Video of Larry Allen jobbin Cortez inside:

I pitty the fool who gets his facemask slapped around by a guy who bench presses 700 lbs
CowboyDan said:
I love seeing Larry Allen show some emotion. This team needs some vets to take more active leadership roles. Cortez deserved it........he pisses me off just looking at him. I think Larry told him that if he misses another field goal this season Larry will kill him.

No kidding, I love Larry showing some emotion. Now, just funnel that crap against your opponent. Truth of the matter is, until we know exactly what occurred it is better not to judge. However, I will add this: They both need to be reprimanded for demonstrating internal strife in front of their opponents. Furthermore, don't go after your teammate like that during a game. Man, that gives the opponent way too much ammo.
SupermanXx said:
I apologize to you dallasblue... you're right, I shouldn't have called you out like that

let's just move on, like you said, and enjoy the victory

You were comming off as a real Idiot up untill now.
Totally uncalled for by Larry Allen the man outweighs Cortez by like 3 hundred pounds. Cortez was just being a Man and stepping up for his own. Larry Allen should miss this weeks game against Oakland for So Parcells can show message were not gonna have our own players fighting against each other. Totally uncalled for I gotta give credit for Cortez stepping up to him also. Also if it wasn't for Cortez we wouldn't of won that San Diego game probably. If you guys remember it was Cortez who saved two kickoff returns from being touchdowns against San Diego.
jlust22 said:
I assume the next time Larry gets a holding call or misses a block, Bledsoe will just slap him upside the head.

I would LOVE to see that personally.
How hard do you think Cortez can kick LArry BEfore he runs away?....That's a broken leg or something lol.
That's the most fire I've seen outta Larry in a dogs' age. Good for him.

Since when does anyone care about a talentless kicker who essentially cost us the Commanders game anyways?

The guy won't even be a Cowboy next year.

God job Larry.
I think it's a great motivation technique. Next time one of our kickers screws up, send Larry in to knock some sense into them. Finding a bull who can benchpress nearly 800 pounds face-to-face ready to kick your butt after a screw-up can do wonders for your game.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I think it's a great motivation technique. Next time one of our kickers screws up, send Larry in to knock some sense into them. Finding a bull who can benchpress nearly 800 pounds face-to-face ready to kick your butt after a screw-up can do wonders for your game.

Ya think Larry could take him?

I'm glad to see LA stepup and be a leader for a change....and finally show some emotion.

Cortez is lucky he's not a pancake this
I see nothing wrong with this..

LA has been around long enough to know that Cortez should have made the PAT even if it was rolling around on the ground.

I like LA's fire. This season and this team mean something to him.


Maybe he's finally responding to the comments about he's an All-Pro but not a vocal team leader.

Go LA.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

I'm willing to bet that BP is back in the tape review room snikering his a** off.

LA finally gets it.

What a breakthru after sitting out the first 3 days of TC with various problems of his own making.

Next time, LA, if you are going to pick on somebody, I'd like it to be one of your fellow OL for holding penalties that kill a drive for us as opposed to 5'9" kickers.


Guarantee every one on the team wanted to do the same. I am glad LA did it. Missing a PAT is unacceptable under any condition. Fricking kicker! :mad:
Qwickdraw said:
Hey Bad Kharma...

is that Cortez in your sig?

Hahahaahha...not even...I need to change my sig now before Larry comes looking for me! :eek:
Listen, let's just be glad that Witten stepped in or we'd be without our starting LG.
In the old days, this stuff used to happen a lot. None of us know what has really taken place. For all we know, somebody may have told Allen to make sure the kicker isn't taking the job for granted. Any number of things could have happened. Bottom line, this kick missed an extra point he probably shouldn't have, snap or no. Looked to me like the ball did get down. He also missed a FG that probably would have won the game. I think you just chalk this up to football and be done with it.
LaTunaNostra said:
I thought LA was way out of line....picking on the little guy... but reading how he thought Cortez was giving Condo grief for the poor snap and was rushing to Jon's defense makes it look more like his heart is in the right place.

Just a misunderstanding, and it's over now.

Exactly. I knew it watching the game that Larry didn't just go after Cortez for missing the kick, he went after him because he was jawing at Condo for the bad snap. Cortez was the one calling out Condo right in front of everybody which is lame. I can't stand when players call other players out in plain sight, during the game, in any sport. I don't condone what Larry did, but I can see why he did it. He knew he was wrong and apologized. He should 've waited until they reached the sidelines, but emotions run high. I think Cortez should be criticized more than LA.

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