Video: Watkins says Romo laughing at T.O. in meetings - 1/20/09

InmanRoshi;2592537 said:
I'm not saying Romo doesn't need to snap out of it and be kicked firmly in the rear, but don't you think TO screaming in his ear about how open he is is pretty much a never ending nightmare he has to endure 24/7/365? So this one time TO was right in the film room and makes a point to call out Romo in front of the entire team in the film sessions to prove some point (making Romo look bad in front of his teammates, the same teammates who are probably leaking that they're upset about everything that Romo supposedly gets away with), and Romo's just laughing to himself thinking "I could name 300 times you've said you were open when you weren't, but I'm sure you'll never bring that up in front of the team." The same exact way McNabb was just laughing at Owens when Owens was trailing him and berating him on the sidelines in Philly.

Obviously, Romo's body language suggests someone who is just beaten down and defeated by the whole situation, just like McNabb and Garcia were beaten down by it, to the point where he's pretty much just sick and apathetic to it all. Which is quite remarkable considering this is a guy who cut his teeth in the league with mean ole grouchy Parcells chewing his butt 24/7 to purposely groom him for the emotional grind it takes to be a QB in the NFL, coaching tactics that broke weaker QBs like Hutchinson and Henson, and yet Romo never lost his smile or charisma and would even give the jabs back to Parcells while he was being tested. But he's been emotionally and spiritually defeated under the supposedly more "player friendly" coaching environment. It's a testament to how toxic, depressing and defeating the environment in the lockerroom has to be right now. The former gym rat who had to be kicked out of the facilities and would read biographies on football history in his free time doesn't even want to show up for work.

Good lord, that was good.
InmanRoshi;2593443 said:
That's sounds like good news ... in other words, no one will accuse Werder of making this up.

It sounds believable and it names the principals. It's news. We're all tired of the anonymous crap. Anyone can now say anything to anyone and it will then get another spin. It's taken on a life of its own.

Jerry needs to shut it down. Unless of course he's smackin' his lips and rubbin' his hands together jumping up and down for glee that Dallas is in the hearts and minds of all tonite.
khiladi;2592384 said:
What about choosing between Romo and Garrett?

Easy choice.......Romo.

I can find a new coach alot easier than finding a new QB. We went through 17 starting QBs between Aikman and Romo and wasted a decade in the process.

Romo, Witten, and Ware are the only "untouchables" on the team........even over the entire coaching staff.

There is also no way in hell Jerry flushes $70 million down the crapper.

I dont care if Romo is watching porn on his Ipod during team meetings, he is going to be the starter for at least the next 3-4 seasons REGARDLESS OF PERFORMANCE.
CrazyMonster;2592448 said:
Romo makes me sick.

I wish to God we didnt sign him. He is just not what a team needs at QB.

I thank God that we found Romo.

We would not even sniff 3 wins without Romo, seriously. Did you happen to watch any of the 3 games Romo missed???

We could barely make a freaking first down. I guess you guys dont remember the 17 starting QBs we trotted out there between Aikman and Romo..........we wasted a decade and were barely even competitive in the process.

If Romo is dogging it in practice and laughing at everybody in meetings, how did he get voted to the probowl as an alternate and was the #2 rated passer in the NFL behind Drew Brees at one point???

Romo must be dam good if he can put up numbers like that while dogging practice and laughing it up in the film room.

Either the reports are false or Romo is just playing off natural talent. Either way, I can win with Romo while I am not so sure about some other guys.
Dave_in-NC;2592897 said:
Because I think that is the start to get things repaired. Never liked the signing to begin with. It's turning out to end up exactly as I and some others thought it would.

can't wait for him to be gone.

And don't tease me like that agin you, you.:)

From the :30 to :60
All for you, DAVE!


Apollo Creed;2592449 said:
Owens style is better for a big armed QB, that can hit him once he outruns the coverage - Romo isn't that type of QB. Romo can improvise and give him time to get deep, but Romo's arm can't get it there (ala Ravens game).

So Owens thinks he's open a lot more than he realistically is with Romo's arm.

