Video of Larry Allen jobbin Cortez inside:

All you do is click on the file and a window should come up asking you to save it

and I'm using Firefox...

try this: hit ctrl on ur keyboard and hold it. while you're holding it, click on the file link. lemme know if that works
zagnut said:
That was a little extreme. According to the sideline reporter (Kristy Scales?) Larry apologized a few series later, probably when he found out what actually happened.

I'll say this though. Cortez has not really done anything so horrible that it should create that kind of reaction. Maybe there is more to Larry's reaction than the missed xp.

Why is it extreme? He did what he should have done it looks like. Even LA knew he was in the wrong when he found out what happend .
hhm can someone give me a different link because that ones not working and i REALLY want to see that
SupermanXx said:
All you do is click on the file and a window should come up asking you to save it

and I'm using Firefox...

try this: hit ctrl on ur keyboard and hold it. while you're holding it, click on the file link. lemme know if that works
Should have ripped his helmet off and beat him with it!
How can you guys watch this clip of a five-foot-tall, FNG kicker with no skins on the wall, jawing at LA and showing him up with his tough-guy arm waving, and not recognize that he got what was coming to him?
Dallas said:
Why is it extreme? He did what he should have done it looks like. Even LA knew he was in the wrong when he found out what happend .

...with this type of behavior is that Larry is a veteran and expected to lead this team.

Every rookie mistake or game losing mistake could possibly be held to that standard.

AS far as I can tell Roy Williams needs a few whacks to the helmet for his slow footspeed. Anthony Henry needs a few whacks for the mistakes he made in coverage.

What about Bledsoe int to Parrish for the TD. The fool was right in front of him how could he not see?

Debasing the team chemistry of football to finger pointing on the field will get your team to the cellar faster than you can say the Bengals.

The emotions are legitimate, the actions are childish and uncalled for. Who wants to spend the rest of the football career apologizing for mistakes?
Sitting Bull said:
How can you guys watch this clip of a five-foot-tall, FNG kicker with no skins on the wall, jawing at LA and showing him up with his tough-guy arm waving, and not recognize that he got what was coming to him?

...what was said on the field. Somehow I get the feeling that Cortez didn't initiate this one. Especially since it is REPORTED that he later apologized.

One thing I do know right now, Larry Allen with his apology has shown more maturity than some posters of this forum.
jlust22 said:
I assume the next time Larry gets a holding call or misses a block, Bledsoe will just slap him upside the head.
Let's just say LA has earned a little more latitude to make a mistake here or there and still call out a kicker who's lucky to be in the league... let alone wear the star.

Kick it in gear cortez or next time LA will be waiting for you outside the team bus!
SupermanXx said:
get off your highhorse Dallasblue... you weren't there and you don't know what it's like to have your body runnin on 110% adrenaline in an NFL football game on national tv alright? give the guys (yes both) a break

I'd appreciate if you wouldnt directly confront me in such an ignorant way. I'm sure you dont know what its like to be a kicker who just got bum rushed for something that wasnt his fault. I dont care what kind of adrenaline you have, if you're on the field, control yourself, act like a professional, and if you have a beef, take it up on the sidelines. No high horse here buddy, maybe a little more class than you'd know about, but certainly no high horse.
HomeOfLegends said:
Should have ripped his helmet off and beat him with it!

..he should beat Anthony Henry with Cortez' helmet since Henry gave up 14 points to Cortez' one.
k19 said:
Please tell me you are kidding/ LA FINALLY shows a little bit of leadership by "getting Cortez's attention" after he missed a kick and you are sayin he should give it up. How about Cortez gives it up to the team for missing a field goal AND a PAT in the last 2 games. He needs MORE actions like this on the field. If you are hungry to win you'll get emotional when someone screws up.

Props to LA for FINALLY standing up to someone for screwing up on the field

Come on, you think its his fault that Romo bobbled the snap?? I say LA should have been jawin at the snapper, or Romo, I love it that he's showing emotion, but as I said previously, #1) show emotion to the right guy, #2) if youre on the field, control yourself, and take it out on the sidelines.......
dallasblue05 said:
I'd appreciate if you wouldnt directly confront me in such an ignorant way. I'm sure you dont know what its like to be a kicker who just got bum rushed for something that wasnt his fault. I dont care what kind of adrenaline you have, if you're on the field, control yourself, act like a professional, and if you have a beef, take it up on the sidelines. No high horse here buddy, maybe a little more class than you'd know about, but certainly no high horse.

class... oh wow you have CLASS.. are we supposed to be impressed with your CLASS?

seriously, tell that to someone who is actually going to care a bit.. you know, like a wall or something
davidyee said:
...with this type of behavior is that Larry is a veteran and expected to lead this team.

