Video: Awesome play by Reeves!

how is that PI??? he is playing the ball. you people are insane. read the rule on Pass interference. he didnt alter the path of carter. carter just wanted the ball to flop into his hands. reeves went up and hit the ball. thats a good non call. carter was just in a poor position and reeves went up and knocked the ball out. but it was pretty simultaneous. he didnt have his arm wrapped around and PULLED THE RECIEVER or PULLED DOWN on the reciever. he just went up and knocked the ball away.
eduncan22;1852351 said:
Speed + Technique = Awesome play by Reeves!
I'm sure Steve Smith loves to play against Reeves in every passing plays.
Hostile;1852426 said:
It's football and I don't see one thing wrong with Tank's sack.

No, I wouldn't if it was on Romo either.
I don't see anything wrong with it either... but that's just another of the list of terrible rules. The QB has a "strike zone" of where you can hit him.

If you so much as graze any part of their helmet with your hand, you can get a flag. Roughing the passer might not be the correct call, I think it's unnecessary roughness, but it's still 15 yards. Personally I think Tank should be suspended.

Oh and was it Beason who tackled TO and sprained his ankle? Suspend him too.
eduncan22;1852351 said:
This is what I'm talking about...

Speed + Technique = Awesome play by Reeves!

Bonus: We get to here "Gumball" gripe about the no call on PI.
Yeah awesome play by reeves. Just like that one time, where he left his jock on the field when Steve Smith did a little stutter step. An easier TD you won't find in the NFL.

Hell Roy Williams could have done better than that.:D

BTW what did you think about Henry's team leading 6th INT?
Yeah, there were some pretty bogus calls last night, but the absolute WORST was the call/non-call for helmet-to-helmet right after the Reeves PI non-call...the hit on Barber. That was as blatant a helmet-to-helmet hit as I've ever seen but the refs were scared to death to call it because they knew John Fox was going to rip them a new one if they did.

THAT was a blown call!
joseephuss;1852436 said:
Is the face mask considered part of the helmet? I don't think it is. In those stills, it looks like Tank got him with his face mask. At full speed it looks different, so I can see why the ref threw a flag.

Same with the Reeves play. In real time it may have looked like he timed it right. It looked obvious to me it was a PI, but I am watching it from a couch. I am not the back judge or whomever who is trying to run backwards and see everything at once. It is understandable that they miss a call now and then and yes they did miss that one. It was a good play by Reeves because he got away with it. He should have interfered with Smith instead of letting him right by him untouched into the end zone.

And I am not convinced that Kartr was a much better poster. He turned to the conspiracy theory of why QC was not playing for anyone in the league. I have not seen that yet in defense of Reeves. Then again the same guy that says that Reeves is all world also supports drafting a CB high in the next draft. Why try to replace someone who is that good? A paradox.

Once again Edunce gets smacked around
hmcorp;1852547 said:
how is that PI??? he is playing the ball. you people are insane. read the rule on Pass interference. he didnt alter the path of carter. carter just wanted the ball to flop into his hands. reeves went up and hit the ball. thats a good non call. carter was just in a poor position and reeves went up and knocked the ball out. but it was pretty simultaneous. he didnt have his arm wrapped around and PULLED THE RECIEVER or PULLED DOWN on the reciever. he just went up and knocked the ball away.
During chat yesterday, I initially said that was a super play by Reeves.

Then I saw the replay.

Look carefully at Eduncan's replay again (you're so crazy, Eduncan :rolleyes:) at both the :19 and :15 marks of the video (a viewer has the capacity to pause the video). Reeves clearly grabs the receiver's left upper arm with his left arm--thus hindering his ability to raise that hand for the catch. Additionally, when Reeves jumps up to swat at the ball with this right hand, his motion causes his body to contact the receiver's from behind. In other words, he was playing through the receiver's back.

The rule which you have refered to...

...and here are the definitions of the rule which the refs did not call:

Pass Interference

4. It is pass interference by either team when any player movement beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders the progress of an eligible player of such player’s opportunity to catch the ball... Defensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is thrown until the ball is touched.

Actions that constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(b) Playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

(c) Grabbing a receiver’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass.

[Edit: this one's incorrect] (d) Extending an arm across the body of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of whether the defender is playing the ball.

(f) Hooking a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that it causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.
DallasEast;1852615 said:
During chat yesterday, I initially said that was a super play by Reeves.

Then I saw the replay.

Look carefully at Eduncan's replay again (you're so crazy, Eduncan :rolleyes:) at both the :19 and :15 marks of the video (a viewer has the capacity to pause the video). Reeves clearly grabs the receiver's left upper arm with his left arm--thus hindering his ability to raise that hand for the catch. Additionally, when Reeves jumps up to swat at the ball with this right hand, his motion causes his body to contact the receiver's from behind. In other words, he was playing through the receiver's back.

The rule which you have refered to...

...and here are the definitions of the rule which the refs did not call:

Pass Interference

4. It is pass interference by either team when any player movement beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders the progress of an eligible player of such player’s opportunity to catch the ball... Defensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is thrown until the ball is touched.

Actions that constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(b) Playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

(c) Grabbing a receiver’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass.

(d) Extending an arm across the body of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of whether the defender is playing the ball.

(f) Hooking a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that it causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.

Body didnt turn arms were NOT HINDERED. he wasnt even in a position to put his arms WHERE reeves put his. WHY? because he wanted the ball to come to him but reeves WENT TO THE BALL.