No knock against either, but teams smartened up and figured out how to erase 81 off the field by doubling him.

And teams figured out how to stop Tony Romo, blitz the hell out of him and he will fold - or our offensive line does, I'm still trying to figure this one out.

Maybe Romo doesnt have a cannon like Brett Farve, but this idea that he has a weak arm is just silly.

I went to practice at the Alamodome in San Antonio a couple of years ago and I watched Romo throw the ball 75 yards IN THE AIR on one play.

I saw it with my own eyes, so either his arm has gotten alot weaker for some unknown reason or the timing is off between him and the WRs.
DIAF;2592568 said:
God, this is exactly what I didnt want to read today. Also along with Mosley's chat wrap and column. As if I couldn't dislike Romo and TO even more...somehow, now I do. I agree with the guy earlier that wishes we had never signed Romo. This guy may be a good QB (sans December and playoffs), but the more I read about his attitude and his nonchalantness and now the stuff about him acting like he's an untouchable superstar and that he's somehow above his teammates makes me actively despise this little puke. I can't wait until the day he no longer wears the Star. God willing, it'll be sooner rather than later.

And Owens, god. If the cap difference between keeping and releasing him is indeed only 700k or so, *******it DO IT Jerry. If we can't get both these cancers off our team, at least get one of them the hell away from Dallas. If your QB and your star WR are both little ****s, its at least easier to live with your QB being a ****.

I no longer wish for this. Today's info has put me over the top. I want him gone. I don't care how it happens. The sooner we are done with Romo the better off the franchise will be in the long run.

So Romo is now a cancer???

I guess you guys want to go back to the days of 5-11 every season. We spent a decade going through 17 starting QBs trying to find a probowler to replace Aikman and once we do, he is now a cancer and has to go. I guess you guys want to spend the next 10 years going through another 17 QBs to find the next probowler............not me.

News flash......we dont even sniff 5 wins without Romo.
theebs;2592824 said:
I am not sure if anyone has talked about this, but Ed Werder was on with galloway at 5 and he said that romo and garret already had a meeting to clear the air between the two of them, they had it after the eagles game I guess.

Apparently ed said he was told garret and romo went in and watched game film together and garret and romo explained themselves to each other and garret pointed out the gameplan and the safeguards as ed said that were in place and that romo missed some calls.

So it is nice to know that romo and garret have worked things out.

This is the kind of stuff about romo and Garrett that falls through the cracks. Now i will admit I've been awfully hard on Garrett because i do believe he shares in the blame and needs to take ownership of some accountability, but it seems like he is also intent on correcting problems and moving forward. romo seems the same way, and I like that about these two. That's one thing you never hear about with T.O. and Crayton. All you hear from them was "me" and "i", shooting of the mouth, etc...
khiladi;2592384 said:
What about choosing between Romo and Garrett?

Yeah. Let's get rid of one of the best QBs in the game and keep a 35 year old malcontent...
Garrett or TO. Get rid of Romo? Really? Really?!
ScipioCowboy;2592309 said:
Posters are likely to argue over which player shoulders the greater onus of blame, but it seems the reality is this:

Yes, TO is a distraction, and he is eroding team chemistry.

Yes, Romo has poor practice habits, and seems unable to take criticism.

Both players are wrong. Neither one seems willing to change. Therefore, the Cowboys are doomed to failure.
I was never a big fan of predestination.
InmanRoshi;2592537 said:
I'm not saying Romo doesn't need to snap out of it and be kicked firmly in the rear, but don't you think TO screaming in his ear about how open he is is pretty much a never ending nightmare he has to endure 24/7/365? So this one time TO was right in the film room and makes a point to call out Romo in front of the entire team in the film sessions to prove some point (making Romo look bad in front of his teammates, the same teammates who are probably leaking that they're upset about everything that Romo supposedly gets away with), and Romo's just laughing to himself thinking "I could name 300 times you've said you were open when you weren't, but I'm sure you'll never bring that up in front of the team." The same exact way McNabb was just laughing at Owens when Owens was trailing him and berating him on the sidelines in Philly.