Every rookie mistake or game losing mistake could possibly be held to that standard.

AS far as I can tell Roy Williams needs a few whacks to the helmet for his slow footspeed. Anthony Henry needs a few whacks for the mistakes he made in coverage.

What about Bledsoe int to Parrish for the TD. The fool was right in front of him how could he not see?

Debasing the team chemistry of football to finger pointing on the field will get your team to the cellar faster than you can say the Bengals.

The emotions are legitimate, the actions are childish and uncalled for. Who wants to spend the rest of the football career apologizing for mistakes?

Your argument would hold some water if LA didnt go and appologize for his antics later in the game. He obviously knew he was in the wrong. He wasnt bashing the kickers face because he wanted him to kick better. He was pissed off and took it off on his teammate.
Danny White said:
Let's just say LA has earned a little more latitude to make a mistake here or there and still call out a kicker who's lucky to be in the league... let alone wear the star.

Kick it in gear cortez or next time LA will be waiting for you outside the team bus!

...let's not highjack Parcells authority here. If we are talking about Cortez' roster spot it's one thing, but what I saw on the field was a player less than his ProBowl self the past two years make a mistake he had to later apologize for.

LA does have some latitude here, but if he wants the loyalty and following of this team and it's youngsters he better focus on the field and not the roster.

Parcells can handle that part and preserve LA's dignity and team chemistry.
SupermanXx said:
class... oh wow you have CLASS.. are we supposed to be impressed with your CLASS?

seriously, tell that to someone who is actually going to care a bit.. you know, like a wall or something

by you speaking (typing) the way you are, you'd think I personally did something to you, when actually you know nothing about me or who I am, therefore you saying I have no class, or say I am on a high horse, is an ignorant statement. Ignorant is not used derogitorily, but simply sayin that you dont have enough information. I've certainly never confronted anyone on this or any other board with the kind of statement you said to me in your first post. I did not deserve it, and I dont care what you're feeling after a close game, it wasnt called for. Now lets act like adults and move on, we just won our 2 of 3 games to start the season, certainly you're in a better mood than you are indicating.
Dallas said:
Your argument would hold some water if LA didnt go and appologize for his antics later in the game. He obviously knew he was in the wrong. He wasnt bashing the kickers face because he wanted him to kick better. He was pissed off and took it off on his teammate. losing your cool on national TV and letting a guy have it right there is right, but you can quietly apologize later for your mistake?

My argument is sound, keep your mouth and opinions to yourself until you know the facts. It is a truth in life whether it is your home, your workplace or the football field.

If you think it is so right give it a shot at your workplace in front of your boss with a fellow worker and tell me how it works for you. My guess is the harassment policy of your company will punt you out the door.

Football is not for wallflowers, but intimidation has not place in the game. Hence the reason why we were insulted when TO danced on the star and the rules committee banned the throat slashing move six years ago. Intimidation has no place on the field!!!
I apologize to you dallasblue... you're right, I shouldn't have called you out like that

let's just move on, like you said, and enjoy the victory
davidyee said: losing your cool on national TV and letting a guy have it right there is right, but you can quietly apologize later for your mistake?

My argument is sound, keep your mouth and opinions to yourself until you know the facts. It is a truth in life whether it is your home, your workplace or the football field.

If you think it is so right give it a shot at your workplace in front of your boss with a fellow worker and tell me how it works for you. My guess is the harassment policy of your company will punt you out the door.

Football is not for wallflowers, but intimidation has not place in the game. Hence the reason why we were insulted when TO danced on the star and the rules committee banned the throat slashing move six years ago. Intimidation has no place on the field!!!
How about shut your pie hole. Your argument is CRAP. Like them apples?

You might want to come down a bit there yin-yang.
SupermanXx said:
class... oh wow you have CLASS.. are we supposed to be impressed with your CLASS?

seriously, tell that to someone who is actually going to care a bit.. you know, like a wall or something

Debate him on the point of this thread. Stop making things worse.

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