Receiver wasnt jumping for the ball he was running AWAY from the ball. reeves wasnt directly over the back and barely touched the reciever and was going UP FOR THE BALL. his eyes were not even on the receiver. if the reciever had madem ore of an attempt MAYBE SO...but he just waited for the ball to come and reeves went up and knocked it away. i have seen T new do this 100s of times and it is a non call. great non call.

I was at the stadium. only drunken panthers fan disagreed. the ones around me who were sober agreed with the refs and me.

your rule is right but DOES NOT APPLY to reeves GOING ONLY FOR THE BALL. if he had gone through the back carter would have BENDED HIS BACK MOVED HIS POSITIONING. he didnt move. HE NEVER MOVED. until reeves CAME BACK DOWN AFTER HITTING THE BALL AND HIT HIM TO THE GROUND. perfect non call.
hmcorp;1852628 said:
Body didnt turn arms were NOT HINDERED. he wasnt even in a position to put his arms WHERE reeves put his. WHY? because he wanted the ball to come to him but reeves WENT TO THE BALL.

Receiver wasnt jumping for the ball he was running AWAY from the ball. reeves wasnt directly over the back and barely touched the reciever and was going UP FOR THE BALL. his eyes were not even on the receiver. if the reciever had madem ore of an attempt MAYBE SO...but he just waited for the ball to come and reeves went up and knocked it away. i have seen T new do this 100s of times and it is a non call. great non call.

I was at the stadium. only drunken panthers fan disagreed. the ones around me who were sober agreed with the refs and me.

your rule is right but DOES NOT APPLY to reeves GOING ONLY FOR THE BALL. if he had gone through the back carter would have BENDED HIS BACK MOVED HIS POSITIONING. he didnt move. HE NEVER MOVED. until reeves CAME BACK DOWN AFTER HITTING THE BALL AND HIT HIM TO THE GROUND. perfect non call.
"your rule is right but DOES NOT APPLY to reeves GOING ONLY FOR THE BALL."


The rule isn't mine. It's the NFL's.​

FYI: Your argument's a contradiction.​
DallasEast;1852633 said:
"your rule is right but DOES NOT APPLY to reeves GOING ONLY FOR THE BALL."


The rule isn't mine. It's the NFL's.​

FYI: Your argument's a contradiction.​

No I was merely stating THE RULE YOU STATED IS THE CORRECT RULE...some people make up NFL rules on message boards.

but reeves made the play on the ball. he hit the ball. he didnt come up over the back. watch it again.
it is a simultaneous move. HE hit the ball as he hit the man. if you call that then you call pass interference every dang time.
hmcorp;1852649 said:
No I was merely stating THE RULE YOU STATED IS THE CORRECT RULE...some people make up NFL rules on message boards.

but reeves made the play on the ball. he hit the ball. he didnt come up over the back. watch it again.
"Watch it again?" You mean, at the :19 and :15 marks of the video as I mentioned in my earlier reply..? :huh:

Doesn't change the fact that, by definition, it was defensive pass interference which the refs did not call.
hmcorp;1852653 said:
it is a simultaneous move. HE hit the ball as he hit the man. if you call that then you call pass interference every dang time.
His left arm grabbed Carter's left arm. The referee's usually call that pass interference every time, but didn't yesterday.
his left arm grabbed as he was hitting the ball???

thats the issue. he was hitting the ball. i have seen tnew and other corners do that constantly.

they did it to TO earlier.

they arent calling that in the NFL. if they do it is the wrong judgment call.

watch mike periera. he explains this constantly. it is how the NFL interprets the rules.

good non call.
im also not trying to defend or uplift reeves. im just saying no NFL referee should make that call. not on TO man and not on reeves.
watch at 19 and 15 again. saw a guy hit the ball as he hit the reciever.

saw a reciever hope the ball would reach him and he didnt even attempt to go for the ball just waited on it. if he had tried to reach for the ball maybe they would have called something. but he didnt. reeves poked it away. good non call.
hmcorp;1852693 said:
his left arm grabbed as he was hitting the ball???

thats the issue. he was hitting the ball. i have seen tnew and other corners do that constantly.

they did it to TO earlier.

they arent calling that in the NFL. if they do it is the wrong judgment call.

watch mike periera. he explains this constantly. it is how the NFL interprets the rules.

good non call.
The speed of the game may have made it appear as if Reeves grabbed the receiver's arm and swatted at the ball at the same time, but in reality (if you desired to view the replay for yourself) it is that Reeves grabbed first and swatted the ball afterwards. Again, it is clearly shown at the :19 and :15 marks of the video.

The... video... doesn't... lie...

hmcorp;1852696 said:
im also not trying to defend or uplift reeves. im just saying no NFL referee should make that call. not on TO man and not on reeves.
If an NFL referee doesn't have a clear view of the play, I agree, but if the play was challenged and reviewed by instant replay..?

I'll defer to you in continuing any argument if that were the case. Gumbell is an idiot of the highest order, but even he was right after viewing the replay.
hmcorp;1852706 said:
watch at 19 and 15 again. saw a guy hit the ball as he hit the reciever.

saw a reciever hope the ball would reach him and he didnt even attempt to go for the ball just waited on it. if he had tried to reach for the ball maybe they would have called something. but he didnt. reeves poked it away. good non call.
Okay. You 'win'.


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