Obviously, Romo's body language suggests someone who is just beaten down and defeated by the whole situation, just like McNabb and Garcia were beaten down by it, to the point where he's pretty much just sick and apathetic to it all. Which is quite remarkable considering this is a guy who cut his teeth in the league with mean ole grouchy Parcells chewing his butt 24/7 to purposely groom him for the emotional grind it takes to be a QB in the NFL, coaching tactics that broke weaker QBs like Hutchinson and Henson, and yet Romo never lost his smile or charisma and would even give the jabs back to Parcells while he was being tested. But he's been emotionally and spiritually defeated under the supposedly more "player friendly" coaching environment. It's a testament to how toxic, depressing and defeating the environment in the lockerroom has to be right now. The former gym rat who had to be kicked out of the facilities and would read biographies on football history in his free time doesn't even want to show up for work.

dont know how accurate Watkins' "source" is...but It wouldnt suprise me that Romo and his hully gully crap is the main problem with the team.

He is the epitome of "celebrity QB" and he doesnt back it up on the field at the end of the season. I imagine teammates get tired of his philosophical lectures in press conferences also. You kinda want your QB to be a competitor.

btw, you dont sit out 3 important games with a bad pinkie unless you are a p****y...yea I know QBs need all of their fingers, but I guarantee you that Aikman wouldnt have missed those games.
another btw, if Romo had T.O.'s "bad attitude", the team would probably win more dont want a team of boy scouts, you want a team of fierce COMPETITORS, and Owens is that. If Owens' biggest fault is that he badly wants to win, then I will take 11 of them.
ZB9;2593558 said:
dont know how accurate Watkins' "source" is...but It wouldnt suprise me that Romo and his hully gully crap is the main problem with the team.

He is the epitome of "celebrity QB" and he doesnt back it up on the field at the end of the season. I imagine teammates get tired of his philosophical lectures in press conferences also. You kinda want your QB to be a competitor.

btw, you dont sit out 3 important games with a bad pinkie unless you are a p****y...yea I know QBs need all of their fingers, but I guarantee you that Aikman wouldnt have missed those games.

First of all, the pinkie was not broken. The joint where the pinkie connects to the had was fractured, BIG DIFFERENCE.

Secondly, Romo had to sit out to let the joint heal enough that he could then wear a protective splint. Brady Quinn tried to play with a similar injury and had to be placed on IR because he jacked it up even worse.

Third, a blind squirrel could see that the splint caused Romo's accuracy to be off, badly off.

Fourth, if our O-line actually played like they had balls, Romo would not have been tackled on every dam pass play against the Cards, thus resulting in the fracutured joint.

I hate to interject facts into your "Romo is a $%^^&" post, but I couldnt let obvious errors go uncorrected.
Beast_from_East;2593597 said:
First of all, the pinkie was not broken. The joint where the pinkie connects to the had was fractured, BIG DIFFERENCE.

Secondly, Romo had to sit out to let the joint heal enough that he could then wear a protective splint. Brady Quinn tried to play with a similar injury and had to be placed on IR because he jacked it up even worse.

Third, a blind squirrel could see that the splint caused Romo's accuracy to be off, badly off.

Fourth, if our O-line actually played like they had balls, Romo would not have been tackled on every dam pass play against the Cards, thus resulting in the fracutured joint.

I hate to interject facts into your "Romo is a $%^^&" post, but I couldnt let obvious errors go uncorrected.

Well THIS "blind squirrel"(ME) saw Romo connect with the offense BETTER with the splint then without. I saw this offense get worse when splint came off and when RW was brought in.

Fourth - If Romo would have run when it was there then teams would not ALWAYS know where to find Tom Brady-clone... I mean Romo.
ZB9;2593559 said:
another btw, if Romo had T.O.'s "bad attitude", the team would probably win more dont want a team of boy scouts, you want a team of fierce COMPETITORS, and Owens is that. If Owens' biggest fault is that he badly wants to win, then I will take 11 of them.

This really sounds more like guys just talking smack to me then anything, totally being blown out of proportion.

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