our actions within them... am I right?
I thought it was pretty clear-- punish those who abuse animals severely... that's the only thing that stands a chance of providing SOME deterrence... I say "some" deterrence because if you really are a sick sadist, nothing's gonna get through to you... so when you have yourself a repeat offender, then you have to put him away for a long, long time, if not for the rest of his life...
Well, at this point we're not talking about a repeat offender. Though I think that it's probably safe to say that this wasn't Vick's first rodeo (gotta love those, by the way. We're from Texas).
And you do know that there is only a certain amount of room/space available in our prison system, don't you?
Wouldn't one of those cells be better suited for a rapist, murderer or child molester?
I'd understand 12-18 months completely if he were a repeat offender. But, even then, when we're talking gambling and dog fighting, 20 years is excessive.
Yes, I did... and I don't have an answer for that... sorry if I don't have answers for everything... but I am pretty sure that outlawing the consumption of chicken is not the answer...
Of course--there wouldn't be any particular or specific answers within your own actions and moral values regarding animals. . .
It might even be good for your health. People eat meat to excess in this country. It's ridiculous considering the amount actually
needed to sustain your body from a nutritional standpoint.
Not when you're in favor of fining proven animal abusers, and setting them back out in society, all to save yourself some tax money... to the contrary, that's showing utter contempt for animal rights...
Again, can you not see the similarities to a hunter and a dog fighter?
One just puts the trophy on his wall; the other puts it in his bank....
That's what I've been trying to point out to you all along, that your stance on animal rights is morally and logically inconsistent...
I find that to be quite the opposite. We'll just have to disagree. My point is a moral one. And there are answers. They just lie in your actions; not mine. I'm good to go, as far as what I do. I can't remember the last time I had a piece of bacon or fried chicken. I'd imagine, by your statements, that you couldn't say the same thing.
Yet, you want someone punished "harshly" for similar actions. You know that you don't need as much meat as you eat to survive.
So why do you eat it that much of it?
Tell me, Mr. Hangman, just how moral YOU are....
Perhaps that's because I don't give a rat's patootie about how "acceptable" you find it... just because other evils exist, it does not logically follow that we should ignore or condone this evil...
No, but it makes sense that since you feel so repulsed by other's actions that it may perhaps suit you well to take an introspective look at your own.
From an outside perspective, you could really use that.
When you argue that, YOU'RE the one who's on a high horse, Don Quixote de la Mancha...
I'm flattered by the comparison. But this isn't fiction. You hangmen really should take a look at your actions as far as how much they contribute to the mistreatment of animals.
While irrelevant, that's not only a fair observation, it's the absolute truth-- I do try not to think about those wrongs...
I appreciate the honesty. To continue the fairness, if you're going to condemn a man for his wrongs, wouldn't it make sense to actually act righteously in comparison to those wrongs.
Seriously... doesn't what I'm saying make a little sense to you?
Oh, spare me; you aren't "discussing solutions", you're just railing about society's hypocrisy... there has not been anything constructive offered by you at any point in this now-lengthy debate about l'affaire Vick...
Yes, the solution would be: While you're all ready to put a rope around Vick's neck for mistreating animals, take an introspective look at what it is that you actually do that contributes to equal mistreatments....
There, I'm offering a solution.
Where is yours?
Ahhh, more melodrama... you and me go way back, I have never thought of you as a "bad guy"... even now, when I'm as disappointed in you as I've ever been, I just think of you as profoundly ridiculous...
Yeah, we do. And I hope that none of this is personal. But I've known you for a long time as well. And Silverbear aint no stranger to melodrama. No knock on you, man. You have my respect in many regards. I'm a bit disappointed in you about this one.
I'll take the high ground, though, and just call your perspective on this ridiculous.
And like I say, while you whine about "ad hominem", you've been tucking little insults like "puppy love", and "yip yip" into your arguments, clear putdowns of those of us who want to see Vick punished harshly... so once again, your criticisms of society's hypocrisy are deeply infested with your own...
Yeah, we can insult each other 'till we're blue in the face. I think we're both relatively capable of defending ourselves or offending others.
I'm not trying to make a big stink about this really. I'm simply asking you, and others reading this, to take a look at their own actions.
If you're so outraged at Vick, then you should know that this goes on in various other fashions that aren't so visible. And I think that people need to think about it.
And I think that the standards for animal treatment, especially in regards to assembly line consumption, need to be looked at.
But that'd never happen. That'd take introspection and rationale...
If you can manage to argue without the "puppy love" and "yip yip" BS, you might find me willing to reciprocate with a bit more respectful approach, but so far you've done nothing to DESERVE respect... respect is EARNED, not demanded...
Sure--how about you lead by example, though. I don't remember attacking you, personally, in an underhanded manner, initially.
I'm not asking you to stop calling me names or attacking me personally . I prefer it--Ad hominem works for me; not for you.
I'm not the one who wants my cake; and to eat it, too.